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  • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
    There's also some leniency shown in sentencing when huge forfeitures are made. Some guy got caught with a small plane full of pot in SE KS. He forfeited the plane, a Bentley, a house in southern CA, something like $400K in cash that was found in his house, and a Buick. He got a very light sentence - something like 18 months. Part of the plea bargain was that he wouldn't contest the forfeiture.

    Apparently if you can pay the cops enough through forfeiture, the judge will give you nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
    That's not really the type of asset forfeiture that anyone has a problem with, nor it is actually what we're talking about. That is a legit criminal proceeding.

    The problem lies with the civil side of the equation. Law enforcement can and will take from victims what they want, should the victim not be able to justify why they are in possession of whatever it is the law enforcement agency wants. It is effectively theft, and terrifically egregious.

    It is all a result of the clusterfook the "war on drugs" has had on so many levels of our society.


    • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
      That's not really the type of asset forfeiture that anyone has a problem with, nor it is actually what we're talking about. That is a legit criminal proceeding.

      The problem lies with the civil side of the equation. Law enforcement can and will take from victims what they want, should the victim not be able to justify why they are in possession of whatever it is the law enforcement agency wants. It is effectively theft, and terrifically egregious.

      It is all a result of the clusterfook the "war on drugs" has had on so many levels of our society.
      I am totally in agreement with that line of thinking. I was pointing out another problem with forfeitures. Exchanging forfeitures for lighter sentencing kind of violates the principles of our justice system. Bribing the police is supposed to be illegal.
      Last edited by Aargh; May 9, 2016, 06:24 PM.
      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


      • Latest poll showsTrump already very competitive in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
        In the fast lane


        • Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
          Latest poll showsTrump already very competitive in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
          Those are three states he has to win. Sonthat at least bdes well for him.


          • The general election is even more a popularity contest than the primaries.

            Trump can't be shamed and loves to fight so he may be immune to some of the challenges of previous Republican candidates.

            It's not hard to believe he'll continue to out perform his polling, so in a straight up contest with Hillary, I think he wins it.
            "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
            -John Wooden


            • Cruz' cheese has slid off, but he's still riding his cracker... (had to use Putin; Cruz wasn't available)

              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


              • Why Trump wins by a landslide ...

                An engineer, a scientist, and a businessman were sharing a room on the Titanic when it hit the infamous iceberg. "See," said the bickering scientist, "saltwater corrosion of the hull was not properly accounted for, so it's too thin!" The argumentative engineer replied, "No, the hull is fine! It's the poorly designed expansion joint that is the problem." Meanwhile the businessman was on the top deck lowering lifeboats.

                This election isn't about philosophy and ideology -- it's about immediate action. Right now, people want immediate relief from the sinking ship known as America. Americans on both sides of the aisle want a CEO that will take immediate action to get the economy cranking again.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                  Why Trump wins by a landslide ...

                  An engineer, a scientist, and a businessman were sharing a room on the Titanic when it hit the infamous iceberg. "See," said the bickering scientist, "saltwater corrosion of the hull was not properly accounted for, so it's too thin!" The argumentative engineer replied, "No, the hull is fine! It's the poorly designed expansion joint that is the problem." Meanwhile the businessman was on the top deck lowering lifeboats.

                  This election isn't about philosophy and ideology -- it's about immediate action. Right now, people want immediate relief from the sinking ship known as America. Americans on both sides of the aisle want a CEO that will take immediate action to get the economy cranking again.
                  The problem is, Americans are so stupid that they don't care how the businessman says he will get the economy cranking again, they just love the fact that he vaguely and emphatically repeats that he will get it done.

                  He is literally promising everything to every constituency at the point on fiscal and economic matters. Lower most personal income taxes (conservative), higher personal income taxes on the wealthy (liberal), support for minimum wage hikes (liberal), trade wars (liberal), currency wars (Ron Paul), renegotiation of sovereign debt (nobody), refinancing of sovereign debt (party-neutral), eliminate carried interest for hedge fund and private equity managers (mostly liberal), reduce other applicable tax rates for hedge fund and private equity managers (mostly conservative).

                  When taken individually, there are some good ideas in there. When evaluated as a whole, it is about the most incoherent, retarded disaster you can imagine. His supporters simply pretend he doesn't actually support the policy positions they disagree with while placing faith in his surely-sincere lip-service to the positions they support.

                  He is a gifted entertainer and a clever orator who capitalizes on base emotions like fear, anger and frustration. He is also morally bankrupt, ideologically vacuous, and frankly, a playground bully. I honestly struggle to understand how his supporters will explain this vote to their small children and grandchildren.


                  • ^^^
                    Last edited by Awesome Sauce Malone; May 10, 2016, 04:23 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post

                      He is a gifted entertainer and a clever orator who capitalizes on base emotions like fear, anger and frustration. He is also morally bankrupt, ideologically vacuous, and frankly, a playground bully. I honestly struggle to understand how his supporters will explain this vote to their small children and grandchildren.
                      I'm not a Trump supporter, but change the "He" to a "She" and I'd assume you were talking about Hillary.
                      "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                      • Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
                        Nice switch. Afraid somebody would say, "Yes you are?" lol
                        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                        • Yes, it's sad, but “it is what it is”...

                          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                          • If nothing else, it's going to be fun watching this fiasco; you can either laugh or cry...

                            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                            • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                              Nice switch. Afraid somebody would say, "Yes you are?" lol
                              Why would I be afraid of anyone especially over a message board? Sometimes its better to not say the first thing that comes to mind. Im still learning. I've been called worse ha


                              • Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
                                Why would I be afraid of anyone especially over a message board? Sometimes its better to not say the first thing that comes to mind. Im still learning. I've been called worse ha
                                Haha. I'm sure. We all have. Just hit me funny at the time.
                                "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."

