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Impressions from the game (Howard):

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Shocker91 View Post
    Thank you. Couldn't have said it better. Consistently frustrated with the Baker/Wessel malcontents who have no basis for said frustration.
    Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
    If alike, you mean excellent defenders, threat from deep, physically tough and don't mind mixing it up, take care of the ball (Baker's 3 TO's tonight not withstanding), can score, high BBIQ...I will take that together on the floor at the same time any day.
    Definitely not a Baker/Wessel malcontent. However, and as I said it may have been due to Mal not being there, with both in there against the zone, we lacked a penetrator. It is actually all the pluses you list @SHOXMVC: to why I'd like to see at least one of them on the floor at all times.

    As for playing time, Wiggins will get better, he has a high ceiling, and will take up some of the others minutes. Also, DWill sent out a message tonight that he is seeking more playing time.

    And whats with the ragging on me @SHOXMVC:? ;) While you were out watching a movie I took up your banner regarding EO and Cold still hasn't responded to it.


    • #47
      I'm no malcontent either. Fine with whoever plays as long as we win. I just see a big upside in Wiggy
      Last edited by shoxlax; November 18, 2012, 12:54 AM.


      • #48
        I didn't realize we had Baker, Wessel malcontents. Thinking Wiggins is going to be good and have increased minutes doesn't make you that.
        In the fast lane


        • #49
          I did notice that Baker and Wessel mostly passed the ball around rather than attack the zone defense. You can beat a zone with three point shooting, penetration, etc. I didn't see a lot of that last night.
          Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
          Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.


          • #50
            Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
            And whats with the ragging on me @SHOXMVC:? ;) While you were out watching a movie I took up your banner regarding EO and Cold still hasn't responded to it.
            Yea, I saw that. First of all, forgive me.. My daughter gets married in 6 day and writing checks left and right is leaving me a little grouchy.

            Second, Cold is going to add you to the dinner guest list at Crow' s Landing if you're not carefully. I thought I would take the high road on EO this week, although he will have better match ups to shine somewhere in the future I'm sure.


            • #51
              I'm with trop. Wiggins has a higher ceiling. If/when Nick gets more minutes, it's a good sign because it means he is outplaying Wessel, or at least playing better. The extra offensive dimension of Nick's game will improve the offensive output of this team. I have no issue with Wessel's play.
              Livin the dream


              • #52
                The other way for Wiggins to get more minutes would be for Cotton to play more 2, and DW to play more 1.


                • #53
                  True. Bottom line is that the players that give us the best chance to win will be on the court. I want Wiggins and Lufile to push for more minutes.

                  I will say this: We have 12 guys on the roster that are eligible this year. We have 12 guys that I am excited to see when they get on the court. All of them bring talent and desire and want to be part of the team. It's just going to take a little while for them all to get on the same page at the same time.
                  Livin the dream


                  • #54
                    DW was recovering from surgery or likely would have been getting more minutes from the get-go. We have a lot of talent at the 1/2 spots, and coach will figure out what works best. He could start MA/DW together if he wants the most experience (which he usually does). That would leave 2 freshman coming off the bench. He may stick with 1 sr and 1 fr together and sub them in, so there is always experiene in the lineup (and it may vary with the opponents or type of opponents throughout the year).

                    The good thing is having all of these options available. The same with Wiggins. When he finally does "get it," he may start or he may not. It's good to have that firepower off the bench when he does "get it." He is not completely there.

                    Hopefully, it will all come together towartds the middle of valle play for a strong finish. Coach is doing a LOT of teaching (physical and mental) right now. The finished product could be special.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Shocker91 View Post
                      Not a chance in the world. Not one. You (and the rest of the Wiggins backers) are nuts.
                      Señor Rio: (Looking sad)

                      Señora Rio: Why so sad, honey?

                      Señor Rio: Soy loco en mi cabeza.
                      "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                      --Niels Bohr


                      • #56
                        Wiggins will get more minutes. I just don't see him getting more minutes than Wessel. At least for awhile. Evan does too many things the right way and Wiggins still has a lot of learning to do.
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                        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                        • #57
                          The way I view the Wessel wiggins deal is that Wessel has done an absolutely fantastic job of setting the bar high. He follows the system, plays d, hits threes, and rebounds. It's easy to assume his overall ceiling may not be as high as wiggins and wiggins probably has a better overall scoring touch. Well if Wessel continues to set the bar high for consistent well rounded play, it will force wiggins to match him. I think wiggins will only overtake Wessel if he becomes phenomenally good because Wessel will hold him off until the overall stuff becomes equal and all that is left is the talent for every kind of scoring, which is where wiggins has Wessel beat. Wessel will force wiggins to be amazing. It will happen and I'm looking forward to it. I just think it will be next year or late this year.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by newshock1234 View Post
                            didnt get to listen to the post game show, what happened to Malcom?
                            Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                            Feeling under the weather.
                            Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
                            Not feeling well. Marshall appeared perplexed wit Mal's lack of desire to play.
                            Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                            I don't know Mal from spit, but I would give the benefit of the doubt to the one feeling under the weather.
                            Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                            No fever, but didn't feel like playing.
                            Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                            He didn't sit out a year to be put under a microscope about not playing a game because he was sick. I would think because of that, if he thought he could be an asset in this game (regardless of the opponent), he would play.
                            Originally posted by wufan View Post
                            I'm with you MVC, but Marshall thought he was sandbagging. HCGM felt that Mal was resting to be healthy for Depaul and Iowa. I think Gregg wants to be the one deciding how much rest he needs.
                            Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                            Again, I don't know anything about Mal. We are not in his shoes. If he says he is sick...he is sick. Until some other situation happens that brings us back to his toughness, or tolerability, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
                            MA said this after the VCU game:
                            “He backed up a lot, so I gave him a hesitation, which he bit for, and I rose up,” Armstead said. “I’m tired, I’m sick, but I feel good though.”
                            In the Wichita fish wrap:
                            "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.


                            • #59
                              So when you're sick, you feel the same degree of bad every day your sick?

                              Have you ever started to feel better, then regressed? It has happened in the history of mankind.

                              No one knows the details. Either way, Armstead will be ready for Cancun...who wouldn''s Cancun. It would make me feel better.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                                Yea, I don't know **** apparently like you arse does, huh. Make judgements? Just an opinion. FYI, this is a fan forum. You know, where you give opinions, judgements, etc...You have apparently heard from just the coach...not Mal. If Mal comes out tomorrow or the next day and says "My bad judgement...I should have sucked it up and played more," than so be it. Until then I stand by my OPINION
                                Sorry, I didn't need to state it quite like that. I'm sure that you are a very smart man. :)

                                I just think that Marshall knows what he's doing. He is pushing buttons to get this team to play harder and be tougher. I don't think that MA is not the only player that his comments were pointed at. I will add that the quotes in the paper this morning from DWill and EW show that the message was received to some extent. This is the time of year when he builds his team. He will use playing time, cajoling, getting in someone's face, locker room rants, one on one meetings (although when he does this, it only gets the message to one player and he likes to improve all of his team), public criticism, practically everything (except I've never seen him physically grab a player) to get his message across and his players to play better. Right now, he wants his young inexperienced team to value every possession and every bad or good opponent and play perfect when they are ahead and when they are behind.

