If Trump had fudged on his taxes, we would have known this probably decades ago, not to mention before his election. You can't tell me that there haven't been dozens of partisan IRS agents with access to the information (and didn't disclose them because, yeah, pretty sure there are laws against this) scouring it with a fine tooth comb. The state of NY probably audits him every year to ensure they are getting their cut.
This is a bigger nothing burger than Russia collusion. No one cares. Libs screaming about this crap is just another Sunday dessert.
Now do Obama and tell us where he got all of his money. Or Biden, or all of the other 'civil servants' who have dedicated their lives to the public good and end up millionaires out of the bigness of their hearts.
This is a bigger nothing burger than Russia collusion. No one cares. Libs screaming about this crap is just another Sunday dessert.
Now do Obama and tell us where he got all of his money. Or Biden, or all of the other 'civil servants' who have dedicated their lives to the public good and end up millionaires out of the bigness of their hearts.