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Shockers vs Braves GAME Thread

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  • One of the stats I saw at half time that was really interesting and not normal was that we had 8 turnovers at half, and Bradley only had 2 steals. Just mistakes on our part. Can't remember who just posted it, but about Gregg basically saying you play 5 games better than normal, 5 worse than normal, the other 20 are who you are. Perfect example of a game where it wasn't who the Shox normally are.

    Hoping the guys bounce back from this with a great performance this weekend. - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


    • The cliche - playing to not lose vs playing to win - popped in my mind last night. It just seemed like the Shox were trying to hold on and get out with a win versus playing like they did the first half when they took a big lead. It was good to see Ron and Fred hit free throws at the end - may be more pressure on hitting those when you're in a tight game where the loss would be consider a bad loss compared to a loss vs UNI.

      The last couple games we've had starters go cold on their shooting touch. Last night it was Tekele (3-11) and the previous game Ron. Not surprisingly they're the ones playing the most minutes each game, so hopefully it's not a sign of them getting worn down and having tired shooting legs. Hopefully it's more about confidence - Ron looked better last night - and the next couple home games will give them a boost. Hopefully too we can get big leads and leave Evan out there and let him shoot some to try to get his shot going. With big leads if he misses then it won't be as bad as during a close game. I wouldn't mind seeing Fred stay on the floor in the first half if he picks up two fouls just so he stays in the flow of the game. We seem to do okay without him though so maybe it's not a big deal.

      I agree with others that it would be nice to see a zone every so often. Not only would it throw other teams off at times, but it would help the bench players get time and see if they can produce on offense without having to play shaky defense, plus they would probably have the energy to do more trapping. Man-to-man can be a drain on some physically during the game with all the running after your man and fighting through screens, so a zone would give some guys a mini rest while on the court still.

      As far as when is the time to worry - for me that's still a few games away. Conference season is going to be a bear because the other teams and coaches know you too well and once one team beats you, the others take note and try to exploit you the same way. If you can still beat them though, even if it's by a small margin, one is still in good shape. I'm more worried about injuries and the starters being tired come March. We have a tough schedule coming up and I think the starters will be playing major minutes the rest of the month, so hopefully they have the endurance and conditioning to not be affected when we start playing back-to-back tournament games. Ideally we have several blowouts the rest of this month and they can get the rest.

      Finally, I think we need to be a little careful about comparing things to the Final Four year unless Ron sits the rest of the games this year and doesn't play again until March :) Having him available that year come March may have been the biggest reason for the Final Four run. Unless someone comes off the bench this year and turns a similar feat, then I'm not sure the comparison is valid. However, that someone may be sitting on the bench just waiting to break through - we'll see.


      • Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
        I think that everyone agreed that neither UConn or Butler deserved to win the championship after that game. At halftime Charles Barkley asked if we could give the title to someone else. That game was an insult to fans of the sport.
        This is the definition of realism, not hyperbole.


        • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
          Is that one of those 72 hour jobs you get from taking too much Cialis
          No, that would be known as the Boner of Doom.


          • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
            Some really ugly teams have won National Championships. NC State in '83, KU in '88, UConn with Kemba Walker. Not sayin the Shox look THAT ugly, or that we will wina NC. I am saying we need to chill, take one game at a time, and try to enjoy the season and watch this team grow...
            agreed. They give the championship trophy at the END of the season, not during. Look at our FF run season and our Perfect Season for proof. The only thing we are playing for now is improvement and MAYBE a good seed in the tourney.


            • On the post game show, Mike tried to throw a little love in Tevin's direction. Coach Marshall was quick to deflect the faint praise and with emphasis, he pointed out that Tevin failed to box out, during a free throw attempt.

              There just seems to be something that prevents Coach Marshall from giving an attaboy to Tevin.
              "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

              --Niels Bohr


              • And I don't care how ugly we look, I'd still find room in the case for a NC trophy this year! LOL!


                • Last night, Evan shot a free throw for the first time in 13 games, per Mike Kennedy. It almost seems impossible, when Evan's aggressivel play is considered.
                  "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                  --Niels Bohr


                  • Its been a very good season thus far despite our current struggles. My own opinion
                    going forward is that the only chance to go past the first round in March is to go
                    BIG on the frontline. I would start SM at center with RN and WB backing him up
                    encouraging them all to play aggressive defense. I'd start DC at a traditional PF
                    with RK as his backup. That's a five man rotation on the frontline. I'd then go
                    with a four man rotation on the perimeter ( FVV, RB, TC and EW ). After that I
                    would spot in TG and ZB when circumstances allowed it.


                    • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                      Last night, Evan shot a free throw for the first time in 13 games, per Mike Kennedy. It almost seems impossible, when Evan's aggressivel play is considered.
                      He's aggressive, but not aggressive offensively as it pertains to trying to get to the bucket. And I'm okay with that.
                      "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                      • Originally posted by pogo View Post
                        No, that would be known as the Boner of Doom.
                        I thought that was Bruce Weber's official title up at the Octagon.
               - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                        • Originally posted by Shock Therapy View Post
                          Seriously? I'm a firm believer that the numbers don't tell the whole story. I've said that several times. That's my main complaint against the sunshine pumpers.
                          Numbers don't tell the whole story just like passing the eye test doesn't tell the whole story, and I'm sure Paul Harvey isn't going to give us "the rest of the story" so where does that leave us? Need to keep believing that the team will find its stride and play like they have in some stretches.


                          • Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
                            Last night, Evan shot a free throw for the first time in 13 games, per Mike Kennedy. It almost seems impossible, when Evan's aggressivel play is considered.
                            It makes sense though, you have to have the ball to get fouls and you have to make offensive moves. Evan's Usage% is getting even worse as the season progresses meaning he's not utilized in the offense hardly at all. He was at 13% a month or so ago, he's now dropped to 10%. The only person lower than Wessel is Zach Bush at 9.51%. Next lowest above Evan is Wamukota at 13.66%.

                            There is a reason Evan is open all the time on the perimeter when he's in the game. The opposing team understands he's not being utilized in our offense at least with the ball.

                            editing to add some more stats: During the game last night, Evan played 21 minutes and had a Usage% of 6.8%. The only person lower than him that played was Kelly with a 6.5% and he only played 9 minutes. His efficiency rating was atrocious as well. He had an efficiency rating of 0.062. For example, Ron had a 0.356, Darius had 0.328 and Fred had 0.246. Tevin had 0.238 and Shaq a 0.219.
                   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                            • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                              It makes sense though, you have to have the ball to get fouls and you have to make offensive moves. Evan's Usage% is getting even worse as the season progresses meaning he's not utilized in the offense hardly at all. He was at 13% a month or so ago, he's now dropped to 10%. The only person lower than Wessel is Zach Bush at 9.51%. Next lowest above Evan is Wamukota at 13.66%.

                              There is a reason Evan is open all the time on the perimeter when he's in the game. The opposing team understands he's not being utilized in our offense at least with the ball.
                              Where are you getting these usage numbers from? Not saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious. Some fascinating numbers for sure.


                              • The number 6 and 7 players, Rashard and Zach, played 22 minutes in the aggregate. Neither shot the ball. Zach was 3-4 from the free throw line. Evan was 0-2, with both shots from 3.

                                I realize that I am about to receive an avalanche of criticism for what I am about to say, but it needs saying. The point production at the 4 position needs fixing.

                                On offense, the Shocks are almost playing 4 on 5. Yes, I realize there are other aspects to offense besides putting the ball in the hole.
                                "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                                --Niels Bohr

