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  • NCAABound
    A cry for attention from them? Post that little nugget so your followers come running with words of support and prop up your ego a bit?

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  • SHOCKvalue
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    And yes this has all come full circle. They criticize a ton of people every day, in their community, their listeners, etc but when the criticism comes back at them they can’t take it. This just proves everything that has been said about them.

    Egos deflated. Should actually be a show worth tuning into today to see if Jeff actually crawls out of the crib and does the show.
    Do they take call ins? Should I?

    Haven't listened for ages - legit couldn't tell you their time slot or the frequency.

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  • ShockerFever
    And yes this has all come full circle. They criticize a ton of people every day, in their community, their listeners, etc but when the criticism comes back at them they can’t take it. This just proves everything that has been said about them.

    Egos deflated. Should actually be a show worth tuning into today to see if Jeff actually crawls out of the crib and does the show.

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  • SHOCKvalue

    Not even on twitter by the way. Or insta, or anything else outside of FB. And on FB I interact not at all.

    Sorry not sorry to the Bob's. When you blather and spout sh** on the radio for 500 hours/year don't be too terribly taken aback when one person on a small internet forum has a negative take on your idiocy.

    This just in to the Bob's: a huge volume of folks in the Wichita metro area go hard eyeroll whenever the thought of either one of you comes around in conversation or thought. Like a buoyant turd that won't flush.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ

    Ahh little Bobby and Jeff got their feelings hurt. Isn't it ironic that they make fun of posters on Shockernet yet they are spouting off on Twitter and not to mention the fact that they took the time to come over here to copy the post and put it on Twitter? If it is beneath you why come on here? Butthurt much? They are only proving their thin skinned-ness. Way to open your pie hole and prove all of us right.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post

    Do tell! Did Bob say something about people hatin'?
    Jeff and him are both not very happy per their latest tweets. Just as was stated in this thread, they are not taking criticism very well. Truth hurts I guess?

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  • Maizerunner08
    Originally posted by BostonWu View Post
    If there was any question who monitors this site...
    Do tell! Did Bob say something about people hatin'?

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  • Shock Top
    Originally posted by Husker4Shockers View Post
    You can thank Jim Rome for the idiocy rampant in sports talk radio, although Jim probably seems tame now compared to all the Rome wannabes. I haven't listened to him or any of the rest of them in years.
    At least Rome’s rants and tangents can be funny and entertaining.

    People try to mimic it, but most fail miserably.

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  • BostonWu
    If there was any question who monitors this site...

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  • Husker4Shockers
    You can thank Jim Rome for the idiocy rampant in sports talk radio, although Jim probably seems tame now compared to all the Rome wannabes. I haven't listened to him or any of the rest of them in years.

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  • Maizerunner08
    Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
    Listen to Phil and Leon on 1410 and Shane on 92.3-way more entertaining and relevant to this board.
    2nd this. I don’t drive as much as I used to but 92.3 was always my go-to

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  • molly jabali
    Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post

    It's seriously like listening to a couple of babbling nincompoops that while father and son, might also somehow be cousins. I would legitimately pay each one of them a hundred or two to take the ACT or SAT as long as I got the results. The scores would have to be nearing the levels of the mentally challenged.

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  • SHOCKvalue
    Originally posted by NCAABound View Post
    Their whole schtick is arguing and being idiodic with each other. Not good radio and definitely not funny or interesting.
    It's seriously like listening to a couple of babbling nincompoops that while father and son, might also somehow be cousins. I would legitimately pay each one of them a hundred or two to take the ACT or SAT as long as I got the results. The scores would have to be nearing the levels of the mentally challenged.

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  • shoxlax
    Listen to Phil and Leon on 1410 and Shane on 92.3-way more entertaining and relevant to this board.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by NCAABound View Post
    Their whole schtick is arguing and being idiodic with each other. Not good radio and definitely not funny or interesting.
    They'd rather do that than cover local sports in depth, or so it seems. Is it on purpose? I tend to think so, because there have been several times over the years, but not anymore, that I would tune in the next day after a Shockers win and this is the type of dreck they subjected their audience to. I'm a proud non-member of their audience now.

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