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  • #61
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    I get it. I hate KU, too. I would love nothing more than for my beloved Shockers to beat those conceited, a-hole douche nozzles. It would awesome.

    The fact is, that we are in no position to approach them as equals, and as far as tradition and all, highly unlikely that we ever will be. The best we can ever hope to be, is the situation between Louisville and Kentucky. Louisville is freaking great, and guess what, Kentucky is still the king of the roost there, and always will be. We are both Kansas schools... Big whoop. Do we as WSU fans feel any loyalty to KU because we are both KS schools? I don't. Why should they? We are all separate institutions and can run our programs as we see fit, and that includes scheduling.

    KU does what they want, they've earned the right to do what they want. Good for them. Our best move is to give them a call every year, ask them if they want to play a game, if there is interest, work to make it happen. If not, say thank you and move on.
    I don't think anyone is necessarily asking for equal scheduling. I understand the fact that KU may want a game in Lawrence and KC to get a game with us at IBA. I'd easily accept that one. Or a one-time game in KC. But the fact is, KU won't even entertain those reasonable possibilities. WSU's NCAA success has been limited lately, but the overall path of the program has elevated to quite a stature since Turgeon took over and even more so since Marshall has taken over. We aren't an RPI-dragging sack of manure like a Missouri State is. We would be a quality win for them this year, certainly better than an Oregon State - who played them at the Sprint Center this year.

    Again though, nothing is about the good of the game game or state anymore.
    Deuces Valley.
    ... No really, deuces.
    "Enjoy the ride."

    - a smart man


    • #62
      Originally posted by LuskingforGuttin View Post
      I'm glad you mentioned this. Most Missouri State fans are indifferent to playing MethZoo. We wouldn't lower ourselves by begging them to play us. Someday when our great play merits, they won't be able to say no to us.

      I am impressed with the fact that many of your fans have that mindset and have differed from the original poster.
      That one day passed in 2011. I went over to your boards. You guys had multiple threads about how Mizzou treats you like little brother and you guys were all bitching about it, so don't EVEN come here and act like you're better than us. It's been a while since WSU was a big RPI hit. I don't know if we've ever been as bad as 330th rated in the country. You're just another SEMO or UMKC now that Mizzou would love to buy.
      Deuces Valley.
      ... No really, deuces.
      "Enjoy the ride."

      - a smart man


      • #63
        I suggest an every other year for WSU vs KU and WSU vs. KSU in IBA and Sprint in alternate years. No campus.

        Kansas is a state with 3 million folks and only three Division 1 schools. It makes sense to play.


        • #64
          Amen. I don't think it's Marshall throwing cold water on this idea. I think he's proven that he'll play anyone, anywhere...and win.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Capitol Shock II View Post
            Really my point is, the game would be an absolutely great benefit to the City of Wichita and Old Town. Really, it doesn't matter to me if it's KU or KState, it would be a blast.

            I just think that if KU really had the interest of the State at heart, they would play here, at Intrust. They might win a few people over by doing it. I've read more than a few idiotic posts in my opinion in this thread. For example, what has Gregg Marshall done to help the City of Lawrence. Really?

            Self gets his paycheck from the State, he ought to be willing to help the State, by virtue of helping the City of Wichita, generate a boost in economic activity where it is needed most right now. But he won't because Self is Selfish. Is it hypocritical to take a huge paycheck from the State but refuse to help generate revenue and interest for the State?

            Self's Assist foundation has raised and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to groups, organizations, and programs around the state, including Wichita.


            • #66
              Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
              I think KU/Duke would sell out intrust.
              Didn't the K-State/West Virginia game at Intrust have a pretty good attendance?


              • #67
                Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
                Didn't the K-State/West Virginia game at Intrust have a pretty good attendance?
                I believe it sold out. Listed attendance was 15,004.
                The mountains are calling, and I must go.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Capitol Shock II View Post
                  Bill Self says he won't play WSU because he has nothing to gain by playing the Shocks. Can somebody tell me what KU gains by playing SEMO, Chattanoga, Richmond or American University?

                  Can you imagine what Old Town would look like for a weekend if KU would agree to play WSU at 1pm on a Sunday in November? It would be great for fans of both teams but huge for the City of Wichita. Too bad Self won't put his own selfish interests aside and help the community that he likes to cherry pick recruits from. Can you imagine how crazy the environment would be for that game?

                  How's that for gratitude? Time to "Man-up" Self and help our city.

                  Note to Lutz and Suellentrop, why don't either of you guys beat this drum?
                  When did HCBS say that?
                  I don't think KU has a problem playing WSU at Allen, KC or even perhaps IBA. I don't think they'd want to play at Koch due to the size of Koch and the payout KU would receive in contrast to them playing at home.
                  I would love to see 1:1 at Allen and IBA. I do think KU owes it to their Alums in southern Kansas. I do expect them to play in Wichita within the the next 2-3 years (home games for Ellis/Frankamp) and hopefully against the Shox.


                  • #69
                    I remember 3G saying Bill told him he wouldn't play him at Wintrop and certainly wouldn't play him at WSU. I believe he was referring to a time they got together right after Marshall came to Wichita. The statement was made on a radio show a long time ago. They certainly sounded like friends however and maybe that could change someday.
                    In the fast lane


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                      When did HCBS say that?
                      I don't think KU has a problem playing WSU at Allen, KC or even perhaps IBA. I don't think they'd want to play at Koch due to the size of Koch and the payout KU would receive in contrast to them playing at home.
                      I would love to see 1:1 at Allen and IBA. I do think KU owes it to their Alums in southern Kansas. I do expect them to play in Wichita within the the next 2-3 years (home games for Ellis/Frankamp) and hopefully against the Shox.
                      I'd say that with your first statement, you have on your "crimson" colored glasses. As for your second statement, you are correct except that I have a strong feeling that it won't be against the Shockers.

