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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Full transcript:

    You can read the nonsense, it's awful.
    Or watch the interview including the post-debate panel discussion.


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      1. If President Biden is unfit for running for another term, how is he fit for the Presidency today? Being President is about 1000 times more difficult. Who is running the country, today?
      I presume the same cabal who has been running the country for the last 3.5 years. And now that the cover-up has been totally exposed they are proceeding to implement one of the Democrat's favorite campaign talking points, a late-term abortion.


      • From what I am reading there is growing speculation among some medical professionals that POTATUS is suffering from some form of Parkinson's Disease. And based on my limited knowledge that seems to fit Joe's observable symptoms very well. Perhaps better than dimentia or senility although those may be contributing as well.

        The fact the Joe refuses to have an independent neurological evaluation to be disclosed to the public is tacit admission, form my perspective, that he and/or his handlers know he has a problem.

        Totally taking politics out of the equation it is about as clear as it can be that Biden is not capable of handling the duties and responsibilities of the President of the United States nor has been for some time, perhaps through out his entire term. Clearly someone else has been pulling the strings in this puppet act.
        Last edited by 1972Shocker; July 6, 2024, 03:24 PM.


        • WAKE UP CALL: Hakeem Jeffries Sets Up Emergency 'Virtual' House Dem Meeting After Dismal Biden Interview

          As reported by Demorcrat mouthpiece, the NY Times:

          Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, has scheduled a virtual meeting on Sunday with senior House Democrats to discuss President Biden’s candidacy and the path forward, according to a senior official familiar with the plan.

          The session, which is to include the ranking members of congressional committees who make up the top echelons of the party in the House, comes at a time of profound worry among Democrats on Capitol Hill about Mr. Biden’s poor performance at last week’s presidential debate. House Democrats have not met as a group since, even as concerns have mounted about Mr. Biden’s viability as a candidate and the impact he could have on his party’s ability to win back control of the chamber and hold the Senate should he remain in the race.


          • REVEALED: Biden Post-Debate Interviews Were Scripted, White House Created and Provided Questions

            ​Following the total collapse of Biden's candidacy during the first presidential debate, the rush was on to prove that the president was not, in fact, senile. One of the first attempts are resetting the deck was a series of radio interviews in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

            As RedState reported, those didn't go well, with the president weirdly proclaiming himself the be "the first black woman to serve with a black president," among several other verbal miscues. Now, we are learning more about how those interviews were conducted, and it's adding another layer to Biden's situation.

            According to a new report from The New York Times, the questions asked in those interviews were pre-written by the White House and submitted to the hosts.

            In other words, Biden had advance notice of everything he was going to be asked. Does that sound like someone of sound mind, capable of fulfilling the duties of his office? These interviews were supposed to prove that the president was fine and that all the talk of his senility was manufactured. Instead, this latest revelation does the exact opposite. What an absolute trainwreck this administration and campaign are.

            Again, nothing really new here. Just more confirmation of what has been going on throughout Biden's presidential term and the media's willingness to play along and participate.​


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              • President Biden is hosting a NATO Summit this Tuesday through Thursday and apparently has a fairly busy schedule. Perhaps his party will give him one last shot to show he is up to the task. This may be as good of an opportunity as they will have to evaluate that. It's going to be a real challenge for his staff and handlers (and doctors) to keep him functioning. Mid-Week at Biden's, indeed. I hope he is over his cold.

                Biden will have to very publicly show off his leadership skills and stamina at the summit in Washington, which begins Tuesday morning and runs through Thursday in what’s forecast to be sweltering heat. As the host, he won’t be able to skip events.

                On the summit’s first day, the president will deliver a high-profile speech on NATO’s 75 years at the Mellon Auditorium, where the alliance’s founding charter was signed a few years after World War II. Biden is an advocate for strengthening the alliance, but the message could get lost if he stumbles over key passages or loses his train of thought mid-sentence.

                Then on Wednesday — the summit’s busiest 24 hours — Biden will shake hands with leaders of the other 31 member states as well as partner nations. Then he’ll lead a three-hour meeting of the North Atlantic Council featuring the other heads of state and government.

                On Wednesday night, Biden will host a dinner of world leaders deep into the night — blowing past his newly self-imposed 8 p.m. work curfew. It will have all the trappings of a state dinner, requiring Biden to be lucid as he pals around with counterparts and discusses sensitive matters away from the cameras.

                Biden on Thursday will also attend and lead a marathon session of meetings on topics ranging from the war in Ukraine, to boosting NATO’s deterrence capabilities, to the dynamic security situation in the Indo-Pacific. He’ll have to sit for bilateral sessions with top allies, adding even more to his already packed three-day schedule.

                And he’ll cap it all off with a solo news conference, where he is sure to field far more questions about his age and acuity than transatlantic relations.

                If he can pass this test than he probably will survive at least until the convention.


                • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                  Based on his record over the past many decades, I'm not so sure that this isn't Joe at his best. Like Barrack said " never underestimate Joes ability to F things up".


                  • The Kentucky Governor is the Democrats best bet to replace Biden, which means he won't be the nominee.


                    • Originally posted by ABC View Post
                      The Kentucky Governor is the Democrats best bet to replace Biden, which means he won't be the nominee.
                      And Virginia Gov Glenn Youngkin would be the best choice for Trump's VP, which also means he won't be the pick.


                      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                        And Virginia Gov Glenn Youngkin would be the best choice for Trump's VP, which also means he won't be the pick.
                        I think Desantis would be, just based on him being almost certain to win in the following election. But he won't be either.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • It's gonna be a mess when Trump gets back in there. The libs will muck it up again with all kinds of bulls##t after bulls##t bulls##t in their everylasting pursuit to bring down America. I think Tulsi Gabbard would be a perfect choice cause she don't take no sh#t and calls it for what it is. Tulsi would fight off the libs daily bs while Trump can get real sh#t make America affordable again along with a million other "corrections" that are desperately needed. I like Tulsi.
                          FINAL FOURS:
                          1965, 2013

                          NCAA Tournament:
                          1964, 1965, 1976, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021

                          NIT Champs - 1 (2011)

                          AP Poll History of Wichita St:
                          Number of Times Ranked: 157
                          Number of Times Ranked #1: 1
                          Number of Times Top 5: 32 (Most Recent - 2017)
                          Number of Times Top 10: 73 (Most Recent - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017)

                          Highest Recent AP Ranking:
                          #3 - Dec. 2017
                          #2 ~ March 2014

                          Highest Recent Coaches Poll Ranking:
                          #2 ~ March 2014
                          Finished 2013 Season #4


                          • I laugh at all the Dem pundits out there claiming that Trump is the threat to democracy when it's the Dems that will be trying to get rid of their democratically elected candidate they claim is still sharp as a tack


                            • And now they (Dems and media)are saying Trump has been in cognitive decline for the last 4 years.


                              • Former President Barack Hussein Obama is said to be working stealthily behind the scenes........... (YOU DON'T SAY!)

