Originally posted by ShockCrazy
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"With Malice towards non, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."
The old wounds of sectional conflict that we once again see coming to the surface. Yes, there are no survivors of the War, but there is cultural and identity within the South that these monuments and icons are a part of. Tearing these monuments down is just giving a rise to sectional conflict once again. I think it's going to cultivate more hostility and give rise extremism because there's growing sentiment that their culture is under attack, and they are demonized while they defend it, meanwhile every other culture is free to act in its self interest.
With all due respect, I don't think your safe spaces comment makes much sense. Feminists, SJW students or any other entity that talk about safe spaces, want safe spaces from the things that offend them. The very people tearing down the monuments, are the people who are seeking safe spaces from the monuments that offend them.
I know my opinion of this is probably very unpopular, but I hope nobody thinks I'm some racist nazi, because I'm not. I just think we're quick label our fellow countrymen without seeing their perspective and I think sometimes things are done with good intentions, but end up with unintended consequences. I think that is exactly what is happening in our country right now.