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Norfolk State at Wichita State Game Thread 12-11-21

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  • #91
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • #92
      Taylor Eldridge article was interesting. He said what we all saw. Some good steps in the right direction. But some lingering problems. How about the Shocks making the 8 point blank layups they missed. That would help the offense. Did not care for TE statement about there going to be some games we lose. Well Tyson thats true, but 1 game you can not lose is to a crappy Kstate team. Fuk that. That is the kind of attitude that gets you beat. Go Shocks.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Regul8te View Post
        Wasn’t able to watch the game but how can Tyson have zero assists? The guy draws so much attention there should be people open everywhere! That will be my focus when watching this game, already having the stats in hand.
        Tyson either takes a shot, draws up an iso play for himself or passes back to the PG. That;s what he has no assists. He’s not a playmaker.


        • #94
          Etienne is Conner Frankamp with less shooting ability. And fewer PG skills.


          • #95
            Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post
            Etienne is Conner Frankamp with less shooting ability. And fewer PG skills.
            And that’s not a bad thing as long as you accept who you are.


            • #96
              pie alive?
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • #97
                I’d put my money on Conner at this point, but it’s a long season. Just like to see a bit More play making and creating shots for teammates if Tyson wants to be a pg in the league


                • #98
                  Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                  Sure, the cheerleader performances haven't been as successful as maybe a decade ago, but this crowd reaction is a bit harsh.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Singeril View Post

                    I think a lot of fans got very used to just “staying home” over the last 19 months…and not just for basketball. There are many sporting and entertainment events around the world that have greatly diminished audiences. With some lackluster play, the Shocker crowds have stayed away…and the unenforced mask mandate has kept people as well. And, yes, there are people who are concerned about the virus and being in crowds. Let’s face it, people don’t get too excited about playing Norfolk State. In addition, too many, the price of getting to the games has been a concern as well. There are lots of reasons for the smaller crowd. I hope things change soon. Watching that crowd in Lawrence today was great…hope the Shocks can bring back the crowd (and noise soon). I’m hoping to be at the game next Saturday.
                    My wife would have been perfectly happy to stay home and watch the games on TV. Very reluctant to go out to the games the first couple of times but the crowd and sounds have brought her back to wanting to be at the games. I think as the season progresses the fans will once again start to come back. As far as disappointing about last nights game the student section was only half filled since most have finished finals. The attendance is still better than a lot of other college arenas but could still be better. So I believe better days are ahead of us. Go Shocks


                    • Originally posted by Blackmag View Post
                      I’d put my money on Conner at this point, but it’s a long season. Just like to see a bit More play making and creating shots for teammates if Tyson wants to be a pg in the league
                      All this talk about what TE needs to do to be a pg in the league is nothing but RAT POISON. It's the main reason that his game is out of sync this year. I saw some improvement in the game last night. We need more steps in that direction..But he needs to reject all this rat poison noise and focus on team basketball and getting back to being the player he was last year. And then his focus will be better and let the future take care of itself.

                      I thought CP, RC4, and QG played their best games last night. They all played under control,, did not turn it over,, took good shots and did not force the game.. Nearly jumped out of my chair when QG finally went to the cup when he was suppose too and Finished. We need more of that from him.. Deciding when to go to the cup is critical..

                      Shocks need to keep grinding.. Reject the noise. Go Shocks.


                      • I know I am repeating myself over and over but I just don't see TE as a PG in anyone's league.
                        ZERO assists and passed up an easy one on a fast break to selfishly gun a three.
                        Now, instead of Jenkins starting in his place, I'd really like to see RC4 start at SG.
                        Can anyone name a phase of the game RC4 hasn't been better at this year than TE?
                        And again, KP needs more minutes. Would like to see him START at the stretch four spot.
                        JP and Jackson can sub the 7-8 minutes MU needs rest at center or KP can still a few
                        minutes there if needed. We are WASTING KP's value/talent !!!!!! We have just 3 more
                        games to try something new. At least even out TE and RC4's minutes regardless of who
                        starts.........RC4 is the better player.
                        Last edited by asiseeit; December 12, 2021, 09:09 AM.


                        • Agree on Kenny Pohto. He played very good minutes. Tyson played good yesterday. Long term, he will be important.


                          • Hopefully all this talk about Tyson going to the league will die down and he will go back to being just another player on this team.


                            • All this gripe about TEs play is warranted, but I would like to point out that this game he did what most were wanting of him after the first half of the OOC play- play within the offense, move with the team, shoot less threes. He did that.
                              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                              • 38A9EB51-8027-4F09-ACE6-C0EF9F28A810.jpeg

                                Tysons stats.
                                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.

