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Shocker Madness set For October 25th

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  • Shocker Madness set For October 25th

    Paul Suellentrop just tweeted Shocker Madness is set for October 25th. More details to come later.

    Reviewing the best establishments and restaurants in Wichita

  • #2
    I forgot the reason that it's on a Thursday again. Can someone remind me? I always liked having it on Saturday night..


    • #3
      Maybe this year they will try a little harder at making it a real event. I love the way Marshall has had scrimmages because I want to see some basketball, but I hope the athletic department will do a little more to make it look like anyone other than Marshall put an ounce of time into the event. I will be there...and as fired up as ever, but I hope it is a little more organized and planned on the front end. After all, this is a pretty big time program these days :)


      • #4
        I'm shocked we have been given this much advance on it. Last year I think they officially announced it about a week before it happened.

        Kinda strange it's 10 days after official practice begins.. Normally, it's closer to that October 15th date.

        I don't understand the Saturday situation too. The Thunder hockey team plays Friday and Saturday nights October 19th and 20th and Carrie Underwood is in town Saturday the 27th. That could be the reason why they avoided those dates.

        I too hope it's not amateur hour like it's been the last couple of years. But knowing this athletic department, I wouldn't bet on anything different with promoting event or making it an organized event. I'm personally just there for the basketball anyways, but I'd like to see a better turnout, especially considering it doesn't cost anybody a dime - something Wichitans normally cash in on.
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • #5
          I think less is more when it comes to this event. My perfect night would be a very short introduction to the players and coaches, followed by a full scrimmage. Leave the cheese to other schools.


          • #6
            This year’s Worldwide Premier of the "WSU's 2012-13 Non-Conference Preview" (as a reference point here is last season's -- video will be made available 48 hours before Shocker Madness at 7:05 pm on October 23rd. We have finished the following: Title, Introduction, Theme Music, and Plot. We are still working on the ending.

            In addition, and to help you figure out where we are going with our video production with the festus for the rest-of-us, we will create three clues over the next several weeks. And the counting of those clues shall be three and three shall be the counting of those clues.

            September 18th Clue #1 - Title – “D _ _ _ _ S*_ _ V _R*_ _E” (three words)

            I am telling you now, we are going to have another great season.

            So saith "The WuShock Reaper"
            Last edited by WuShock Reaper; September 20, 2012, 02:58 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by proshox View Post
              I think less is more when it comes to this event. My perfect night would be a very short introduction to the players and coaches, followed by a full scrimmage. Leave the cheese to other schools.
              That "cheese" is something that can be fun and make for a great night of entertainment and increase attendance and would allow 3G to really use it as a recruiting tool. The way it has been lately, I almost cringe if a recruit is in the house.
              Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
              RIP Guy Always A Shocker
              Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
              ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
              Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
              Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


              • #8
                My guess is that if 3G wanted more cheese he would get more cheese. This time of year the big focus is on Rockin' the Roundhouse. You can get all the cheese you want at that event. Tickets are only a $100 per (unless you want to go the VIP route in which case they are $175 per).

                They have tried a few different approaches over the years with Shocker Madness but regardless what they do attendance hangs around 4,000 mark most years.

                I enjoy hanging out with my fellow Hoi Polloi at Shocker Madness and getting a brief intro to the Shocker Men's and Women's teams. I don't think 3G relies on Shocker Madness as a big recruiting tool. 3G has to pick and choose where he wants to spend his recruiting budget and apparently there are other areas that he feels are more important than Shocker Madness.


                • #9
                  If I feel embarrassed (again) to have brought guests to Shocker Madness, the AD's head needs to roll. This is our premiere athletic program and it should smell of success every second a fan is in that building.




                  • #10
                    I don't take anyone to Shocker Madness. My brother went once....
                    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                    • #11
                      I was hoping this year they would change the name of the event to Shocker Gladness. Cause everybody is glad to see the Shockers in person for their first time but there isn't much madness to the event.

                      Reviewing the best establishments and restaurants in Wichita


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
                        I don't take anyone to Shocker Madness. My brother went once....
                        Coach Marshall brought a top recruit in once. ONCE.


                        • #13
                          Just think about it for a minute. There is no basketball or baseball going on. It's basically the off-season for the athletic department and has been for the last 6 months. Shocker Madness is the first major event of our most major sport.. the sport that pays for our AD's six figure salary. Almost every one of us on here could put together a better Shocker Madness production than we've seen recently and for basically zero extra cost. What is wrong with this picture?




                          • #14
                            Shocker madness should leave me:
                            1. Educated about our team because of the scrimmage play (which is most important to me by a long shot)

                            and 2. FREAKING HYPED UP!...Kick off the season with a bang.

                            I will enjoy myself enough just watching them play because basketball is really all I need, but man, it would be nice to have it look like a planned event just for the fun of it. If its not going to be like that, then stop calling it madness. Call it shocker basketball sneak peak or something.

                            Give me something memorable beyond the basketball and it becomes a real event. The last Shocker madnesses that I can even recall are the ones where we had the red carpet entrances and the amped up introductions of our teams (Ramon Clemente days)...and I don't think I've missed one since 2002. It only takes an extra couple minutes or so, and it adds a lot to the hype. Its obviously not "important" but I think it does have some significance somewhere in there.


                            • #15
                              My guess is that 3G has pretty much total control over how his recruiting budget is spent and, accordingly, is the primary decision maker behind what kind of resources are directed to Shocker Madness. I would be quite surprised if that was not the case.

                              Now whether or not his recruiting budget is big enough is another question. If he didn't think it was adequate he probably would have flown the coop by now.

                              How much do Shockernetter's think we could charge for Shocker Madness to raise funds to underwrite more cheese? Maybe we should just sell reserved tickets at $15 bucks a pop for the lower bowl and GA tickets at $8 bucks a pop for the upper bowl during the previous season and set that aside to be spent on the next year's Shocker Madness giving plenty of time to plan it and put it together.
                              Last edited by 1972Shocker; September 20, 2012, 09:56 PM.

