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  • #16
    Next year we got Nurger n' Kelly with a year under their belt... And McDuffie and Hamilton coming in to back up...I really can't figure out bush and glasses role on the team... But that's a whole different topic...I don't think coach is done recruiting but I think a Juco big that can contribute is in dire need...


    • #17
      The most tired response on this forum "Quit comparing this team to last years team". Its not comparing when you are using it as an example. This team lacks a lot, inside play is the most glaring. I wont compare to last year, I will compare to 2006. Paul Miller was a good passer from the post and felt double teams well. Inside out basketball propelled WSU to the S16. Fair comparison? Maybe, maybe not. My point is this team has to at least act like the posts exist on the offensive end. Make an entry pass and see what Kelly does with it. If it doesn't go well...fine, but until you try, you don't know what you have.

      Its not rocket science, and its not comparing to last year, its simply pointing out the obvious weakness of this time. And what is wrong with comparing to perfection? Is that not what we as fans hope for? Or is it okay now to lose games and play like junk as this team has for the last month? Flame away, but go look yourself in the face and say that this team is elite.

      I will say this team has the POTENTIAL to be elite. But at this time, they are a long long ways from that.
      -Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind-

      GO SHOX!


      • #18
        Tend to agree with the 4 year year player concept, but there is certainly room for highly talented JUCO's and one or two year transfers. Less we forget or overlook so soon, three of our outstanding starters (Carl, Malcolm, and Cle) on the Final 4 team.

        We appear to be well equipped at the guard position with 4 year players, but anytime 3G can snag a 4 or 5 who has the potental to be another Carl or Cle, can there be any question what his decision would be? No, didn't think so.


        • #19
          Almost all of our recent bigs have been juco or transfers.


          • #20
            Originally posted by shocker22 View Post
            Almost all of our recent bigs have been juco or transfers.
            And all of them had fine SENIOR seasons.
            Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


            • #21
              Jucos and transfers offer you a bit more of a known quantity. HS big men are a crapshoot. Look at Shaq, JT Durley, heck, lets go back to the Turgeon days.. Ryan Bradley looked like a sure thing....until I watched a rebound come off the back board, go right between his outstretched hands and smack him in the face. 4yr bigs that aren't 'projects' and can have an immediate impact are few and far between...and on the occasion they do appear, they are usually wearing 'Kentucky, Duke or UNC' on their jersey for a year. If WSU can sustain the + momentum as a program we should start to see more 4yr bigs that have a higher probability of stepping in and contributing early in their career. Every coach not at a 'blue blood' program would prefer 4yr bigs that are of high quality...reality just doesn't align with those desires. Iowa is a great example with Woodbury, he's a nice player, but as a freshman wasn't all that much better than Nurger has been so far.

              To clarify, it seems we are discussing back to the basket, traditional 5 types. Rashard Kelly is a stretch big, and does not fit what I have assumed the type post player being discussed.
              -Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind-

              GO SHOX!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Slalomshocker View Post
                Jucos and transfers offer you a bit more of a known quantity. HS big men are a crapshoot. Look at Shaq, JT Durley, heck, lets go back to the Turgeon days.. Ryan Bradley looked like a sure thing....until I watched a rebound come off the back board, go right between his outstretched hands and smack him in the face. 4yr bigs that aren't 'projects' and can have an immediate impact are few and far between...and on the occasion they do appear, they are usually wearing 'Kentucky, Duke or UNC' on their jersey for a year. If WSU can sustain the + momentum as a program we should start to see more 4yr bigs that have a higher probability of stepping in and contributing early in their career. Every coach not at a 'blue blood' program would prefer 4yr bigs that are of high quality...reality just doesn't align with those desires. Iowa is a great example with Woodbury, he's a nice player, but as a freshman wasn't all that much better than Nurger has been so far.

                To clarify, it seems we are discussing back to the basket, traditional 5 types. Rashard Kelly is a stretch big, and does not fit what I have assumed the type post player being discussed.
                Stretch 4s are hard to come by, but in this present day and age, not as hard to come by as a true post (or Lunker to borrow a term from cold). We have stretch 4s in spades with Kelly, Nurger, Hamilton, as well as Brown, Wessel and McDuffie should Marshall want to play them with three guards. Now Kelly can absolutely become a true PF with wing skills, and Nurger can absolutely become a true center with range, but neither is there yet. Perhaps Hamilton can transition to the role of post player, but I'm skeptical. What we need is the development of Nurger next year (very possible) along with either Shaq or Bush (less likely).

                I would not be surprised to see Marshall and company sign a 6-8+ post, but I think we will look to the development of our current players. The biggest problem we have is that we are over-committed 2+ scholarships with three bigs at #11, 12, and 13 in the rotation. Should two of them leave to make room for the new players, we will again be thin in the front court. Even if they stay...still possibly thin on ability.
                Livin the dream


                • #23
                  Do we have a bigs coach? A coach who played 4 or 5 and can work with these guys on their back to the basket? Really need someone who can show these guys at least how to look like you want to score before kicking it out.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post
                    Do we have a bigs coach? A coach who played 4 or 5 and can work with these guys on their back to the basket? Really need someone who can show these guys at least how to look like you want to score before kicking it out.
                    This staff hasn't had a problem of developing big men in the past. Even if the majority of them were juco transfers.
                    "We can't win at home. We can't win on the road. As the general manager, I just can't figure out where else to play." -Pat Williams


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Slalomshocker View Post
                      Jucos and transfers offer you a bit more of a known quantity. HS big men are a crapshoot. Look at Shaq, JT Durley, heck, lets go back to the Turgeon days.. Ryan Bradley looked like a sure thing....until I watched a rebound come off the back board, go right between his outstretched hands and smack him in the face. 4yr bigs that aren't 'projects' and can have an immediate impact are few and far between...and on the occasion they do appear, they are usually wearing 'Kentucky, Duke or UNC' on their jersey for a year. If WSU can sustain the + momentum as a program we should start to see more 4yr bigs that have a higher probability of stepping in and contributing early in their career. Every coach not at a 'blue blood' program would prefer 4yr bigs that are of high quality...reality just doesn't align with those desires. Iowa is a great example with Woodbury, he's a nice player, but as a freshman wasn't all that much better than Nurger has been so far.

                      To clarify, it seems we are discussing back to the basket, traditional 5 types. Rashard Kelly is a stretch big, and does not fit what I have assumed the type post player being discussed.
                      Couldn't agree more, a Juco big man may only give us two years but they are far less of a gamble. The perfect scenario is a mix where you can have some instant help while having time to groom young talent.


                      • #26
                        Post Development

                        You folks apparently don't listen to the weekly Marshal coaches radio show on Mon nights at 6 PM on 1330 AM


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by xazshox View Post
                          You folks apparently don't listen to the weekly Marshal coaches radio show on Mon nights at 6 PM on 1330 AM
                          I've missed it. What has he said about the post game?
                          Livin the dream


                          • #28
                            Regarding Nurger. I understand that he needs to get bigger and stronger. I understand the need for him to hold his position and keep other guys from getting too deep on the block. However, it seems he's never on balance as a result of these wrestling matches. It hurts his rebounding it hurts his ability to receive passes and score. Maybe he should rely more on speed and quickness rather than WWE.
                            Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jpshocker View Post
                              This staff hasn't had a problem of developing big men in the past. Even if the majority of them were juco transfers.
                              We really do... We've just been able to mask our big men with really good guard play


                              • #30
                                Nurger definitly needs to get stronger, and it seems when he does post up it takes him awhile to gather himself and get his shot of, hence the otheir team ties him up or steals the ball. He really needs to hit the weights, I do like his quickness, he just needs to react and explode to the rim and do less thinking..I'm sure that will come with time and experience

