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MVC conference games

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  • Win tomorrow and WSU and Creighton will have already separated themselves from the rest of the league by two games only five games into conference play. That's not a bad thing at all in my mind. I could give a rats ass about the rest of the league. I don't care if the Valley gets 1, 2, 3 or 4 bids as long as WSU gets in that's all I care about. Just win.


    • Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
      Especially as little as he was being paid there. sWOMO had a bargain and fired him. They will be very hard pressed to find some one better and keep them for any time at all with as little as they pay.

      Maybe it is time for them to sell some more cows.
      It turns out a guy I knew (on the farm when I was growing up) did sell some cows twice. The second time, he was just selling imaginary cows. That didn't work out well. It seems that you can only sell cows once.

      In the days Barry was just outside the NCAA at-large invites and consistently in the top 4 in the league, he didn't seem to have any recruits from further away than Tulsa. His recruiting budget appears to have been a couple tankfuls of gas. To make matters worse, MSU's AD threw Barry under the bus by not giving him an extension of his $300K contract. That led to Barry's inability to sign anybody worth playing in the Valley, which gave MSU's AD the excuse he and the "fans" needed to launch Barry.

      MSU's cheap athletic department ensured Barry couldn't be successful. Now we have MSU fans who are "close to the athletic director" coming here and telling us how Hinson failed "with a capital F" at MSU. SIU now has a better coach than MSU can hope for in the next decade.
      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


      • Originally posted by KSUUWSU View Post
        SoW post move. Sets a screen then pins his guy down. Receives the the post pass and puts his head down for a big drop step to the basket. Most of the time the defender gives up after the drop step. With no help on defense it an easy layup. The pass happens quickly after the screen and pin as not letting the defender fight SoW off the block. His shot is usually low as he doesn't jump very high and he likes going left. I hope to God he tries this move multiple times as EO will be there to block his stuff every time! As for his face up move, he has good range and can hit. Why the hell people don't deny the hell out of him beats me.
        I like Tekele Cotton denying touches for SoW, with Orupke waiting in the wings to swat away any low altitude slop chucked up by Larry Bird...not!


        • Originally posted by shocks771 View Post
          Win tomorrow and WSU and Creighton will have already separated themselves from the rest of the league by two games only five games into conference play. That's not a bad thing at all in my mind. I could give a rats ass about the rest of the league. I don't care if the Valley gets 1, 2, 3 or 4 bids as long as WSU gets in that's all I care about. Just win.
          I'll take my chances with 1 or 2 conference losses, as long as they aren't to MSU and Evansville.


          • Originally posted by shocks771 View Post
            Win tomorrow and WSU and Creighton will have already separated themselves from the rest of the league by two games only five games into conference play. That's not a bad thing at all in my mind. I could give a rats ass about the rest of the league. I don't care if the Valley gets 1, 2, 3 or 4 bids as long as WSU gets in that's all I care about. Just win.
            Always better to be in a league that gets (at least) two teams in every year, 771 -- that way you have some margin for error in case you aren't Gonzaga and come up short in the conference tournament (see, for example, WSU and MSU in 2011 when InSt got hot in St. Louis).

            Also, note what happens tomorrow if WSU wins at Evansville (about which I'm hopeful, but not confident, by the way, considering how the Shocks have struggled the last two times out -- they may be wearing down a bit): the Shocks would move past Creighton in the RPI rankings, for what that's worth at this point.


            • Beating CU in RPI is worthless at this point. This is the time for victory, straight up victory! I will miss the game, Shocker fans. Bring it!


              • I'd just like to stop by and say how Shocked I am about tonights games. All of them. Are Creighton and WSU the only 2 consistent schools? I mean I know we arent perfectly consistent. But so far, ISU is the only consistent BAD team, and of course we didn't see that coming. Good lord. Screw this conference. I'm going to bed.


                • Originally posted by ShockerPhi View Post
                  I'd just like to stop by and say how Shocked I am about tonights games. All of them. Are Creighton and WSU the only 2 consistent schools? I mean I know we arent perfectly consistent. But so far, ISU is the only consistent BAD team, and of course we didn't see that coming. Good lord. Screw this conference. I'm going to bed.
                  We are spoiled. Most of us forget that it's hard to win on the road. The great majority of teams don't do it. Even Top 50 teams lose to teams on the road that they shouldn't. It'll probably happen to Creighton and us sometime this year. At least it usually does to most teams.


                  • UNI hanging in there in Gomerha, down 33-28 with under 3 minutes left in the first half.

                    SIU up 28-27 in Peoria over Bradley with little time left in the first.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Creighton's game is on ESPN3. You got to guard the Bluejays outside the arc.
                      In the fast lane


                      • [QUOTE=WuDrWu;358905]The Valley of Cannibalism is in full force this season. Could there end up being only 2 top 100 teams? What a disaster that would be.....

                        As of Monday there were five, as Kennedy mentioned on the Coach's show. Cu 20, WSU 22, ISUb 41, EU 77, UNI 95
                        Shocker Nation, NYC


                        • Creighton up at half 37-32.
                          In the fast lane


                          • SIU up at half 35-34.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • Surprised UNI is that close, and they did have a pretty good lead at one point. Creighton is shooting better though (6-8 from 3). I don't expect UNI to win, and I don't even think I want them to all that much. Hopefully the game is interesting in the second half though.


                              • Gotta love the overall-wearing hick clowns. Boy, those are some major goons. Fits the school/city well.
                                Deuces Valley.
                                ... No really, deuces.
                                "Enjoy the ride."

                                - a smart man

