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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Here's the link to Gallup and their most recent deep dive from earlier this month. The predictive registration numbers with strong relations to past presidential elections are the most interesting for the GOP. In fact, they are so good that it makes one somewhat skeptical. At least the information is encouraging, and we're not talking about a TPUSA poll, or Vox or SkyNews or NYPost. It's Gallup.

    Most key measures of the political environment for the 2024 election favor the Republican Party over the Democratic Party.


    • I should add the following. There is without question, a Trump factor. He is a polarizing non-politician. And his inclusion in the last 3 Presidential election cycles really throws a monkey in the wrench of politics and voting. The predictive value of these numbers is diminished (imho) because of his presence.

      If the GOP were run like the Democratic Party, they would have eliminated Trump somehow, and whomever they replaced Trump with would probably be a 75%+ favorite right now to win in November.

      As it stands, this race will likely to remain too close to call and hinge on the turnout. Vote early, vote often, to defeat the left. It's the only way.
      Last edited by WuDrWu; 1 week ago.


      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
        I should add the following. There is without question, a Trump factor. He is a polarizing non-politician. And his inclusion in the last 3 Presidential election cycles really throws a monkey in the wrench of politics and voting. The predictive value of these numbers is diminished (imho) because of his presence.

        If the GOP were run like the Democratic Party, they would have eliminated Trump somehow, and whomever they replaced Trump with would probably be a 75%+ favorite right now to win in November.

        As it stands, this race will likely to remain to close to call and hinge on the turnout. Vote early, vote often, to defeat the left. It's the only way.
        I would not be surprised to see a major shift in the "polls" in the day or two before the election.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

          I would not be surprised to see a major shift in the "polls" in the day or two before the election.
          I don't think much would surprise me, politically, these days.

          You can't be a thinking person and have watched Harris yesterday and say, honestly, to yourself, "Yeah, this should be the leader of the free world". She's incompetent.


          • I am hopeful that the electorate, regardless of how much some people may despise him, will realize that Trump is a 1000% known commodity. And Kamala is either an empty suit who knows nothing, or is afraid to say anything of substance because her true beliefs are unpallatable to a large majority of Americans. Once they have this choice, they 'should' prefer Trump. Because even if they don't like him, they know him, and the Dems, the press, etc will always line up against and isolate him. Whereas Kamala is completely unknown and Americans don't like the unknown.

            Perhaps a large segment will realize that Trump is actually the Centrist in this race and vote accordingly. But, I am still not optimistic.
            "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


            • Former President Donald Trump says Ukraine should have made concessions to Russian President Vladimir Putin instead of going to war with its invading neighbor.

              Trump says Ukraine is ‘demolished’ and dismisses its defense against Russia’s invasion

              ​Former President Donald Trump described Ukraine in bleak and mournful terms Wednesday, referring to its people as “dead” and the country itself as “demolished,” and further raising questions about how much the former president would be willing if elected again to concede in a negotiation over the country’s future.​

              Trump argued Ukraine should have made concessions to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the months before Russia’s February 2022 attack, declaring that even “the worst deal would’ve been better than what we have now.”

              His remarks, at a North Carolina event billed as an economic speech, come on the heels of a debate this month in which he pointedly refused to say whether he wanted Ukraine to win the war. On Tuesday, Trump touted the prowess of Russia and its predecessor Soviet Union, saying that wars are “what they do.”​

              “Biden and Kamala allowed this to happen by feeding Zelenskyy money and munitions like no country has ever seen before,” Trump said.
              Coming to pass exactly how I predicted. What a lame-ass scum-sucking sycophant - signaling to Putin that he's ready to offer oral for help in the election.

              Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave. What a miserable situation this country is in.

              Kamala probably IS the right choice now. Her ideology is wrong, but her allegiance to this country is FAR more solid than the Orange Russian puppet's.

              JFC I can't believe I would live to see the day where an American president OPENLY did the bidding of a murderous dictator.

              I wonder how many PATRIOTIC Trumpers have the character to stand up and admit to themselves the hypocritical toilet they find themselves being flushed down.

              I do know the vast majority of Christians did not have the character when tested. Let's see if there's enough TRUE patriots left in this country to keep this miserable piece of power hungry trash from reinfecting Washington with his diseased soul.


              • Too salty?


                • I just had some thoughts running through the vast corridors of my brain case and came up with a fascinating question: Is the Republican party no longer the moral majority (ie. The "Christian Party")?

                  Consider the following:

                  Conservative economic principles are antithetical to Christ's teachings. Almost perfectly antithetical in fact. Several tenets DO though match up with Old Testament dogma (eg. You don't work, you don't eat).

                  Of course Democratic economic principles are aimed at "rebalancing" society's wealth and giving the poor a helping hand. That's certainly Christ-like.

                  Socially, the D's are aggressively progressive/liberal w/ their wingnuts even advocating for a child to be able to staple his member onto his forehead and call himself an elephant if he so chooses. R's however have slid wayyyyyy down the path on homosexual marriage, divorce, alcohol/drug consumption/legalization, crime and punishment, and actually being an actual Christian (Trump).

                  So D's are the Moral Majority when it comes to economics and R's are barely the Moral Majority when it comes to social issues/family values?

                  Trump has absolutely hastened the slip on the slippery slope of amorality.


                  • Putin endorsed Kamala, ya know........


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                      I just had some thoughts running through the vast corridors of my brain case and came up with a fascinating question: Is the Republican party no longer the moral majority (ie. The "Christian Party")?

                      Consider the following:

                      Conservative economic principles are antithetical to Christ's teachings. Almost perfectly antithetical in fact. Several tenets DO though match up with Old Testament dogma (eg. You don't work, you don't eat).

                      Of course Democratic economic principles are aimed at "rebalancing" society's wealth and giving the poor a helping hand. That's certainly Christ-like.

                      Socially, the D's are aggressively progressive/liberal w/ their wingnuts even advocating for a child to be able to staple his member onto his forehead and call himself an elephant if he so chooses. R's however have slid wayyyyyy down the path on homosexual marriage, divorce, alcohol/drug consumption/legalization, crime and punishment, and actually being an actual Christian (Trump).

                      So D's are the Moral Majority when it comes to economics and R's are barely the Moral Majority when it comes to social issues/family values?

                      Trump has absolutely hastened the slip on the slippery slope of amorality.
                      Start here ....
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Kamala Harris thinks that aid for floods, hurricanes, tornados, & fires should be distributed based on race: "Communities of color need more"


                        • Steve Herman @W7VOA

                          CBS News - Former President Trump's campaign scrapped plans for an upcoming outdoor rally in Wisconsin after the Secret Service said it did not have the personnel needed to secure the site.​


                          • These numbers exlcudes the 2 million got-aways and who knows if that number is anywhere close to the actual number of got-aways.


                            • Is that true?
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                                Is that true?
                                I guess it depends on how credible you think the Acting Director of ICE is. These numbers came from him.

