Please dont shoot me for speaking my mind. This is what shockernet is for, to speak our minds about things we dont really know. But I have to say I am not sure we want Marshall back next year. The reason I say this is we look worse as the year goes on. I was under the impression that we would be a running team and I am yet to see it. We dont have a inbounds play at all, we dont look like we have an offence. Like I said dont be mad at me, just correct me please, this has takin a long time to say it but i am not sure about our future with him. I do love the guy and he is a genuine guy and he is honest. Please be nice to me, just having bad thoughts.
Transitition years are hard on everybody. Everybody's trying to get to know each other and it takes time to build a new team. For P.J, Matt, and Phil, I'm sure it was especially hard for them because Mark was their only coach for 3 three years and then Mark left and Coach came along with a scheme on out to do things, to relearn everything from scratch. By this time next year, I'm sure you'll embrace him more.
Transitition years are hard on everybody. Everybody's trying to get to know each other and it takes time to build a new team. For P.J, Matt, and Phil, I'm sure it was especially hard for them because Mark was their only coach for 3 three years and then Mark left and Coach came along with a scheme on out to do things, to relearn everything from scratch. By this time next year, I'm sure you'll embrace him more.