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Who on here hasn't watched a single NCAA game since we lost?

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  • Who on here hasn't watched a single NCAA game since we lost?

    I know I haven't.



  • #2
    I have, but have taken a signifcant less interest in the tournament and college bball overall. Before the WSU game I watched espn all day for coverage and press conferences leading up to the dance lol


    • #3
      I still watch as much as I can. Watched Colorado's games. Watched the VCU v Indiana game. That's about it. - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


      • #4
        I watched KU win.

        I watched CU lose.

        I had several other games on as background noise, but don't really remember them.


        • #5
          What games?

          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • #6
            After the second consecutive offensive foul was called against us (one of which was complete and utter B.S.), I walked away from the game and barely looked at it again. I knew we were in for an uphill battle against multiple adversaries.

            When the loss finally settled in, the taste left was so bitter I had absolutely no interest in following another game. I would have bet the farm (I'm glad I didn't) that we would have at least reached the Sweet Sixteen. It will take me until the start of next season to even be able to think about college basketball again. Why is it that our basketball program seems to just love to crush a man's soul? Who's the "Jonah" that we need to toss off this ship? Was Henry Levitt Arena built on a burial ground.. a referee burial ground? Did Jesus really want GS to come to Wichita State?




            • #7
              Watched creighton get smoked, watched the last 5 min of the ku game, that's about it for me


              • #8
                Too bitter to watch anything...only watched the CU game


                • #9
                  zero.. zip.. nada.. 'same as most everybody else.

                  I was counting on Wichita State to show the country how an efficent offense is supposed to go. Ouch... Now we're left with **** offenses to watch.
                  Last edited by another shocker; March 21, 2012, 03:13 PM.


                  • #10
                    Only watched the two Cu games. Did watch UNI and Illinois the NIT. I also watched parts of a few of the other NIT games (really more like background noise as I did other things). That has been it. I doubt if I watch any more of either tournament. I have lost all interest.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                      I know I haven't.


                      You haven't been on here since we've lost. Have you packed up all of your Shocker apparel into boxes for the year after the very disappointing and failure of a season?
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • #12
                        I've kept up with quite a few games. I still love basketball, but I still am very sad to see these teams playing in the 2nd round and we aren't. I'm still interested for my bracket's sake, even though I had WSU winning it all...

                        What can I say? I'm a very loyal fan.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by another shocker View Post
                          zero.. zip.. nada.. 'same as most everybody else.

                          I was counting on Wichita State to show how an efficent offense is supposed to go. Ouch... Now we're left with ****.
                          Sounds like some are still hanging in there, but not me. The season ended when Stutz's final shot bounced off, as far as I'm concerned. I didn't even listen to the postgame. At this point, my only rooting interest is for KU to lose ASAP, but even that isn't nearly enough to tempt me to watch in hopes that they do.


                          • #14
                            I completely lost interest. I could care less now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              You haven't been on here since we've lost. Have you packed up all of your Shocker apparel into boxes for the year after the very disappointing and failure of a season?
                              The one thread I created got deleted because the title was a bad word. I was too angry and disappointed to come on here and vent properly. I care too much. It isn't healthy.



