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2020 Crossover Classic (formerly Battle 4 Atlantis)

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  • I would think referees blowing their whistles would be a high risk activity. I guess they could use air horns. Perhaps remote officiating is on the way as well.


    • Just FYI, the testing done by the WSU lab is a “saliva” test which can be self administered, although at this point, someone else has to verify that your sample is coded correctly and they also input your personal contact info into the system. Results are available in less than 4 hours (the 24-hr result time is what they use for the public). So, certain “groups” could test more often with relatively quick results - with a confidence rating somewhere - I believe - in the 98-99% rating.


      • Comment

        • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
          What a shame. Wish our student-athletes would be able to be safe from a virus that greater than 99.9% of people their age survive.
          Death is not the only bad outcome with Covid-19 my friend. There are many outcomes including long-term chronic symptoms that affect quality of life.

          Originally posted by proshox View Post
          This is what we get for living in a place that has thrown caution to the wind at every turn.

          I have a team working around the world it has been absolutely embarrassing to see how much we have failed to contain this virus compared to many others. A little sacrifice and discipline could have kept this under wraps.

          This could have been one of our country’s triumphs, but alas staying distant & wearing masks were all too much to ask.
          I feel your pain brother. This didn't have to be political. The virus has no party affiliation. Republican hosts are just as suitable as Democrats.

          Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

          It’s a virus. You can’t contain it unless you shut the entire country down. And I mean literally the entire country.

          What others did it better?
          Hmmm... let me see. Using deaths per 1M population - just about every advanced country in the world.

          We are a laughing stock and it didn't have to be this way.

          P.S. Why don't you take your own advice and carry your Covid-denying propaganda to the political forum where it belongs.

          Originally posted by Aargh View Post

          South Korea. They said "wear a mask". Everybody did. They said "cooperate with contact tracing". Everybody did. They did that the moment they knew there was a virus. They never shut anything down. They never had a spike in cases. They acted early and caught it early.

          S. Korea has about 1/6 the population of the USA. S. Korea has had 31,353 cases of CV and 510 CV deaths. We're having 150,000+ cases daily for the last two weeks and approaching 2,000 deaths every day. Americans are unlikely to accept the restrictions that S. Korea put on their citizens. Unwillingness to accept restrictions to limit the spread of a virus that's fatal to some leads to things like losing a basketball season.

          Other countries that did it better include Australia, Thailand, VietNam, New Zealand, and about every country that borders China, with the exception of Russia. Australia had a mask mandate in effect during their recent flu season. Since they're in the Southern hemisphere, their flu season is in our summer. Australia didn't have a flu season. Their mask mandate virtually eliminated flu from Australia.
          Thank you.

          Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

          It’s easier to control a country that’s smaller in population and in geographical area.

          And I refuse to believe all the data available. There are countless more countries that I could name that invoked mask wearing and shut down their economies.. and they still had/have spikes. And in reverse, there are other countries that are heavily populated, have no mandates, and have far more inferior healthcare systems but have less cases than the US. Fudgy data and/or you can’t control a virus.
          We all know you refuse to believe 'Fever. I do hope your self-manifested delusion during this entire pandemic has been worth the effort.

          P.S. Still posting political after the cry for cessation? Typical.

          Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

          The masks help to limit the spread of COVID-19 by the infected person(s). It doesn't help the person wearing the mask if no one else is. So, for example, if 10 people are in a room and 9 of them have COVID-19 and are not wearing masks, that 10th person is pretty likely to get COVID even if wearing a mask. assuming they all remain in the room for a long enough period of time.
          Great post! And if I may add; when N95-level masks are utilized, a measure of protection is assured even if others aren't wearing. If we had all our players in N95's, they would be even more secure. It's not practical to wear such a mask all the time, but it would be smart/practical in confined spaces like bus/plane rides.

          Cloth masks are absolutely better than nothing, but medical grade masks are far better than cloth.

          Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

          Yep, I’m sure if Joe was in charge, the virus would have been eradicated in April and we all would’ve been having orgies and sipping pina coladas on top of each other again by now.
          And here he is yet again???!!!

          I'm no fan of Joe, but I guaran-god****tee you had his administration been holding the reigns during this pandemic, we'd be in FAR better shape with a MUCH lower baseline infection rate. It's just a matter of following the science, and Mr. Trump doesn't believe in much science.

          Originally posted by pie n eye View Post

          Because NFL players are professionals who are getting paid a lot of money to play football vs kids who are not getting paid whose health rightly should be made a priority. College athletics are constantly under fire already, can you imagine the **** storm if one of these kids got seriously ill or worse?

          It sucks and I hate it but unfortunately it’s better to err on the side of caution. Especially with a vaccine around the corner.
          Logical post with a firm grasp on risk/reward behavior. We've almost reached the end of the marathon. You don't stop to take a crap in the middle of the street when the finish line tape is a block away. You hold it for a few minutes longer.


          • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
            I would think referees blowing their whistles would be a high risk activity. I guess they could use air horns. Perhaps remote officiating is on the way as well.
            The NBA used bags around the whistles and I imagine the NCAA will to as this article says the same company supplies both -

            I was thinking they tried electronic whistles at one point, but maybe it's football that uses them. On a side note, KSHSAA lists all the following as acceptable - Electronic whistles are allowed but not required. o Choose a whistle whose tone will carry inside. • Whistles with spit hoods/bags are permitted. • Face coverings with whistles built in are permitted.
            Not responsible for damage from posts that sail over the reader's head.


            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

              Seems like there is zero consistency in all of this and extreme desperateness and disregard of safety on Northern Iowa’s part.
              I think the difference between WSU and Northern Iowa in regards to playing in the tournament was this. Both teams had a person test positive and not make the trip. When both teams arrived in South Dakota, WSU had multiple people test positive while Northern Iowa didn't have anyone test positive, if I'm hearing this right.


              • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

                I think the difference between WSU and Northern Iowa in regards to playing in the tournament was this. Both teams had a person test positive and not make the trip. .
                Who from WSU tested positive and didn't make the trip? Last thing we heard was WSU players tested on Saturday and all were negative. So if that is true then it not a apples to apples comparison.


                • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                  Death is not the only bad outcome with Covid-19 my friend. There are many outcomes including long-term chronic symptoms that affect quality of life.

                  I feel your pain brother. This didn't have to be political. The virus has no party affiliation. Republican hosts are just as suitable as Democrats.

                  Hmmm... let me see. Using deaths per 1M population - just about every advanced country in the world.

                  We are a laughing stock and it didn't have to be this way.

                  P.S. Why don't you take your own advice and carry your Covid-denying propaganda to the political forum where it belongs.

                  Thank you.

                  We all know you refuse to believe 'Fever. I do hope your self-manifested delusion during this entire pandemic has been worth the effort.

                  P.S. Still posting political after the cry for cessation? Typical.

                  Great post! And if I may add; when N95-level masks are utilized, a measure of protection is assured even if others aren't wearing. If we had all our players in N95's, they would be even more secure. It's not practical to wear such a mask all the time, but it would be smart/practical in confined spaces like bus/plane rides.

                  Cloth masks are absolutely better than nothing, but medical grade masks are far better than cloth.

                  And here he is yet again???!!!

                  I'm no fan of Joe, but I guaran-god****tee you had his administration been holding the reigns during this pandemic, we'd be in FAR better shape with a MUCH lower baseline infection rate. It's just a matter of following the science, and Mr. Trump doesn't believe in much science.

                  Logical post with a firm grasp on risk/reward behavior. We've almost reached the end of the marathon. You don't stop to take a crap in the middle of the street when the finish line tape is a block away. You hold it for a few minutes longer.
                  Keep politics in the political forum.
                  People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                  Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                  Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                  • It is indisputable that more people are masking up today than at any time since this began.

                    Yet it continues to spread.



                    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post

                      Who from WSU tested positive and didn't make the trip? Last thing we heard was WSU players tested on Saturday and all were negative. So if that is true then it not a apples to apples comparison.
                      I don't know where I read that. So I guess everyone was negative after Saturday's test.


                      • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

                        I don't know where I read that. So I guess everyone was negative after Saturday's test.
                        It's in Taylor's article at

                        According to a source in the athletic department, WSU last tested its team on Sunday and had one positive COVID-19 test. That team member was held back from the trip to South Dakota on Monday.
                        Not responsible for damage from posts that sail over the reader's head.


                        • Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor View Post
                          Saw on Ch 12 news last night that you can be part of a trial for the AstraZeneca vaccine still -
                          Let's get our players down to one of those locations! 2 out of 3 get the real deal! We will be inoculated and prepared to be the last team standing when this insidious, alien virus takes over the entire world. Our stock will soar by way of antibodies alone.

                          GO SHOX!


                          • Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor View Post
                            Thanks. I guess that's where I read it.


                            • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

                              Thanks. I guess that's where I read it.
                              It could have been here too - - I had posted it in the thread last night.
                              Not responsible for damage from posts that sail over the reader's head.


                              • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                                It is indisputable that more people are masking up today than at any time since this began.

                                Yet it continues to spread.


                                Trust the science and experts!!!!

                                The government knows what’s best for us!!!!
                                The Assman

