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The Collapse of the United States

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  • #91
    Lack of parenting is destroying our country. It has gotten progressively worse since so many kids go home to houses void of parents. Families often need 2 incomes to survive at a moderate living style these days, if they can even sustain that moderate level. Some parents choose to put more into having material luxuries rather than spending time parenting.

    So this is a result:
    A former Bradley University student giggled and smiled after driving drunk and killing a couple in Illinois, according to police body camera footage obtained by Fox News Digital.


    • #92
      Another family stress since the pandemic is that drug and alcohol addiction has increased by 16% and 23% respectively since the pandemic. If you add the stresses produced by social media during that same time, the family stresses and problems increase exponentially. Many parents cannot handle these stresses, and kids suffer.


      • #93
        According to Fox News, Biden Administration has estimated 13,000 illegal immigrants per day entering the U.S. That means more than 4 Million per year applying for asylum in the U.S. Does anyone think that the decade long delays in court hearings on asylum will actually take place? Everyone stays is the alternative. How long can the states and federal governments continue to pay for the school and social systems breaking down?

        The question is, “What is the goal of Joe Biden in allowing millions to come to the Unites States yearly? Is he trying to wreck the Governmental, Economic, and Justice systems in our country, and make us a 3rd World country on par with Columbia, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.? That’s where we are headed.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Shockm View Post
          According to Fox News, Biden Administration has estimated 13,000 illegal immigrants per day entering the U.S. That means more than 4 Million per year applying for asylum in the U.S. Does anyone think that the decade long delays in court hearings on asylum will actually take place? Everyone stays is the alternative. How long can the states and federal governments continue to pay for the school and social systems breaking down?

          The question is, “What is the goal of Joe Biden in allowing millions to come to the Unites States yearly? Is he trying to wreck the Governmental, Economic, and Justice systems in our country, and make us a 3rd World country on par with Columbia, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.? That’s where we are headed.
          I don't think they really care what the country looks like, so long as they are in perpetual control over it. Everything they do moves them closer to that goal.
          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


          • #95
            Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

            I don't think they really care what the country looks like, so long as they are in perpetual control over it. Everything they do moves them closer to that goal.
            That's likely true. However, with the economic consequences, while they drive the country into the hole, how can they maintain control if the economy is driven into the ground? Maybe for a while, but I can't see it long term. It will definitely help China become the power they want to be, and ultimately, it will change the world system.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Shockm View Post

              That's likely true. However, with the economic consequences, while they drive the country into the hole, how can they maintain control if the economy is driven into the ground? Maybe for a while, but I can't see it long term. It will definitely help China become the power they want to be, and ultimately, it will change the world system.
              At this point, they can blame the republicans for everything. The media will parrot it, people will believe it. They will say GOP wants to cut SS, people willl believe it. Trump will get the nomination, he is too polorizing, won't win. The economy sucks, but only for working people and those paying their own way, which is maybe half the country. And 20-30% of them are the KU type lefties who still vote Dems. The rest are living off the government and cant afford to take the chance of GOP actually cutting spending.

              It's almost done. If GOP couldn't get a landslide win last election, there is no scenario where they can ever win.
              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


              • #97
                Some people in power want the immigrants here because they provide above replacement level population.

                Not saying this is good, but it is one theory of governance that the left embraces.
                Livin the dream


                • #98
                  Originally posted by wufan View Post
                  Some people in power want the immigrants here because they provide above replacement level population.

                  Not saying this is good, but it is one theory of governance that the left embraces.
                  You presented one of the pro arguments (even though you probably aren't supporting it yourself), but it makes no sense, because most of them don't work. What are the cons?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                    You presented one of the pro arguments (even though you probably aren't supporting it yourself), but it makes no sense, because most of them don't work. What are the cons?
                    "Most of them don't work".....are you saying most of the immigrants don't work?


                    • Illegals make up roughly 3.5% of the population and 4.5% of the workforce, but most of them don't work? What's that say about citizens?

                      Two things need to happen. We need to eliminate a lot of the handouts that are given to citizens and non-citizens alike; as well as automatic citizenship to illegals AND we need to make citizenship and immigration easier.
                      Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                      RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                      Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                      ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                      Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                      Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                        "Most of them don't work".....are you saying most of the immigrants don't work?
                        If you’re talking legal immigrants, I think they work. From what I’ve been hearing the illegal immigrants in New York aren’t working. We’ve had 1.5 Million illegal immigrants per year coming in per year since 2020, and right now, people don’t have to work to receive welfare. Unemployment compensation is being handed out too without having to look for work, and there is no cutoff for unemployment to be handed out, unlike the way it used to be 20+ years ago.


                        • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
                          We need to eliminate a lot of the handouts that are given to citizens and non-citizens alike; ...
                          What handouts? Be specific, racist.
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
                            According to Fox News, Biden Administration has estimated 13,000 illegal immigrants per day entering the U.S. That means more than 4 Million per year applying for asylum in the U.S. Does anyone think that the decade long delays in court hearings on asylum will actually take place? Everyone stays is the alternative. How long can the states and federal governments continue to pay for the school and social systems breaking down?

                            The question is, “What is the goal of Joe Biden in allowing millions to come to the Unites States yearly? Is he trying to wreck the Governmental, Economic, and Justice systems in our country, and make us a 3rd World country on par with Columbia, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.? That’s where we are headed.
                            Correction: we,the tax payers will be paying for it. The government only collects and spends our money, they do nothing to make money.


                            • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                              What handouts? Be specific, racist.
                              He's probably talking about : free phones, free food, free travel to the destination of their choice, free housing, free school, free medical.

                              But for some citizens he may be talking about, free food, free medical, reparations, coming so to a socialist state near you.

                              Or maybe he's talking about handouts to all the green energy research and manufacturing in the US, China, and a few others.

                              But I could be 100% wrong, as there are so many handouts, that it's likes guessing which recruits we're courting.


                              • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
                                But I could be 100% wrong, as there are so many handouts, that it's likes guessing which recruits we're courting.
                                The problem is no matter what "handouts" he takes issue with, some fringe group will say, "See you're a racist targeting minority group X, because you KNOW taking away that handout disproportionately affects them." And the liberals and media will make as much noise about it as they can -- regardless of whether it actually does affect some minority group or not -- in order to isolate him and ruin his political career.
                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

