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WSU at Cincinnati (Mar 31, Apr 1-2)

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  • #91
    Un&$&kingbelievable! We had no one to get favors out of there? Hibbs is half responsible for that one!


    • #92
      8-2 lead blown


      • #93
        That is NOT turning the corner!


        • #94
          Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
          Guess Favors had an eighty foot long leash from our coaching staff.
          Zero confidence in anybody else.

          Our staff is thin and weak. It’s been that way for about the last 5 years.
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • #95
            Guess this is why I’ll never be a D1 baseball coach, and find it really hard to watch this team.

            I don’t understand Scooter’s coaching decisions. Walk, error, walk (give up hr previous inning), right-handed batter up…leaves Favors in.



            • #96
              It was a fake winning streak built on playing shitty teams. What you saw today was pretty much the real team.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • #97
                That one is going to leave a mark, but the performance of the bullpen in Games 2 and 3 of this series raises a lot of questions and red flags.


                • #98
                  Don't know how to win and lose to a joke program with **** facilities and no class. Very happy to see Cincinnati leave the conference.

                  I hope we can learn to win in what's left of my lifetime, but I'm not exactly holding my breath. Losing today was all about attitude and nothing about talent.


                  • #99
                    Team is 16-11 and has given four games away, but really hasn’t stolen any outside of OU last week. Like Doc said, don’t have the attitude and confidence to consistently win close games.


                    • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                      You’re incompetent and slightly obsessed.
                      Slightly intrigued if there is EVER anything you are happy about....but all done with this......chirp away....


                      • Originally posted by molly jabali View Post

                        Slightly intrigued if there is EVER anything you are happy about....but all done with this......chirp away....
                        This is correct.

                        Fev, I can't think of much you've said that has been positive about anything within the basketball or baseball program over the last year. You're one of the most frequent posters on this board, so it stands out, and it certainly doesn't mean anyone is obsessed with your opinions. You actually seem to know what you're talking about in a lot of ways when it comes to strategy and things that happen on the field or court, but it gets lost in the barrage of negativity.

                        You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's harder for others (myself included) to take your criticisms seriously when based on your comments, it doesn't seem that anything would make you happy. If either team strings together a few wins, we just beat bad teams and it's a fluke. If we lose, it's an "I told you so" and anyone saying anything positive is a "sunshine pumper." Even with wins or positive developments, you seem intent on sucking the joy out of a silver lining during hard times within the two sports.

                        Have our baseball and basketball programs been mediocre lately? Absolutely. Should changes have been made? Absolutely. But you're not helping your credibility on this board when the only thing you do is piss and moan about things day after day.
                        "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                        • Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post

                          This is correct.

                          Fev, I can't think of much you've said that has been positive about anything within the basketball or baseball program over the last year. You're one of the most frequent posters on this board, so it stands out, and it certainly doesn't mean anyone is obsessed with your opinions. You actually seem to know what you're talking about in a lot of ways when it comes to strategy and things that happen on the field or court, but it gets lost in the barrage of negativity.

                          You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's harder for others (myself included) to take your criticisms seriously when based on your comments, it doesn't seem that anything would make you happy. If either team strings together a few wins, we just beat bad teams and it's a fluke. If we lose, it's an "I told you so" and anyone saying anything positive is a "sunshine pumper." Even with wins or positive developments, you seem intent on sucking the joy out of a silver lining during hard times within the two sports.

                          Have our baseball and basketball programs been mediocre lately? Absolutely. Should changes have been made? Absolutely. But you're not helping your credibility on this board when the only thing you do is piss and moan about things day after day.
                          That’s EXACTLY the reason for the perceived negativity. When two programs are floating somewhere between a sink and a toilet, it affects the mood of fans. I’m just dealing with reality. There has been exactly zero positive coming out of the basketball program for nearly 24 months until the middle of March. I don’t think I’ve been negative at all there outside of the initial gut reaction lackluster of a hire. I’m being patient and coming around.

                          As for baseball, people bitched and moaned in the late 2000s that WSU baseball was reaching unacceptable levels. This is when we were still winning conference tournaments, making regionals, and at least on the bubble. That was 10 effing years ago. Have we improved or declined since 2013? Are we better off now than we were then? How can you expect positivity and optimism when teams blow 8-1 leads and just give games away?

                          This would be the wrong time to be blasting the unwarranted negativity vibes. I try to deal with reality. Some people may like to get fooled and feel good about blasting a team from Massachusetts that may have worse pitching prospects than what’s coming out of Westurban.

                          When there’s a reason to be positive, I’ll jump on board. But at least it’s not total apathy and bandwagon ****, as half of the posters just simply disappear and don’t care about WSU athletics when teams hit the stinker.

                          As for molly, that’s all that simpleton does is jump on me like an ignorant twirp. If the moron would’ve been here following during the game yesterday like I WAS, he/she would’ve noted that my comments were in direct response to multiple baserunning blunders that essentially ran us out of innings and potentially left crucial runs (as it turns out) off the board. If a poster is gonna pipe on comments on a thread after the fact and not know the context of said posts, then it’s advised they leave no doubt of their dwindling IQ and STFU.
                          Deuces Valley.
                          ... No really, deuces.
                          "Enjoy the ride."

                          - a smart man


                          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                            Don't know how to win and lose to a joke program with **** facilities and no class. Very happy to see Cincinnati leave the conference.

                            I hope we can learn to win in what's left of my lifetime, but I'm not exactly holding my breath. Losing today was all about attitude and nothing about talent.
                            Totally with Doc on this one. I may not endorse the rip on UC, after all they won the game.
                            But from a talent level standpoint, no way should WSU lose to that bunch. I mean, the third UC pitcher had a beer gut!
                            Quoting rjl's second favorite person, "C'mon Man." Of course, we all know Nancy Poo is #1 in his book!

                            I have to question the pitching coach in this situation. I know Pelphrey was good pitcher, but does that also make him a good coach? Just asking...
                            Guys like Cranz and Miner do not have a clue how to approach and attack lesser qualified hitters. I know they are young and learning, but this is D1 baseball, not some remote HS league. Knowing when to attack the strike zone against a batter who is batting 'O' for the season vs knowing when to keep a quality batter off balance is crucial and obviously missing from their mindset.

                            I resisted posting after Sunday's debacle due to generally being pissed off. But then I recall watching what happened in the last 4 innings and I'm still fuming here about that game.
                            It was inexcusable and should have never happened to a team with league championship aspirations.

                            That is all.
                            Above all, make the right call.


                            • Originally posted by ShockRef View Post
                              It was inexcusable and should have never happened to a team with league championship aspirations.
                              And it shouldn't happen to the Shockers either.


                              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post

                                And it shouldn't happen to the Shockers either.


                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

