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Who Has Time To Work - NCAA Tournament Talk

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  • ShockerPrez
    I think I'm rooting for Whale's Vagina State, then FAU, Miami, UCONN.

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  • Shock Top
    That might be enough to actually tempt me to root for UCONN

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  • MoValley John
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    That BJ loss had to sting a tad. lol
    Not really. The way they played leading into the tourney, I was surprised they beat anyone. I'm not an alum and gave up season tickets several years ago when they got too expensive. I still go to two or three games, but I've never been the guy that got upset about the success, or lack thereof, of things completely out of my control.

    Then again, I'm the guy that wouldn't spend $350 on a new bat for my sons every year. And I didn't travel with them, either. I don't get people that lose their sh!t over sports. I love sports, but it has next to zero effect on me. I do, however, love to stick a knife in the side and twist a little, everyone that does get bent out of shape over a ball game.

    Now if you really want to see insufferable, check out the Phog. A bunch of people griping about UConn possibly getting one more natty than the Jayhawks, griping because of a lack of "bluebloods" in the final four surely is ruining their tourney. They are opining that there won't be any fans in Houston and since Kansas and the other "bluebloods" are out, ratings surely will suck. Those are the type of people I like to troll. And Missouri State fans.

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  • ShockerFever
    That BJ loss had to sting a tad. lol

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  • MoValley John
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post

    If you thought that was some sort of endorsement of Isaac Brown or a slam on Gregg Marshall, you are sadly mistaken.

    My point, if you read more closely, was that Snyder didn’t seem to treat people within his program well. It is reflected in his former players’ attitudes. You should not strive to have a coach who can challenge players without mistreating them. From what I have been told, that was the case with Snyder and that’s what I was addressing.
    There is a fine balance between the nice guy and the a-hole that players hate once they are gone. I don't live in Kansas and have never heard a bad word spoken of Snyder, but I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if those that had bad feelings toward him are a minority.

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  • Kel Varnsen
    Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

    On the other hand, you could always get a nice players coach..Oh wait.....that didn't work to well.
    My best coach was a tough ass dude that made everyone tow the line or pay the price for crossing it. One day after we were out rebounded, but won the game, he told us to put on our run gear. When the guys started putting on sweats, he said to get them off, we would be running in shorts and tee shirts, and we did. Don't remember the temperature, but there was I ice in the puddles along the road.

    Best and most appreciated coach I ever had, and most all of our team felt that way. Players, like children, want discipline and structure. They also want to be developed.
    If you thought that was some sort of endorsement of Isaac Brown or a slam on Gregg Marshall, you are sadly mistaken.

    My point, if you read more closely, was that Snyder didn’t seem to treat people within his program well. It is reflected in his former players’ attitudes. You should not strive to have a coach who can challenge players without mistreating them. From what I have been told, that was the case with Snyder and that’s what I was addressing.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post

    That’s not how college sports work, especially in 2023. That may be the way you want it to work or the way you grew up with it working, but especially in this day and age, if you have a bunch of former players calling you Satan (or having a sentiment like that), you won’t last long because players won’t want to play for you. And who could blame them?
    On the other hand, you could always get a nice players coach..Oh wait.....that didn't work to well.
    My best coach was a tough ass dude that made everyone tow the line or pay the price for crossing it. One day after we were out rebounded, but won the game, he told us to put on our run gear. When the guys started putting on sweats, he said to get them off, we would be running in shorts and tee shirts, and we did. Don't remember the temperature, but there was I ice in the puddles along the road.

    Best and most appreciated coach I ever had, and most all of our team felt that way. Players, like children, want discipline and structure. They also want to be developed.

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  • Kel Varnsen
    Originally posted by Ashockalypse View Post

    All great coaches are Satan. The sooner our our Athletic Dept. settles into this orientation, the more successful we can remain and we won’t have to endure another dismissal of Coaching legend as we now have had to do on multiple occasions.
    That’s not how college sports work, especially in 2023. That may be the way you want it to work or the way you grew up with it working, but especially in this day and age, if you have a bunch of former players calling you Satan (or having a sentiment like that), you won’t last long because players won’t want to play for you. And who could blame them?

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  • Regul8te
    Originally posted by Ashockalypse View Post

    Spoken like a true buzzard fan.
    What really? I don’t know that anyone dislikes ku more than me. Like deep rooted issues that probably need therapy to help get over…. Except I don’t want to get over it.

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  • Ashockalypse
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post

    I will second this as I’ve heard former players refer to Snyder as Satan.
    All great coaches are Satan. The sooner our our Athletic Dept. settles into this orientation, the more successful we can remain and we won’t have to endure another dismissal of Coaching legend as we now have had to do on multiple occasions.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
    Horns down.
    Hey now, I'm a UT football fan, and this is a warning that the horns down comment could soon land you in a Texas prison. Just a warning.

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  • Ashockalypse
    Originally posted by Regul8te View Post

    I get the sentiment but I don’t think it works that way.
    Spoken like a true buzzard fan.

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  • Atxshoxfan
    Oops, accidentally hit a button on my phone, I guess.

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  • Husker4Shockers
    Wow; Texas really gift wrapped that game to Miami! They had it locked up until they didn't.

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  • Eric
    Not the first time I have heard these stories.

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