Originally posted by ShockerPrez
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I have a rural cousin whom I enjoyed visiting from time to time. It's nice to have a beer and an occasional cigar on the porch in the country peace and quiet. While Obama was in office, this dude was constantly spamming me about the feds buying up all the ammo, American concentration camps that were "being built", military exercises being conducted in our own cities in "preparation for Obama calling Marshall law and..." -- I don't know what he was supposedly going to do after that... maybe make us convert to Islam or become citizens of Kenya? Anyways... this dude had "Don't Tread On Me" flags, "Molon Labe" tattooed on his arm, and would travel to Montana a couple times a year to meet up with an organized militia that rolled around in the dirt for a weekend simulating war games. This dude... This dude, wouldn't have stood for the Obama version of Trump.
People on here talk about the Republicans as the peaceful people... well... we are, but... Jesus there are a lot of right-wing crazies that are itchin' for a confrontation. Depending on my mood I might even be included in that group as embarrassing as it is to admit.
Sentiment is a fickle thing, and unless you are constantly self-evaluating your thoughts and feelings, it's easy to get manipulated by the conservative media machine. The changes start very slowly until eventually you're screaming on message boards and joining militias.
Antifa and the modified BLM is just the liberal response to the right-wing militias, proud boys, etc. etc.
We need to dial. down. the. ****ing. rhetoric.
I've got my fingers crossed that Biden will be that dude. Then in 4 years we can boot his ass out for a slick, well-mannered, fiscally-conservative moderate.