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The Collapse of the United States

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  • Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington.

    remember this?


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      I remember the "mostly peaceful" angle. Other details didn't get a lot of run.


      • Burning Man satire…

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
          Burning Man satire…

          But is it really satire? Probably more factual reporting in that piece than in most reports by the Ministry of Propraganda.


          • Florida executed Duane Owen last June (2023). He was sentenced to death for the March 24, 1984, rape and fatal stabbing of Karen Slattery, 14, and for the rape and deadly hammer attack two months later on Georgianna Worden, 38. Both killings occurred in Palm Beach County.

            He raped a woman and killed her with a hammer. What in the absolute FU(K took so long?
            Last edited by pinstripers; September 5, 2023, 02:19 PM.


            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
              Florida executed Duane Owen last June (2023). He was sentenced to death for the March 24, 1984, rape and fatal stabbing of Karen Slattery, 14, and for the rape and deadly hammer attack two months later on Georgianna Worden, 38. Both killings occurred in Palm Beach County.

              He raped a woman and killed her with a hammer. What in the absolute FU(K took so long?
              I don't know how we "fix" things like this....This guy had almost no chance in life. Alcoholic parents, mom died when he was young, Dad killed himself when Duane was like 12. Was passed around the foster life, perhaps beaten and abused from childhood on. Was arrested on fairly serious charges (if I'm following the timeline correctly, and that's tough to do 40 years ago) but was out and committed these 2 atrocities and then confessed. Coerced? Doubtful but who knows.

              We extracted a pound of flesh 40 years later. I hope the families he destroyed are at peace (they deserve so much more) but what did we accomplish? I'd be ok with voluntary death sentences ie you don't want to spend 40 years in the clink? Pass a test and do it yourself. Otherwise, SuperMax in the Alaskan wilderness, solitary confinement, basic necessities, simple life (humane conditions, food, water, tv, books). Good luck getting out.

              Also, while I realize it's a terribly slippery slope, it seems like this would be an acceptable use for GPS implants. If you commit this kind of heinous crime and want to live, here is the cost. All lifers.

              Of course, better dealing with mental disease is a huge part of the equation. I've mentioned it before, but Citizen X is a must see for a deep look at both sides of atrocities like this long ago (albeit a different country where they have a much different idea of crime and punishment) when we didn't have most of the technology we have available to us today.


              • That was a big word salad to reiterate that I don't have the answers, but I feel fairly comfortable that executing someone 40 years after the fact isn't the correct one.


                • You rape a woman while her kids are in the house sleeping, then you murder her with a hammer, I vote we kill you that same week. (I know it ain't that simple)


                  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                    That was a big word salad to reiterate that I don't have the answers, but I feel fairly comfortable that executing someone 40 years after the fact isn't the correct one.
                    Yeah, I’m with you on this. I can’t figure out this issue.

                    I will use local example. The Carr brothers should have been put to death 20 years ago. It was as open-and-shut as a case could have been. I obviously abhor wrongful executions, but this one was straight forward. There wasn’t argument over whether or not they actually committed the crime. Just a bunch of legalese BS.

                    But as Doc alluded, what’s the point at this point? If those two were executed tomorrow, it would feel very hollow. I didn’t know any victims, but my sister’s teacher did. Those guys being executed all these years later wouldn’t make me feel any better.


                    • I didn’t know a victim, but a kid that worked for me at the time was very close with that group and had he not picked up an additional shift that day, likely would have been with them that fateful night. I wanted them dead that afternoon as did much of Wichita. Today, I believe we can do better.


                      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        That was a big word salad to reiterate that I don't have the answers, but I feel fairly comfortable that executing someone 40 years after the fact isn't the correct one.
                        This kind of crap became more frequent after government shut down those mean mental institutions.
                        Bring them back! Most of the current day homeless belong in them as well.


                        • CAMBRIDGE, MA — As institutions for higher education search for new ways to expand the skills and knowledge offered to students, Harvard University has announced its new instructor, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, will be teaching a class on how to be a horrific failure at your job and still be hired to teach a class at Harvard University.


                          • Quick reminder, because you will NOT hear this in the media, but Danelo Cavalcante is in this country illegally.

                            He's had a warrant out in his home country of Brazil for MURDER since 2017. He's here illegally. He murdered an American citizen.

                            The only good thing (and good is relative) is that now he's armed which almost assures his immediate execution when he's found by police (hopefully before he kills anyone else).

                            Deborah's blood is on the hands of every politician that isn't building the ****ing wall themselves.

                            Close the borders, FIX immigration. Do it now you worthless ****tards in DC or the next body may very well be yours. ****ing worthless shitstains.


                            • (see above)


                              • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                                Quick reminder, because you will NOT hear this in the media, but Danelo Cavalcante is in this country illegally.

                                He's had a warrant out in his home country of Brazil for MURDER since 2017. He's here illegally. He murdered an American citizen.

                                The only good thing (and good is relative) is that now he's armed which almost assures his immediate execution when he's found by police (hopefully before he kills anyone else).

                                Deborah's blood is on the hands of every politician that isn't building the ****ing wall themselves.

                                Close the borders, FIX immigration. Do it now you worthless ****tards in DC or the next body may very well be yours. ****ing worthless shitstains.
                                Well said doc.
                                But the Dems will claim abuse if anyone shoots him because he only has a 22. Would surprise me if Dems send him an AR in the name of equity.
                                Last edited by Atxshoxfan; September 12, 2023, 09:41 PM.

