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This Program Has Officially Fallen

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  • WuDrWu...

    Very well said! :good:
    ** aka Sunshine **


    • Wu, I agree this program and this team is not embarassing as a whole. However, they have had numerous embarassing moments exhibited on the field. For example, 15 errors in three games, being 2-hit at Nebraska by a bunch of bench warmers (1 of those hits being a wind aided infield pop fly mind you) as well as many more.

      I will never be embarassed to say I am a Shocker baseball fan but I have been embarassed for the team when they make 6 errors in one game.


      • Originally posted by shock49
        Then STOP Whining!

        Who is whining?


        • I do believe we're talking semanics here. Nothing in the definition of embarrass limits its use to moral, life threatening, or legal matters. To be embarrassed by something is the level of discomfort, worry, or trouble one feels by a confusing or confounding act. If one feels that certain conitued acts could jepardize the future of something important (trivial or not or something in between) to that person, those acts can be embarrassing.

          In this case, the Shocker baseball program has created a high level of achievement over a long period of time which, in turn, has created a certain high level of pride for the school, the program, and its fans (including GOOD fans). Not only has that pride been wounded, but because of the program's non-BCS, cold weather environment, continuation of such acts, or level of play, could likely lead to the program never returning to its previous level of achievement. I think the shoe fits.


          • Originally posted by WuDrWu
            Originally posted by shock49
            Then STOP Whining!

            Who is whining?
            Umm... I'm thinking shock49? :whistle:


            • Originally posted by shock49
              AGAIN,If You feel embarassed by your team,find a different place to hang your hat!No One Makes you follow them.
              So because you expect 14-0 blowouts and games filled with errors and lacking fundamentals, you're more of a fan than us? :roll: :roll: :roll:

              Seriously, if you think being a fan insinuates the sky has to be crystal clear and full of sunshine every day, I have news for you.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by ShockTalk
                Originally posted by shocker22
                Originally posted by shock49
                AGAIN,If You feel embarassed by your team,find a different place to hang your hat!No One Makes you follow them.
                If our team is playing embarrassing baseball it is our right to say so. We are fans of the Shox and if it insults you that we say the play is embarrasing then you just have thin skin. We are fans and will continue to follow them. Bailing now would make us band wagon fans and there are few Shocker baseball fans that are bandwagon fans.

                If you don't like to hear our opinions on how our team is playing then maybe you should hang your hat somewhere else. No one makes you read our posts.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • I,m not the one who's whining about the team embarassing Me!If the product is not what you think it should be,Don't buy!!Also,There's only two things I don't do about what you cry babies think-And both of those are CARE.


                  • I think even the players have said that their PERFORMANCE has been embarrassing. As people and students, they most certainly are not.

                    As for fixing the problems, like usual, its one thing to identify the problems - actually fixing it is a different bag of hammers entirely.
                    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


                    • Originally posted by shock49
                      I,m not the one who's whining about the team embarassing Me!If the product is not what you think it should be,Don't buy!!Also,There's only two things I don't do about what you cry babies think-And both of those are CARE.
                      Dear lord! Where to start?


                      • Originally posted by shock49
                        I,m not the one who's whining about the team embarassing Me!If the product is not what you think it should be,Don't buy!!Also,There's only two things I don't do about what you cry babies think-And both of those are CARE.
                        Are you now trying to tell WSU fans to be bandwagoners?

                        :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

                        Yeah, you're showing your lack of "CARE" by coming out of the dark and began posting non-stop jargon in this thread.

                        I think it's time to give the compy comp a rest.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • I'm simply responding to the dribble.


                          • Originally posted by shock49
                            I'm simply responding to the dribble.
                            The "dribble"?
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • Originally posted by WuDrWu
                              Originally posted by shocker22
                              Originally posted by shock49
                              Hey 22, If things are so bad & embarassing maybe YOU should find somethig else to follow!The Royals are looking for some fans.
                              49...I have put time, money, and energy into our baseball program for many years. As a fan we all deserve to see a product of baseball that at least shows mental preperation and is fundamentally sound.

                              22, I agree with your comment here. I have mostly stayed away from baseball discussions this year as it seemed to me as things started downhill this level of discourse was inevitable.

                              However, I STRONGLY disagree with using the word "embarrassing".

                              I think many, if not most, of WSU baseball fans are frustrated, disappointed, mad, angry, sad....any number of emotions. I don't believe embarrassed should be one of those.

                              I am embarrassed when we don't graduate student athletes. We should hold ourselves and our kids to a higher level. I would be embarrassed if and when our kids or staff run afoul with the law or draw un-needed attention for activities they should be avoiding (Ahem). Those things are embarrassing.

                              I realize it's just words and semantics.........but sometimes words like that make people believe things are worse than they really are.....

                              Just one man's perspective. Everyone certainly has the right to say whatever they wish......I'll just state for the record that the student athletes are in no way shape or form anywhere close to an embarrassment to me.

                              I do wish we'd perform better.

                              :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwsu:
                              Dr., I see what your saying. I didn't mean to say the prgoram in a whole is an emabrrasment, however the way the team has performed most of the time has been, and being the third best team in the state is. I love WSU baseball and always will. I grew up with it, went to the camps, got recruited by WSU, etc...My point is that a team playing in a shocker uniform should be mentally prepared, fundamentally sound, and mentally tough! This team does not have these tangibles at the moment and I hope they find them.


                              • I`m unable to go to games due to money & transportation issues but I think about my years of paying tuition as my investment in the University as a whole. 8)

