Just do it.
Whether you need to get a new hat, shirt or dry clean your lucky outfit, just do it. Get a baby sitter lined up, clear your schedule and get all the honeydos out of the way.
Season ticket holders, all of your tickets get used by real fans. Non-STH, rob the piggy bank, hit the ATM, steal from the vacation fund, check the sofa, have a garage sale. Whatever you need to do to get some money together and buy a GA ticket.
Students and faculty, it's a weekend, no excuses, no no-shows. I don't want to see 7 empty rows of the GA section. I want loud, consistent, near violent hell raising starting about 5pm and continuing until the good guys prevail.
These guys have poured out their guts trying to get over the hump of late. They are down, really down after the game last night. Saturday it's our turn to lift them back up and not allow them to come up short. This one's on us. We wear the consequences of our failures.
So, turn on your favorite song, watch Rocky, watch Rocky III, eat your favorite pregame meal, rub your lucky rabbit's foot, watch Matt beat CU, watch Mike beat KU, watch PJ beat UT, watch David beat Goliath, say a prayer, stand on your head.....I don't care what it takes....
These guys deserve, nay, demand our complete respect and our undying and heartfelt support Saturday.
Damnit, 1 time, just do it.
:wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu: :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:
Whether you need to get a new hat, shirt or dry clean your lucky outfit, just do it. Get a baby sitter lined up, clear your schedule and get all the honeydos out of the way.
Season ticket holders, all of your tickets get used by real fans. Non-STH, rob the piggy bank, hit the ATM, steal from the vacation fund, check the sofa, have a garage sale. Whatever you need to do to get some money together and buy a GA ticket.
Students and faculty, it's a weekend, no excuses, no no-shows. I don't want to see 7 empty rows of the GA section. I want loud, consistent, near violent hell raising starting about 5pm and continuing until the good guys prevail.
These guys have poured out their guts trying to get over the hump of late. They are down, really down after the game last night. Saturday it's our turn to lift them back up and not allow them to come up short. This one's on us. We wear the consequences of our failures.
So, turn on your favorite song, watch Rocky, watch Rocky III, eat your favorite pregame meal, rub your lucky rabbit's foot, watch Matt beat CU, watch Mike beat KU, watch PJ beat UT, watch David beat Goliath, say a prayer, stand on your head.....I don't care what it takes....
These guys deserve, nay, demand our complete respect and our undying and heartfelt support Saturday.
Damnit, 1 time, just do it.
:wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu: :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu: