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I would finally draw the line at...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
    I'm not voting for Trump, never considered him. So based on your original instructions, while I'm welcome to participate, the poll (or pole as they say on is not intended for me. I'll opt out of this silliness, thank you.

    But since you felt the need for a poll, (or pole as they say on I would like to know where you, the creator of this poll, (or pole as they say on draw the line on Hillary. I think that is a perfectly fair request.
    I disagree that you never considered him. You may not have needed to consider Trump this year, but that is only because you had already evaluated him and determined he was lacking at some earlier time. If you told me you had never even considered Darrell Castle for President, I could believe you. Trump? Nah, your mistaken. That said, I'm glad your conclusion is that he's a scumbag unfit for your vote. This poll was more intended for those who haven't reached that conclusion yet.

    Not directed at you MVJ, but I find it quite telling that none of the numerous "Trump supporters" on this board, all who have stated they will vote for him, have dared to draw a line that they would not cross.

    To answer your question about Hillary, I despise 90% of her policies, find her and her husband to both be utter moral scum, and am in no way looking forward to her Presidency in any way. Her supporters anger me just like Trump's. Thankfully I don't have to deal with nearly as many of them on a regular basis.

    Fair enough?


    • #32
      My line that I won't cross is that he is the better of the two evils albeit only by .01%. Seriously though, I have a serious case of Dem. Obama, Clinton fatigue. It seems like they've been around for a lifetime.


      • #33
        What would it take to make Nov 8 be yesterday?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
          I disagree that you never considered him. You may not have needed to consider Trump this year, but that is only because you had already evaluated him and determined he was lacking at some earlier time. If you told me you had never even considered Darrell Castle for President, I could believe you. Trump? Nah, your mistaken. That said, I'm glad your conclusion is that he's a scumbag unfit for your vote. This poll was more intended for those who haven't reached that conclusion yet.

          Not directed at you MVJ, but I find it quite telling that none of the numerous "Trump supporters" on this board, all who have stated they will vote for him, have dared to draw a line that they would not cross.

          To answer your question about Hillary, I despise 90% of her policies, find her and her husband to both be utter moral scum, and am in no way looking forward to her Presidency in any way. Her supporters anger me just like Trump's. Thankfully I don't have to deal with nearly as many of them on a regular basis.

          Fair enough?
          I had hoped for someone else. A third party, something. We ended up with Trump or Clinton. We're screwed. I get it, and I am happy voting for Johnson and having a clean conscience. At least I won't feel dirty.

          That said, over the course ofthe last few weeks, I've seen something that offends me. Almost simultaniously, Wikileaks has released damning emails- emails that the Democrats haven't challenged as being authentic, at the same time, allegations have surfaced regarding Trump groping women. The press has been very active attacking Trump, while they have gone out of there way to downplay the emails.

          It seems that all the Democrats did, was blame the Russians and that was good enough. Nothing Trump can do is good enough, even though one allegation has all but been disproven and the other seems sketchy. I don't know, but if I was in the media, I'd report on these emails with at least as much zeal as I would unproven accusations. I think the general public was just about to realize how evil Hillary is, but all it took was one, "Hey, look over there!"
          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


          • #35
            I do not understand why you quoted me there MVJ. I'm not attacking your post's contents, just saying they seem out of place after quoting mine.


            • #36
              Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
              My line that I won't cross is that he is the better of the two evils albeit only by .01%. Seriously though, I have a serious case of Dem. Obama, Clinton fatigue. It seems like they've been around for a lifetime.
              So there is nothing he could do to cause you to not vote for him?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                I do not understand why you quoted me there MVJ. I'm not attacking your post's contents, just saying they seem out of place after quoting mine.
                Meant to hit reply, then delete quote. I post on my phone, it's easier that way, sometimes the wrong button gets pushed. Also, I edit a lot because my swype sucks at times. I leave small errors, but often times I'll swype stuff that becomes illegible.
                There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                • #38
                  Another day for the cowards to be what they are.

