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  • Atxshoxfan
    Originally posted by WstateU View Post

    both are disgusting. And Kamala was part of this exit strategy.

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  • WstateU

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    Its exhausting because we are so far beyond where we should be, we are never going back. The government at the federal level should have only been in existence to protect rights. And now it is a bureaucratic nightmare with trillions of dollars being grifted, protected by people who weild power and influence to protect the grift.

    There's no way to end that. And we talk like we know, but we don't, and our votes mean squat. I can accept it. My post a few back basically said as much. But that's the reality.
    You give Trump too many passes. Kansas isn’t a battle ground state. But the states that are require a disciplined Trump, and voters that require discipline from Trump.

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  • ShockerPrez
    Its exhausting because we are so far beyond where we should be, we are never going back. The government at the federal level should have only been in existence to protect rights. And now it is a bureaucratic nightmare with trillions of dollars being grifted, protected by people who weild power and influence to protect the grift.

    There's no way to end that. And we talk like we know, but we don't, and our votes mean squat. I can accept it. My post a few back basically said as much. But that's the reality.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

    I don't disagree with anything here. Which goes to your point of income inequality. If those at the bottom fail to take the action necessary, ie, stop being lazy asses and expect government to fix the problem, why should we expect the gap to do anything other than widen? The left continues to push people into being more dependent on government, while taking in mega donations from those at the top.

    They want the status quo because they've already set it all in motion to their desired outcome. And they don't mind waiting decades to reap the reward. The rich are the democrats. The Klaus Schwabs of the world are the democrats. They despise the poor, while playing them like a fiddle to keep them in power. They aren't socialists. Real socialists would be willing to give up theirs in the hopes of fulfilling their 'equity' fantasies. But they aren't going to give up anything for this. They are power hungry SOBs and they want to control everything to keep their grift going. If they ever lose the U.S., it all ends.

    Will Trump, if he wins, change any if this? No idea. But those in power know he thinks about it. And maybe he is exactly the same. But I know Kamala is them, so my decision is easy.

    And maybe I'm crazy. But it seems so clear to me.

    Where we as Americans still have a chance:

    At least our immigrants aren't muslims, like Europe. It needs to stop before they are.
    I'm not even talking about the bottom, although the IRS basically lists the "middle-class" with the bottom now. The middle-class are working their asses off. Two parents working full-time. Would you believe that back in the 80's/90's one parent with a good job was enough to support a middle-class lifestyle? That can't happen now. That alone is all the evidence you need on the wealth gap. And those two working parents are likely contributing to the problems with the children and education. Many middle-class wages (particularly manufacturing) have been stagnant for 20 years. This is unacceptable. Yes, they should have all retrained and become technology professionals, but that is easier said than done. A middle-class wage in 2024, should be paying $100-125K per if it is to keep up with the middle-class standards of the 80's/90's. That would allow one parent to stay at home and raise the children if they choose.

    And regarding the lazy, good-for-nothing poor... in the past, I would echo the Republican Mantra going Old Testament on the issue. If you bitches won't work, you won't eat. Sounds great on a political mailer but... we need all those "good-for-nothings" to be productive. We are in a global race for productivity (see economic/military). We can't AFFORD to disregard anybody. It's all hands on deck.

    It's also a good idea for those wanting to be "enlightened" conservatives to drop the old shticks, namely: "The left continues to push people into being more dependent on government". This is a very seductive statement. I used to screech it all the time. It likely originated from one of Rush Limbaugh's writers. But let's take the wackiest of the wacky Libs, AOC... Do you really think she goes to bed at night scheming ways to entrap the poor so she can remain in office? Possibly. But I doubt it.

    Like I said in an earlier post, the R's and the D's (citizens) are MUCH closer together than the politicals want us to realize. AOC wants to help the poor. I would hope Republicans want to help the poor, I mean... the concept is literally plastered all over the Holy Bible. But we all have slightly different ways to do it. The Church has its ways, Non-profits have theirs, the government has another way, etc. etc. We can't just leave them in the dirt. There are generations of poverty that must be overcome. Smart strategies, education, cooperation, and patience will be required.

    The rich are Republican and Democrat alike. A 2011 Gallup poll found that of the richest 1%, 33% identify as Republicans, 41% as independents, and 26% as Democrats. A 2024 Gallup poll showed "upper-income" being 46% R, 53% D.

    A couple hundred years ago, we had immigrant "problems" as well. Those dirty Irish Catholics.

    I will repeat my earlier glib statement. We (you), everybody needs to unplug - specifically from your political handlers. We need a new way. It starts with the populace taking back control of the political parties rather than vice-versa. Yes, I know you think YOU are in control when you go out to vote for Trump, believe me... you aren't.

    A likely disruptive strategy would be for everybody to get together and vote in an Independent candidate. We need a homogenization of ideas and platforms. This country NEEDS to decouple people from two political parties. The goal being that more and more folks cross over to the other side, or create a new middle.

    **** this was exhausting...

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by Aargh View Post

    I didn't call him Hitler. I've studied how Hitler came into power. He was a brilliant politician and following his pattern of politics is a good strategic move. Trump was using Hitler's methods of achieving power. If you are unable to differentiate between Hitler, the politician, and Hitler, the meth-addicted madman who destroyed Germany, look into Germany's history a little more deeply.

    Trump's base is those who would vote for him against any opponent. It's a vast majority of the Republican party, plus Independents who lean strongly right. Those voters voted for him in 2020. They supported his Congressional candidates in 2022. It's been demonstrated in two elections that he needs to appeal to those outside that base.

    To change his campaign tactics would require he admit, at least to himself, that he has been wrong and he doesn't appear capable of that. If he continues his current campaign tactics he's facing a very tough election. He can still pull it out, but is he capable of changing directions once he's started down a path? Right-leaning media outlets are basically begging him to change tactics.
    This Hitler "stuff" is just stupid. There is no way that the majority of Americans would follow him into a military coup. However, the Biden DOJ (including Biden) will try to paint him that way all that they can. Trump has his "base", and the Democrats (Biden and now Harris) has their "base" (who includes you) who will follow them into anything. But the majority won't.

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  • pinstripers
    "Her body." Bullshit.

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  • ShockerPrez
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Sounded to me like YOU were the one making abortion a big deal. Yes, the left wants a woman to be able to do whatever she wants with her body. Think of it like amoral liberty. The (Christian) right wants to force any woman to keep all babies.

    I personally think abortion as a way of birth control is sick AF. But I'm not going to get in the way of somebody who wants to roll the dice (emotionally and physically) by doing it. People do all kinds of dumb things. I will say this, if I had a daughter, and she was raped (and impregnated), we'd be the first people at the abortion clinic the following day. Period.

    Letting in illegals is ethically wrong. They should enter the country through an orderly process.

    Bailing out banks (or just letting them fail) is a far more complicated discussion than you want to get into. Let me just say, that allowing banks to fail (like back in 2008) would have caused FAR more damage than bailing them out. You'll just have to take my word on this.

    I'm sure the Dept. of Education, like any other govt. institution is a bloated bureaucracy; but I'm tired of the Right attacking education. I have done some deep thought/investigation on the issue and I think the Right has gone WAYYY overboard. This is another very long discussion (like letting banks fail) but,... all the flight out of public schools to private (or home) will eventually just create another round of "public" schools when every citizen is allowed a voucher to pay for their own schooling. All the "riff-raff" that the middle-class on up attempted to evade, will be sitting right next to them in the classroom once again - eventually.

    The MAIN problem with children and their performance at school is originating AT THE HOME. These kids are showing up in kindergarten completely unprepared to be schooled. This is a cultural problem. An incredibly large amount of parents/people are lazy and unwilling (or unable) to invest seriously in their child's development at home. Our society is rotting from the inside-out. If not reversed, this can only mean more regulation/govt. overwatch.

    If you talk to a teacher, they will agree with what I just said. There's only so much they can do in the classroom. Many of these kids are plain feral.

    And... keeping with my logic, there are teachers who are also less than their predecessors. Still... many left who are solid and care incredibly.

    Our society is crumbling. We are fat, lazy, and entitled. Just pick up a history book to see how that all will end. Fix our ethical/moral decline, and you fix the problem.

    Anything beyond an alien invasion, a serious war (including conscription), or Rapture, and America's decline will continue.
    I don't disagree with anything here. Which goes to your point of income inequality. If those at the bottom fail to take the action necessary, ie, stop being lazy asses and expect government to fix the problem, why should we expect the gap to do anything other than widen? The left continues to push people into being more dependent on government, while taking in mega donations from those at the top.

    They want the status quo because they've already set it all in motion to their desired outcome. And they don't mind waiting decades to reap the reward. The rich are the democrats. The Klaus Schwabs of the world are the democrats. They despise the poor, while playing them like a fiddle to keep them in power. They aren't socialists. Real socialists would be willing to give up theirs in the hopes of fulfilling their 'equity' fantasies. But they aren't going to give up anything for this. They are power hungry SOBs and they want to control everything to keep their grift going. If they ever lose the U.S., it all ends.

    Will Trump, if he wins, change any if this? No idea. But those in power know he thinks about it. And maybe he is exactly the same. But I know Kamala is them, so my decision is easy.

    And maybe I'm crazy. But it seems so clear to me.

    Where we as Americans still have a chance:

    At least our immigrants aren't muslims, like Europe. It needs to stop before they are.
    Last edited by ShockerPrez; August 14, 2024, 11:59 AM.

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  • Aargh
    Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

    I was gonna' give you a little credit 'til you just couldn't resist going into fantasy land and calling President Trump hitler. Or inferring so at the very, very least, by virtue of admiration. Please give us a break with that total divisive nonsense and bring it back to policy, smartly. Some people believe Russia bailed President Trump out too, still. What next, it was Iran? Oh, wait...

    President Trump's base? Would that be voters against open borders and who support energy independence? Is President Trump's "base" voters who never want to see any part of Biden or whoever was on his staff in the White House ever again. Is President Trump's base voters who think the Inflation Reduction Act was a disaster? Voters who recoil at the thought of the 'New Green Deal' being resurrected? If so, you're right.
    I didn't call him Hitler. I've studied how Hitler came into power. He was a brilliant politician and following his pattern of politics is a good strategic move. Trump was using Hitler's methods of achieving power. If you are unable to differentiate between Hitler, the politician, and Hitler, the meth-addicted madman who destroyed Germany, look into Germany's history a little more deeply.

    Trump's base is those who would vote for him against any opponent. It's a vast majority of the Republican party, plus Independents who lean strongly right. Those voters voted for him in 2020. They supported his Congressional candidates in 2022. It's been demonstrated in two elections that he needs to appeal to those outside that base.

    To change his campaign tactics would require he admit, at least to himself, that he has been wrong and he doesn't appear capable of that. If he continues his current campaign tactics he's facing a very tough election. He can still pull it out, but is he capable of changing directions once he's started down a path? Right-leaning media outlets are basically begging him to change tactics.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

    Abortion is all the left cares about. They have it. I don't care one way or another. If your issue is abortion, but every other aspect of your life sucks, then you made your choice. Why is that hard to comprehend when I tell them to STFU about the rest?

    Oh, that's right, magic word shows up, which makes one a 'far-righty'. Necesitating some retarded caps and lower case word to signify some sort of code to trolls that I'm the unreasonable one. Got it.

    Get some new material.

    As for the rest of your post, I don't disagree about the wage gap, but letting in illegals and bailing out banks (just to name a very few factors at play here), when they need to fail only reinforces the fact that gov't ain't on the side of the little guy at the bottom. Will Trump do anything? I'm not optimistic, but there is a better chance than the alternative. Harris will be run by the fat cats, because she has no ideas on anything. She is a puppet. And until the elites and this country stop running everything, nothing will change. But Trump, so lets keep on keepin on with Kamala!

    I'm not saying the country is going to end if Harris gets elected. It just moves us down the road where its going to be harder and harder to pull back the control of government out of daily life. As the years go by, it becomes the norm, and in 2 generations, it becomes 'drastic' to think about removing this, or that.

    See the dept of education. We didn't have one until 1979. Yet if you propose eliminating it, you are a far right extremist!

    But I'm also well aware that people are voting for this crap every election. And if that's what they want, well, they are informed voters that think about these things, so I must just be in the minority. And a crazy right winger.

    I mean, these things are working in most every other country, so it's bound to work here. We elect the smartest people, and are given all the facts by our media, who are unbiased and professional.

    Here's to life getting better!


    Sounded to me like YOU were the one making abortion a big deal. Yes, the left wants a woman to be able to do whatever she wants with her body. Think of it like amoral liberty. The (Christian) right wants to force any woman to keep all babies.

    I personally think abortion as a way of birth control is sick AF. But I'm not going to get in the way of somebody who wants to roll the dice (emotionally and physically) by doing it. People do all kinds of dumb things. I will say this, if I had a daughter, and she was raped (and impregnated), we'd be the first people at the abortion clinic the following day. Period.

    Letting in illegals is ethically wrong. They should enter the country through an orderly process.

    Bailing out banks (or just letting them fail) is a far more complicated discussion than you want to get into. Let me just say, that allowing banks to fail (like back in 2008) would have caused FAR more damage than bailing them out. You'll just have to take my word on this.

    I'm sure the Dept. of Education, like any other govt. institution is a bloated bureaucracy; but I'm tired of the Right attacking education. I have done some deep thought/investigation on the issue and I think the Right has gone WAYYY overboard. This is another very long discussion (like letting banks fail) but,... all the flight out of public schools to private (or home) will eventually just create another round of "public" schools when every citizen is allowed a voucher to pay for their own schooling. All the "riff-raff" that the middle-class on up attempted to evade, will be sitting right next to them in the classroom once again - eventually.

    The MAIN problem with children and their performance at school is originating AT THE HOME. These kids are showing up in kindergarten completely unprepared to be schooled. This is a cultural problem. An incredibly large amount of parents/people are lazy and unwilling (or unable) to invest seriously in their child's development at home. Our society is rotting from the inside-out. If not reversed, this can only mean more regulation/govt. overwatch.

    If you talk to a teacher, they will agree with what I just said. There's only so much they can do in the classroom. Many of these kids are plain feral.

    And... keeping with my logic, there are teachers who are also less than their predecessors. Still... many left who are solid and care incredibly.

    Our society is crumbling. We are fat, lazy, and entitled. Just pick up a history book to see how that all will end. Fix our ethical/moral decline, and you fix the problem.

    Anything beyond an alien invasion, a serious war (including conscription), or Rapture, and America's decline will continue.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by Aargh View Post
    The current version of Trump is outstanding at 2 things:
    1 - Preaching to the choir. He needs more than his loyal base to win. His campaign is aimed at maintaining those voters instead of attracting new voters.
    2 - Stepping on his dick.

    In 2016 Hillary called Trump's supporters "deplorables". That motivated them and increased the turnout of voters who supported Trump. Here's what Trump said about Harris' supporters when he was in Montana:

    Just from our experience on ShockerNet, when someone resorts to name calling it's often because that's all they've got.

    Trump is also running into problems with his issues. A recent Gallup poll about who people trusted with the economy came out at 42% for Harris and 41% for Trump. If that subject is a tie, Trump gains nothing by hammering on it. If he brings up immigration (particularly in a debate), he gets hammered for blocking the bipartisan immigration bill in Congress. It won't matter much that he disagreed with the bill. It's that Congress wanted to take a step toward fixing immigration and Trump wouldn't let them.

    His statement that Johnson should block the bill in the House because Trump wanted to use it as a campaign issue wasn't brilliant.

    Trump's base can't carry him to the White House and his method of campaigning is focused on that base. In 2016 Trump followed Hitler's playbook to the letter. Hitler was a brilliant politician, so following his methods was an outstanding plan. In 2024 he hasn't been able to build the momentum he achieved in 2016. He's kind of becoming a grouchy old guy who wants to be President.
    I was gonna' give you a little credit 'til you just couldn't resist going into fantasy land and calling President Trump hitler. Or inferring so at the very, very least, by virtue of admiration. Please give us a break with that total divisive nonsense and bring it back to policy, smartly. Some people believe Russia bailed President Trump out too, still. What next, it was Iran? Oh, wait...

    President Trump's base? Would that be voters against open borders and who support energy independence? Is President Trump's "base" voters who never want to see any part of Biden or whoever was on his staff in the White House ever again. Is President Trump's base voters who think the Inflation Reduction Act was a disaster? Voters who recoil at the thought of the 'New Green Deal' being resurrected? If so, you're right.
    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; August 14, 2024, 08:57 AM.

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  • ShockerPrez
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post


    How many unwanted babies did you adopt last year?
    Abortion is all the left cares about. They have it. I don't care one way or another. If your issue is abortion, but every other aspect of your life sucks, then you made your choice. Why is that hard to comprehend when I tell them to STFU about the rest?

    Oh, that's right, magic word shows up, which makes one a 'far-righty'. Necesitating some retarded caps and lower case word to signify some sort of code to trolls that I'm the unreasonable one. Got it.

    Get some new material.

    As for the rest of your post, I don't disagree about the wage gap, but letting in illegals and bailing out banks (just to name a very few factors at play here), when they need to fail only reinforces the fact that gov't ain't on the side of the little guy at the bottom. Will Trump do anything? I'm not optimistic, but there is a better chance than the alternative. Harris will be run by the fat cats, because she has no ideas on anything. She is a puppet. And until the elites and this country stop running everything, nothing will change. But Trump, so lets keep on keepin on with Kamala!

    I'm not saying the country is going to end if Harris gets elected. It just moves us down the road where its going to be harder and harder to pull back the control of government out of daily life. As the years go by, it becomes the norm, and in 2 generations, it becomes 'drastic' to think about removing this, or that.

    See the dept of education. We didn't have one until 1979. Yet if you propose eliminating it, you are a far right extremist!

    But I'm also well aware that people are voting for this crap every election. And if that's what they want, well, they are informed voters that think about these things, so I must just be in the minority. And a crazy right winger.

    I mean, these things are working in most every other country, so it's bound to work here. We elect the smartest people, and are given all the facts by our media, who are unbiased and professional.

    Here's to life getting better!


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  • Aargh
    The current version of Trump is outstanding at 2 things:
    1 - Preaching to the choir. He needs more than his loyal base to win. His campaign is aimed at maintaining those voters instead of attracting new voters.
    2 - Stepping on his dick.

    In 2016 Hillary called Trump's supporters "deplorables". That motivated them and increased the turnout of voters who supported Trump. Here's what Trump said about Harris' supporters when he was in Montana:

    "If Comrade Walz and Comrade Harris win this November, the people cheering will be the pink-haired Marxists, the looters, the perverts, the flag-burners, Hamas supporters, drug dealers, gun grabbers and human traffickers."
    Just from our experience on ShockerNet, when someone resorts to name calling it's often because that's all they've got.

    Trump is also running into problems with his issues. A recent Gallup poll about who people trusted with the economy came out at 42% for Harris and 41% for Trump. If that subject is a tie, Trump gains nothing by hammering on it. If he brings up immigration (particularly in a debate), he gets hammered for blocking the bipartisan immigration bill in Congress. It won't matter much that he disagreed with the bill. It's that Congress wanted to take a step toward fixing immigration and Trump wouldn't let them.

    His statement that Johnson should block the bill in the House because Trump wanted to use it as a campaign issue wasn't brilliant.

    Trump's base can't carry him to the White House and his method of campaigning is focused on that base. In 2016 Trump followed Hitler's playbook to the letter. Hitler was a brilliant politician, so following his methods was an outstanding plan. In 2024 he hasn't been able to build the momentum he achieved in 2016. He's kind of becoming a grouchy old guy who wants to be President.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by shock View Post

    The only thing better than this would be if all conservatives lived in one place and all liberals in another so they could live by their ridiculous policy. Just California doesn’t work because they are too dumb to understand why they don’t like California when they move to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska.
    "Conservatives" don't have ALL the answers. Polarized thinking is the folly of undisciplined Alaskans. Don't be one!

    The truth always lies somewhere in between.

    A good start is to be kind and live honorably. Encourage your weaker brother. Get involved in your community. Be a role model. Love Thy Neighbor.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    America deserves Kamala. If they vote for her, enjoy it. Personally, I will be fine. I'm not retarded. My finances will probably take a hit short term, but I will be able to maneuver through it. American cities will continue to decline. Young people will continue to struggle. But you know what? You voted for the government to have more control in your life (except more police in your community).

    Go get your abortion and STFU.

    How many unwanted babies did you adopt last year?

    Increased regulation is inversely proportional to the average level of altruism in our society. Capitalism works... until it doesn't. And what will kill the experiment is the depravity of mankind. We all need to try harder. Greed is okay... to a point. Deceptive business practices are rotting this country's core. The middle-class is almost gone. How do you think that happened? Taxes?

    The wealth gap is unsustainable. And taxing the rich harder is only a temporary fix. We need "workers" to own more of the place they work for. And no, I'm not talking about the very definition of Socialism lol. I mean they need to own more stock in a stock market that has created this wealth gap. The richest 10% in our country own 93% of the stock market. A stock market worth $50 TRILLION dollars! Why not pay employees 10% of their wages in company stock- locking it up for a certain period of time so they don't immediately blow it. The wealth gap trend would be reversed over night.

    P.S. Americans need to learn how to manage their effing money. People buy too much **** they don't need in this country. You don't need an F950 pickup you tool.

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