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Offical Tulsa game thread

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  • Originally posted by Anthroshock View Post
    I don't see how anyone can play basketball effectively the way the games are being called. Can't tell if you're coming or going.
    I agree in spades, especially when a player is driving and a defender is in the path of the driver. The defender is back peddling with arms raised straignt up. Lots of contact going on, but no foul.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

    --Niels Bohr


    • Originally posted by Ricky Bobby View Post
      The bandwagon of the naysayers would be overloaded with flamers proudly pointing out incorrect assumptions of the "sunshine pumpers." Ironically, they would probably be the same freaking posters, just on the "right" side of reality for that given point in time.
      You know I didn't think of any of this, so I'll humor you and cut loose as if we lost.

      Uh ... FVV, Baker and Early are OVERRATED pretty boys that can't finish a Happy Meal. If it weren't for riding on the coattails of Hall and Armstrong-stead-whatever, those suckers wouldn't sniff the NCAA tournament, much less a win in it. Sure they're averaging double digits in scoring, but over who? Tenn-uh-see effing State? Emporia effing State? What's up with all these State schools anyway -- obviously they suck harder than Sebelius at a meeting in the Oval Office.

      And would someone have the courtesy of telling Coleby he's reading the playbook upside down? HE KEEPS BOXING IN INSTEAD OF OUT!!!! That's when he decides to show up at all, instead of playing pat-a-cake with Carter on the bench. Well I'll give him some credit, he's one of the best 6'4" players in the Valley at least.

      Speaking of Carter -- what's he made of glass? We're only five games into the season, Mr. Fragile. Well we won't miss him anyway because he's taken on his favorite super hero's persona, the Invisible Man, when he's on the court anyway. Baby hook? He's lucky to draw iron with that limp-wristed, office-guy-shooting-wadded-up-paper-into-a-trash-can-and-missing-80%-of-the-time pirouette. Maybe if he threw on some leg warmers he'd get more elevation? I dunno.

      Did I mention Tennessee State scored 71 on us?!! WTF?!?! The only saving grace about that is "Red-White Scrimmage" put up 80 on Louisville. So it can even happen to reigning champions.

      And Tekele? Sure you got a sweet dunk. Sure you got a few steals. Sure you drew some charges in a season when those are rarer than John Robert Simons checking in at midcourt. Sure you changed the momentum for us early in the second half when we were playing even up. Actually, come think of it, I don't have a point. Want to take my wife on a date?

      Derail's last name ain't "Green" for nothin'.

      Wiggins? What'd you load that revolver with, blanks? 0 for 6 shooting? Well at least you made up for it and went 50% at the line. Nice shootin', Tex. Hey, I know a dude up in Lawrence that gives lessons to family members REAL CHEAP.

      And let's not forget about Wessel -- even if Manning instructed his players to. You started last season on a team that went to the Final Four, and you can't find the gumption to make it on to the pitch for more than 16 minutes per game? I've heard of achilles heal before, but achilles effing pinky finger? Why don't you sit with Carter and Bowles and give each other a good rub down, that'll fix you three right up. Heart condition my ass, show me some proof Bowles.

      71 points. Tennessee State. EFF!!

      I don't know why Bush isn't getting more time, what could possibly go wrong with putting a white guy from the Wichita area on the court? Well you can thank Craig Stevens for putting that thought out of HC3GM's head until ... I dunno ... FOREVER!

      Well there's always next year.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • Top 10 All-Time Post! Rackem'

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • we have a 3 guys in the front court that are all learning what it takes to be the man down low (I count Lufile in this group). There's a learning curve there and just count your blessings we're putting up W's during this period. I checked Carl Hall's stats his first 5 games at WSU and he average 5.8 pts and 7.4 rebounds. Not bad, but not like he was lighting the world on fire. Take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.


          • Kung:
            That was some funny shat...although it mimics a few on this board a little too eerily close.

            Last night I saw two things happen that really made me feel pretty good-at least for a while. I saw Evan shake off the rust from missing most of last year and turn into the maniacal hustling, rebounding and defensive pest that he was at the start of last year. This is huge for us...he simply can set the tone in the front court the way our back court studs do most of the time. Once he did that and CJ took a fall, the second thing happened: I actually saw CJ get a bit pissed and channel his energy into making the other team pay for their sins. Those two things together is what spurred our run because everyone else including FVV, TC and RB stepped it up a notch when they saw that behavior out of two guys who hadn't done much yet this year.

            Tulsa is talented....they have good one on one players and dribble drivers. They just have no concept of the "play angry" meaning yet.

            It's more than just a slogan....last night proved it for me.
            Last edited by shoxlax; November 21, 2013, 08:44 PM.


            • Originally posted by Ricky Bobby View Post
              Some of you guys are really acting like total dicks, and this thread has turned into nothing other than clinical proof of the power of crowd dynamics and the total and utter lack of individual critical thinking skills produced by such.

              We've been a flaky team so far this year. To argue otherwise is inane. If we had somehow not hit the go button in the second half yesterday and ended up losing, then this thread would be the mirror image of itself today. The bandwagon of the naysayers would be overloaded with flamers proudly pointing out incorrect assumptions of the "sunshine pumpers." Ironically, they would probably be the same freaking posters, just on the "right" side of reality for that given point in time. Thankfully, that loss didn't happen, but if you think what I just described would not have taken place then I have a sweet bridge to sell you.

              The performance of the Shocks this year has proven jack ****, save a for a few streaky periods. Until we get some semblance of consistency we are 50/50 for each game moving forward until we outgrow our "November-ness."

              And to think I'm normally on the side of the "sunshine pumpers."
              Come on Ricky. I too am/was a little concerned about our inside presence, or lack thereof. But despite that void, we still are beating teams by double-digits. I realize expectations and Top 15 rankings mean people are going to be extra critical and expect 30 point blowouts all of the time. However, it's not easy to win on the road. You take those W's no matter how you get them. No style points necessary. And if you've followed any basketball lately, I'm sure you've noticed there have not been a lot of perfect basketball by a lot of Top 25 teams this year, even at home.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • For those who went to the game, care to share a trip report? Particularly interested in the atmosphere in the stadium, how full, how up was their crowd, their students, how many Shocker fans there, etc.
                Shocker Nation, NYC


                • 65-70% full, good environment early from both sides, WSU crowd REALLY took over late. I mean stayed to the last dribble and showed up. Impressive, especially to our guys.

                  Good banter between TU students and some bench personnel. Probably shouldn't have been, but there was. Maybe 500 WSU fans?

                  Disclaimer: I was not in attendance. This is from a reliable source however.


                  • The Tulsa newspaper estimated that there were 1,000 Shocker fans at the game. I think the attendance was 5300 in a venue with a capacity of 8500 or so. I think our team got a little extra motivation when they were walking into the locker room at half and the student section was chanting overrated. The student section was pretty small in numbers.

                    ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


                    • That opposing fans are chanting overrated at little ol' WSU is music to my ears. Not only have we arrived but we're big time.
                      Last edited by Kung Wu; November 22, 2013, 09:13 AM.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • 2 Favorite moments from the game in the 2nd half. WSU shooting free throws in front of the WSU bench. (trying really hard not to say "we") Lufile has his hand raised to come out and he is GASSED. The look on his face was one of absolute exhaustion. He was trying to get someone to see him and Marshall kind of gave him a palms up shrug. Lufile looks down and then looks back at Marshall, waves him off and says "I got this." Couple more times up and down the court and it gets to the official time out. EVERY ONE of the other guys in the game immediately came to Lufile and gave him big love as he tried to get to a seat to get a blow. Same goes for the guys on the bench. Marsall had a huge grin on his face as he's looking at Lufile and gave him big love as well. If you didn't recognize the effort that Lufile had to give there, you need to watch the tape again. MUCH respect for that young man.

                        Other moment was the follow dunk by Tekele. The reaction by our crowd was great, but the reaction by most of the students in the Tulsa crowd was just as good. Most of them had their hands over their mouths with the same "ohhhhh" that our group just let out.

                        Nice to have an opponent within driving distance that sees the value in a non-con game with us.


                        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                          65-70% full, good environment early from both sides, WSU crowd REALLY took over late. I mean stayed to the last dribble and showed up. Impressive, especially to our guys.

                          Good banter between TU students and some bench personnel. Probably shouldn't have been, but there was. Maybe 500 WSU fans?

                          Disclaimer: I was not in attendance. This is from a reliable source however.
                          The TU trip was fun. They have a nice, if not overly large, arena.

                          I thought perhaps 600-700 WSU people there - certainly not 1000 as reported by the Tulsa paper. There were enough empty seats around the it was more like 60% capacity. Since the TU program is going through tough times, a large percentage of their fans are the older generation die-hards (think back to WSU during the lean years) who aren't very vocal. The WSU group could take command easily cheering for the Shocks.

                          Basketball Season Tix since '77-78 . . . . . . Baseball Season Tix since '88


                          • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
                            The Tulsa newspaper estimated that there were 1,000 Shocker fans at the game. I think the attendance was 5300 in a venue with a capacity of 8500 or so. I think our team got a little extra motivation when they were walking into the locker room at half and the student section was chanting overrated. The student section was pretty small in numbers.

                            Fixed your link.


                            • Lufile played his tail off this game. He had a post move that reminded me of Carl Hall midway thru the 2nd half. With his back to the basket he dribbled left then spun to his right - layed it in with an "and 1" - then sunk the free throw.

                              Wiggins shot wasn't falling but he played "hair on fire" defense the first half

                              Lufile and Wiggins have made major steps since last season.


                              • Lufile had to have just grabbed ahold of the starting position. It may be a rotating thing throughout the season, but he definitely has my attention.

                                I hope that effort he gave becomes the norm and he really shifts into overdrive from here on out.

