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  • #31
    Random question here. Is Kelly Kemnitz a relative of Brent Kemnitz? I was on the WSU baseball facebook page and saw kelly kemintz post " #firebutler "


    • #32
      Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
      Random question here. Is Kelly Kemnitz a relative of Brent Kemnitz? I was on the WSU baseball facebook page and saw kelly kemintz post " #firebutler "
      Kelly is the ex-wife of PCBK. I also noticed that post was "liked" by Bret Fehr...


      • #33
        Keep in mind there are two Kelly Kemnitz in Wichita, both associated with WSU:

        One, as has been mentioned, is Brent Kemnitz ex-wife.

        The other is some random dude (yes, dude), who happens to be a WSU fan. I think he posts on here, IIRC.


        • #34
          Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
          Random question here. Is Kelly Kemnitz a relative of Brent Kemnitz? I was on the WSU baseball facebook page and saw kelly kemintz post " #firebutler "
          Originally posted by shockfan89_ View Post
          Kelly is the ex-wife of PCBK. I also noticed that post was "liked" by Bret Fehr...
          She is or was a realtor here in Wichita correct? There was a Kelly Kemnitz who was the agent of the people we bought our house from.


          • #35
            Originally posted by shocktheheart View Post
            She is or was a realtor here in Wichita correct? There was a Kelly Kemnitz who was the agent of the people we bought our house from.
            Yeah, she's currently active and reasonable successful, running off of network connections from her (ex) husband (the MO used by at least 75% of female residential real estate agents in this country).


            • #36
              Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
              Keep in mind there are two Kelly Kemnitz in Wichita, both associated with WSU:

              One, as has been mentioned, is Brent Kemnitz ex-wife.

              The other is some random dude (yes, dude), who happens to be a WSU fan. I think he posts on here, IIRC.
              I haven't seen the post, but the random dude has been active on social media the past few years, so I would bet it is him.


              • #37
                Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
                Random question here. Is Kelly Kemnitz a relative of Brent Kemnitz? I was on the WSU baseball facebook page and saw kelly kemintz post " #firebutler "
                I know him and can say the answer is there's no relation (but he seems to get that question a lot.. Haha).


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jeff View Post
                  Is a coach really proud of "ripping" his team. HCTB needs to probably take a long look in the mirror. I bet at this point in the season most of the players have tuned him out and it goes in one ear and out the other.
                  welcome to the real world - when you make the boss look good u get rewarded (pay raises, awards, etc), when you don't make the boss look good - u get ripped/laid-off and he eventually gets fired.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                    welcome to the real world - when you make the boss look good u get rewarded (pay raises, awards, etc), when you don't make the boss look good - u get ripped/laid-off and he eventually gets fired.
                    There are a lot of things to criticize about HCTB but not sure chewing a player's rear end for screwing up is one of them. That is about as common as it comes and something Mean Gene was known to do often. However, if HCTB does not have the respect of his players then the butt chewing will not doubt fall on deaf ears. If HCTB has lost this team then that is something that can be validly subjet to criticism.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                      If HCTB has lost this team then that is something that can be validly subjet to criticism.
                      1. Can we establish with certainty that said team ever existed?
                      2. If yes, can we establish with certainty that HCTB ever knew where said team was?

                      Near as I can tell the only thing Butler has lost this year is 24 games and a boatload of WSU's money.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                        1. Can we establish with certainty that said team ever existed?
                        2. If yes, can we establish with certainty that HCTB ever knew where said team was?

                        Near as I can tell the only thing Butler has lost this year is 24 games and a boatload of WSU's money.
                        We did start the year 2-0 outscoring the opponent 28-2. Okay, so it was Northern Colorado so you may have a point.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                          welcome to the real world - when you make the boss look good u get rewarded (pay raises, awards, etc), when you don't make the boss look good - u get ripped/laid-off and he eventually gets fired.
                          "Ripping" players on a team I'm sure happens all the time. However, I don't think you need to make it public knowledge that you "ripped" your team or a player. I'm sure most people assume that each coach takes the necessary steps to change attitudes, behaviors, etc. I think its most effective when you take care of those situations behind closed doors, not in front of the public or in the media. Bob Knight and Frank Martin have shown that demeaning a player works, however, I think Tom Landry and John Wooden have shown there are other ways to motivate players.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jeff View Post
                            "Ripping" players on a team I'm sure happens all the time. However, I don't think you need to make it public knowledge that you "ripped" your team or a player. I'm sure most people assume that each coach takes the necessary steps to change attitudes, behaviors, etc. I think its most effective when you take care of those situations behind closed doors, not in front of the public or in the media. Bob Knight and Frank Martin have shown that demeaning a player works, however, I think Tom Landry and John Wooden have shown there are other ways to motivate players.
                            Well, Gene ripped players all the time in public. From the 3rd base box, from the outfield grass after the game. Wedge would talk about how Gene would give it them and he would give it right back to Gene, while other would be intimidated. Marshall rips players on the sideline when they don't meet his standards - you will see it on TV (and you can read his lips sometimes dropping the bombs).

                            Bottom line is different people respond differently. Some people are fragile and can't handle criticism, some you have to take behind the behind the barn to get them motivated. Good coaches/leaders will know how to best motivate his subordinates. Sometime they will try the low-key stuff and if that is not working, you have to shake things up and challenge their man hood. I'm not saying Butler is right or wrong in this case as I don't know anything about it except as reported here, but warriors step-up and just say FIDO.


                            • #44

