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2014-15 Media Love Thread

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  • Jim Rome leading off today with Rock Chalk Shockers.

    "Hail the New Big Brother"


    • Jim Rome giving it to the KU.


      • Fwiw I felt Graham from KU played with a mix of fire and talent. His facial expressions seemed to indicate that he was exaperated ge couldn't get his teammates to match his intensity.
        Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


        • Originally posted by jpshocker View Post
          Kansas City is in full meltdown mode. Listening to 610 is pretty funny right now. Now the folks up north are saying "you can't just play us once and call it good. If you want a series you should continue to stick with that and be willing to play ku regularly." Not that the series will ever happen, and who cares if it does now, but it's amazing how the sentiment has changed. Oh, and "there's no way HCGM will stick around now." Really? So going to the F4 or being undefeated last year is not near as good an accomplishment as beating ku? So THIS is the defining moment for the Shox? It's amazing how blind they are up north.

          I don't normally listen to 810 in the morning but I had to today. I don't know the names of the guys on The Border Patrol but one guy is obviously a KU fan it was amazing listening to him. I give him credit for admitting he is butt hurt. It cracks me up that his wife said she wished they had just lost to New Mexico State. He gave Marshall a lot of credit and said he would want him as a coach.

          But two things stuck out.

          1) He refused to give credit to WSU's talent. It was all about "experience" and "hustle" and things like that. He couldn't just say that we had more talented players on the court last night. (We did)
          2) He called Marshall a p rick. I love that so much. They said the same stuff about Coach K. Everyone else hates the winning coach. But he specifically said there apparently was an incident with Nate, one of the 810 reporters. Marshall can be a p rick sometimes because he suffers no fools. Like when my sarcasm was lost in a twitter question I had last year. He straight up made fun of me and without context I deserved it. He does the same thing to media members, including Bob Lutz, if he thinks they are being stupid.

          The other thing coming out of KC and nationally is how Marshall just has to be going to UT.


          • Jim Rome: Shockers put the "big brother in a full nelson and held their heads under water."


            • Rome read a tweet or an e-mail from some guy in Manhattan:
              Gregg Marshall stole Bill Self's toupee and is using it to polish his private jet.
              LOL. I assume a K-State fan.


              • Originally posted by jpshocker View Post
                Kansas City is in full meltdown mode. Listening to 610 is pretty funny right now. Now the folks up north are saying "you can't just play us once and call it good. If you want a series you should continue to stick with that and be willing to play ku regularly." Not that the series will ever happen, and who cares if it does now, but it's amazing how the sentiment has changed. Oh, and "there's no way HCGM will stick around now." Really? So going to the F4 or being undefeated last year is not near as good an accomplishment as beating ku? So THIS is the defining moment for the Shox? It's amazing how blind they are up north.
                I have to live here! I don't listen to local radio during basketball season for this very reason. Yesterday I was out getting food for the game and it was like I was in another universe - every where people wearing KU. KU, KU like robots. Newscasters were all being homers. Frank Boal was being a douchebag on Sport Sunday saying the Koch brothers funnel money to the program, blah, blah, blah. I thought Boal was going to get all political - like wealthy alumni don't spend money at KU. Wore my Final Four shirt to work to rub it in a few obnoxious co-workers faces. LOVING MONDAY!


                • Forgive me if I missed it, but shockernet is mentioned in a bleacher report article....

                  Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                  Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                  • The Shocks pretty much dominated the first 30 minutes on the Jim Rome show. A segment that Shocker fans would love and KU fans would loath.

                    Rome was effusive in his praise of the Shocks.


                    • picked up that KU Troll post on ShockerNet and even linked us

                      ol @capnkirk: beat me to it.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • Man, Jim Roam is reppin the Shocks like crazy today. I am telling you, he is a HCGM and WSU fan.
                        “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
                        -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


                        • Originally posted by KCShockerFan View Post
                          I have to live here! I don't listen to local radio during basketball season for this very reason. Yesterday I was out getting food for the game and it was like I was in another universe - every where people wearing KU. KU, KU like robots. Newscasters were all being homers. Frank Boal was being a douchebag on Sport Sunday saying the Koch brothers funnel money to the program, blah, blah, blah. I thought Boal was going to get all political - like wealthy alumni don't spend money at KU. Wore my Final Four shirt to work to rub it in a few obnoxious co-workers faces. LOVING MONDAY!
                          I love it man, good for you.
                          “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
                          -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


                          • That Keegan article is really good. "difference - ma"
                            (In reference to the post # 679)
                            If you take the high road, you won't find much traffic there . . .


                            • Jim Rome loves Gregg. Jim Rome loves the WSU story. I don't usually listen to Jim but happened to be in the truck so I turned him on. Caller John, singing "You don't want to go to war with the Shockers" was great. John, are you a SNer?
                              Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                              • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
                                Jim Rome loves Gregg. Jim Rome loves the WSU story. I don't usually listen to Jim but happened to be in the truck so I turned him on. Caller John, singing "You don't want to go to war with the Shockers" was great. John, are you a SNer?
                                I never listen to Rome, but thought I should today.......Rome said Marshall would never go to Indiana (lateral move) or Texas (football school).

