Excellent player.
Fun, fiery attitude.
Too selfish on the court.
Has the potential to be a game changer.
Over-inflated sense of self-worth.
Solid work ethic.
Attitude gets misdirected.
Has leadership potential.
Has the potential to be poison to a team.
Has "one of those" parents.
This is the description of an eccentric and difficult personality to manage, but it's worth it -- until the last point rears its head. Then it's a very easy decision to let them go.
Fun, fiery attitude.
Too selfish on the court.
Has the potential to be a game changer.
Over-inflated sense of self-worth.
Solid work ethic.
Attitude gets misdirected.
Has leadership potential.
Has the potential to be poison to a team.
Has "one of those" parents.
This is the description of an eccentric and difficult personality to manage, but it's worth it -- until the last point rears its head. Then it's a very easy decision to let them go.