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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • DUShock and ShockBand -- I have, I hope, sent you a PM. Please let me know if you received it. Thanks.


    • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
      DUShock and ShockBand -- I have, I hope, sent you a PM. Please let me know if you received it. Thanks.
      I got it, I am at a lunch meeting but will follow up this afternoon. Thanks for the note!
      “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


      • Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
        I saw where there was damage at Jabara; WOW! I knew the community would come together to keep Marshall here, but to organize a wind tunnel to keep him from flying to Alabama today...pretty impressive! (Seriously, I hope no one was hurt)
        How ironic would it have been if the trip was still planned. A sign fo sure.
        Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


        • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
          "Maggie really didn't want to go and because of that, my wife put her heels down...Lynn put her heels down."

          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


          • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
            How ironic would it have been if the trip was still planned. A sign fo sure.
            I think somebody forgot to notify the peeps that Plan B wasn't needed any longer...


            • Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
              I think somebody forgot to notify the peeps that Plan B wasn't needed any longer...
              Hey, if you have the power, sometimes you show you have it. Even if you don't need to any more.


              • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                DUShock and ShockBand -- I have, I hope, sent you a PM. Please let me know if you received it. Thanks.
                I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything....


                • Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
                  I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove anything....
                  That's what you think. My peeps recorded some video of you that looks exactly what I think you look like. Film at 11.


                  • Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                    I saw where there was damage at Jabara; WOW! I knew the community would come together to keep Marshall here, but to organize a wind tunnel to keep him from flying to Alabama today...pretty impressive! (Seriously, I hope no one was hurt)
                    Funny, the big wind tunnel on campus went missing last night shortly after midnight...
                    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


                    • Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
                      Funny, the big wind tunnel on campus went missing last night shortly after midnight...
                      *walks away whistling*


                      • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                        3G was on Mike and Mike this morning. Did his usual stellar job. The one point he made that caught my attention was that the commitment he feels towards his current players and incoming recruits weighed heavily in his decision to stay. That comment did not surprise me although not sure I have heard him articulate it to that degree before.
                        What I have heard him articulate in the past is (1) that Fred stuck with us even though he had other opportunities elsewhere after committing, and (2) Fred and Ron played a very large role in him getting NCOY and everything that came with that.

                        If he decided to leave I always thought that would be an interesting conversation, particularly with Fred. Although knowing Fred, he would never change expression and think "it doesn't matter who the coach is, I'm dropping 7 dimes and getting 3 rips a game next year and we're going all the way".

                        Regardless of anything, good media play by Marshall to solidify himself from a recruiting standpoint.


                        • To be blunt, I expect Gregg Marshall to finish his career, and life, in Wichita.

                          Can't really elaborate, but this deal is absolutely incredible.


                          • Originally posted by The Coach View Post
                            To be blunt, I expect Gregg Marshall to finish his career, and life, in Wichita.

                            Can't really elaborate, but this deal is absolutely incredible.
                            Any timeline on a announcement?
                            Professional gas passer.


                            • Originally posted by blackandgold View Post
                              Any timeline on a announcement?
                              I'm feeling soooo good about all this right now I feel no rush to hear Part 2 until everyone's sure it's done right.


                              • Lots of contract t's to cross and i's to dot.

                                I don't think anyone will ever, ever talk about the real money part of this deal, though.

                                I would say, however, that this looks for all the world like a community support commitment unprecedented in college sports.


                                To the extent that it will elevate the Wichita State profile into ad hoc P5 status. People around the country who know all the details of this deal are going to view it as a game-changer.
                                Last edited by The Coach; April 3, 2015, 01:50 PM.

