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The Official Shocks vs. Temple Game Thread - Puerto Rican Style

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  • Alabama put some serious pressure on us. What's the excuse today? We're beating ourselves.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • Our team is a mid-level Valley team at best right now.
      Deuces Valley.
      ... No really, deuces.
      "Enjoy the ride."

      - a smart man


      • Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
        garrett needs to stop playing like he has a mangina. come on


        • .......and, naturally, I did not start Vincent Jackson.


          • Another week of this kind of basketball and we can look forward to a few more postseason home games.


            • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
              We miss a fancy play and they get an easy layup. Still don't understand why some guys are playing right now.

              We look worse, A LOT WORSE, than the previous 2 BAD games.
              Hate to keep reiterating this but that is on the coach. Marshall has been out-coached in 2.5 of games so far.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                Our team is a mid-level Valley team at best right now.
                At BEST.


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                  Stutz wants the ball and nobody gives it to them. Marshall needs to tell them to FEED HIM. That is just horrible.
                  But then he needs to be smart enough to know to kick it out instead of trying to score against a triple team.


                  • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
                    Alabama put some serious pressure on us. What's the excuse today? We're beating ourselves.
                    Apparently that's the only team we can beat!!!


                    • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                      Our team is a mid-level Valley team at best right now.
                      and that is probably being charitable


                      • Maybe we needed Illinois State's scheduling philosophy


                        • Garret is playing fine. He would be playing better if the guards weren't horrible and would stop this one on one crap. We need to get A LOT better...quick.
                          "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


                          • We can't drive to the basket (our guards)

                            And frankly, here is a prediction for the whole season ~ We Will Not Lose A Game If Stutz Scores More Than 15. Period, At the end of the season if Stutz has scored more than 15 in a game every game we will win every game this season...

                            Dump him the ball, please, I dont care if he only shoots 40% from 3ft out...we win if he scores...


                            • Perhaps our fans should start chanting NIT again.


                              • Please insert Cotton...Now!!!

