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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    I posted this in another thread, but it's relevant every time the leftist talking points are brought up. Too bad the media doesn't have the courage to publish any of this:

    "As regards Bush, please don't spin the facts. I don't mind you taking an anti-war stance, but let's not revise history to make the case. Here are the facts leading up to the war.

    1) 1980 - 1989 Iraq receives uranium dioxide and 100 tons of mustard gas from Brazil. Receives shells and rockets for chemical weapons from Italy. Receives anthrax from the U.S. (for medical research). Austria provided Iraq calutrons and nuclear weapon infrastructure. Singapore, Netherlands, Egypt and India supplied Iraq with over 14,000+ tons of VX, sarin and mustard gas. Egypt, Spain, and China supplied Iraq with 128,000+ tons of weapons designed for chemical warfare.

    2) 1986 - 1988 Iraq uses weapons of mass destruction (chemical weapons) killing somewhere between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000+ Kurds. That's right. Used WMDs on their own people. Killing more people than all of the casualties of the U.S. Civil War.

    3) Mar. 1990 a case of NUCLEAR TRIGGERS being sent to Iraq are intercepted. (Didn't know that, did ya?)

    4) Aug. 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait.

    5) 1991 the U.S. drives those forces back to Iraq. (And learns a whole lot about the lay of the land in that specific country and how to fight there very, very well).

    6) 1993 An attempt to assassinate George H.W. Bush (former president at the time) while visiting Kuwait is thwarted by outside law enforcement. [The REAL reason Bush Jr. went after Iraq?]

    7) Sept. 11, 2001 (7 months into Bush Jr's Presidency) Al Qaeda attacks the U.S.

    8) October 2002 The CIA confirms that Hussein still had weapons of mass destruction capabilities and there is uncorroborated reports showing that:

    * Some al-Qaeda members who fled Afghanistan took refuge in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq.
    * Senior-level contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda stretch back a decade.
    * Iraq and al-Qaeda have discussed the provision of safe havens and reciprocal nonaggression.
    * Iraq has provided training to al-Qaeda members in chemical weapons and conventional explosives.
    * Al-Qaeda leaders have tried to cultivate contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire weapons of mass destruction.

    9) Iraq is known to be actively supporting terrorist groups, though not specifically Al Qaeda: "Iraq has helped the Iranian dissident group Mujahadeen-e-Khalq, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, ... and several far-left Palestinian splinter groups that oppose peace with Israel." ... "Iraq also supported some Islamist Palestinian groups opposed to Israel, and before the 2003 war, the CIA cited Iraq's increased support for such organizations as reason to believe that Baghdad's links to terror could continue to increase."

    So ... up to this point, prior to invading Iraq we had incomplete information, a known massive stockpile of chemical weapons and nuclear weapon components, a regime that was known to be actively supporting terrorist groups, the U.S. was just attacked by a terrorist group, that terrorist group's most senior leadership was hiding in multiple countries and weren't to be found.

    Can you see any concern what-so-ever that Iraq may have funneled WMDs to Al Qaeda given the facts above?

    Edit: BTW -- I took these facts from so many sources it wasn't worth citing them all."

    I didn't take that from an extreme left-wing website with a clear agenda like who has conveniently left a LOT of decision points out of their timeline. Nor did I take any of it from right-wing websites with an agenda. All of this information was compiled by me from a lot of news sources to figure out what the real picture looked like for our leadership leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
    Lets see we went war because Iraq was behind 9/11 Nope that was bullshit
    then it was WMDs hmm

    U.N.: Iraq had no WMD after 1994By Bill Nichols, USA TODAY
    UNITED NATIONS — A report from U.N. weapons inspectors to be released today says they now believe there were no weapons of mass destruction of any significance in Iraq after 1994, according to two U.N. diplomats who have seen the document.
    The historical review of inspections in Iraq is the first outside study to confirm the recent conclusion by David Kay, the former U.S. chief inspector, that Iraq had no banned weapons before last year's U.S-led invasion. It also goes further than prewar U.N. reports, which said no weapons had been found but noted that Iraq had not fully accounted for weapons it was known to have had at the end of the Gulf War in 1991.The report, to be outlined to the U.N. Security Council as early as Friday, is based on information gathered over more than seven years of U.N. inspections in Iraq before the 2003 war, plus postwar findings discussed publicly by Kay.Kay reported in October that his team found "dozens of WMD-related program activities" that Iraq was required to reveal to U.N. inspectors but did not. However, he said he found no actual WMDs.The study, a quarterly report on Iraq from U.N. inspectors, notes that the U.S. teams' inability to find any weapons after the war mirrors the experience of U.N. inspectors who searched there from November 2002 until March 2003.

    well it looks like WMDs were bullshit

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is demanding answers from the CIA and Pentagon after an Iraqi defector stepped forward to admit that he fabricated claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in advance of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    "It has been known for several years that the source called Curveball was totally unreliable," Powell told the Guardian. "The question should be put to the CIA and the DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] as to why this wasn't known before the false information was put into the NIE sent to Congress, the president's State of the Union address and my 5 February presentation to the U.N."

    CIA used Curveball as a source knowing his info was bullshit.

    Al Queda and Iraq pre 9/11 bullshit,8599,472023,00.html

    The 9/11 congressional inquiry in the most comprehensive inquiry to date into the attacks makes no link between Iraq and al-Qaeda, except for a passing reference in the testimony of CIA director George Tenet to the possibility that hijacker Mohammed Atta may or may not have met in Prague with an Iraqi intelligence agent. Czech authorities had originally alerted the U.S. to such a possibility, but later withdrew the claim, which was always doubted by FBI officials who had information placing Atta in the U.S. on each of the days either side of the purported Prague encounter. Claims of an Atta meeting with an Iraqi agent were never considered sufficiently strong to include either in President Bush's State of the Union address or in Secretary of State Powell's UN testimony. And U.S. authorities are now in a position to definitively answer the question of just who the Iraqi agent met that day in Prague, since he's recently been detained in Iraq. But the claim of Iraqi involvement in the attack or with the organization responsible simply does not feature in the report.So how is it that that Iraqi involvement has become part of the prevailing mythology of 9/11 for so many Americans? The answer may lie in part in a conscious campaign by early advocates of the Iraq invasion within the Bush Administration to link Saddam and al-Qaeda. Indeed, some 70 percent of Americans tell pollsters they believe the Administration implied an Iraq-al-Qaeda link. That campaign began within hours of the 9/11 attacks. Former NATO commander-in-chief General Wesley Clark told NBC last month that people in and around the White House had made a concerted push to link 9/11 to Iraq, and revealed that he'd been urged to make that link during his TV appearances. He asked for evidence to back such an assertion, but none was offered.Clark's account squares with a CBS report last fall suggesting that Defense Secretary Rumsfeld had urged his aides to begin making the case for striking Saddam as well as bin Laden within hours of the attacks. And media reports from the time suggested that by late September of 2001 Administration hawks were pressing for an attack on Iraq, while doves led by Secretary of State Powell were narrowing the focus to bin Laden and Afghanistan.

    Last edited by kcshocker11; September 6, 2013, 08:20 PM.
    I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


    • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post

      Oh, and just because I did a Google search on "sarin gas Iraq" and found that link doesn't mean it suddenly becomes my "propoganda" paper.
      Well, since you did a google search you would have seen that the Anti-War/Leftist has flooded the net the argument expouse that the U.S. should not do anything now to Syria because nobody did anything in the '80's during the Iran/Iraq war when chemical weapons were used - so it may not be your propaganda, but it is the anti-wars.


      • I have proof that the Left Wing Liberals are not only the cause of GLOBAL WARMING, but the CONFLICT in SYRIA.


        Everybody knows that RIGHT WINGERS grew up playing with their GUNS an reading their bibles - as the messiah has told us so

        Originally posted by Obama
        And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion
        So what do Left wingers play with and become? Yo-Yo''s

        Which in tern is causing GLOBAL WARMING DROUGHTS and CONFLICT throughout the world, especially in Syria. And now you know the rest of the story .... Good Day!


        • John Kerry establishes another red line

          The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack
          meanwhile the State Department spokesman has quickly clarified the keystone cop remark with

          State Department quickly dismissed the comment as more of a "rhetorical argument" than an offer.


          • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
            John Kerry establishes another red line

            meanwhile the State Department spokesman has quickly clarified the keystone cop remark with
            Evidently the Russians like Kerry idea and are proposing Syria move forward with it and put their chemical weaspon under internation control.


            • Maybe I'm cynical, but when John F. Kerry said he guaranteed that Assad would use chemicals again, it seemed like a poker tell that we would frame the guy if need be.
              "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
              -John Wooden


              • I'm home at lunch and it's being reported that the rebel/terrorist group has just taken over a Christian town outside of Damascus and are slaughtering the residents and torturing priests.

                But by all means, lets support the rebels.
                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • The state department has decided that the Kerry/Russian option is not rhetorical option and are going to seriously consider it seriously.


                  • So I listened to the president last night and my takeaway was this: he thinks the right are warmongers and he can't understand why we wouldn't want to go to war with Syria, and the left are freedom lovers who believe in human dignity. But besides that I think he is confused on his next step should be except - In Putin he Trusts!


                    • I watched last night and couldn't exactly figure out what he was trying to do. I think he hurt his cause more than helped it.

                      Still can't figure out why he wants to help those who openly eat the hearts of their enemies and torture innocent people just because they're Christians.

                      That and I'm still not sure what he hopes to accomplish with his "limited airstrike".

                      And it was such an impactful speech that I couldn't find much on it online this morning on Fox or CNN. It was a wasted 15 minutes that I should have been watching the Royals play.
                      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                      • Sources say Obama has been arming the terrorists for weeks now.
                        Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                        RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                        Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                        ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                        Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                        Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                        • Not since Rocky 4 has a Russian given a black man a beating like this.


                          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                            Not since Rocky 4 has a Russian given a black man a beating like this.
                            "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                            -John Wooden


                            • who...anybody...anywhere

                              Would have thought that 12 years after 9-11, we would actually be spending our money to arm AL-queda? This has been known for months, but BHO & his media henchmen have squelched it like no other.

                              You would think there would be outrage to the 90th degree. Nope, most in this conglomeration of ignorant sub-humans aka, the USA, are more worried about who was picked for Dancing With the Stars vs where their tax dollars are spent.

                              If I wasn't totally aware who the 51% of idiots in this country are all about, it would be totally unfathomable. But these are some of the same morons who perched on a bunch of sidewalks for weeks claiming how rough they have it here.

                              Now we get 3 more years of control from this buffoon.

                              Elections have consequences.

                              We're screwed.

                              That is all.
                              Above all, make the right call.


                              • The above is the only source I have on this. If there is any validity to it, it is scary as hell as it is almost impossible to defend against. Report links a large number of fires over the past several years as planned and executed by AL-queda terrorists.

                                Game plan - burn American to the ground.

