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Sub's Alternative Energy Thread

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  • A couple of things on that:

    It’s actually lake front property.

    The property is about 20 foot above sea level. Even if their is a rise of one foot per decade (instead of current east coast rise of one foot per century) the house will be fine in their lifetime.

    There are massive infrastructure programs that can prevent the sea from coming in, and as progressives, they are all for it.

    What that tells us is that sea level rise isn’t catastrophic for most of humanity.
    Livin the dream


    • Michael Mann, creator of the infamous global warming ‘hockey stick,’ loses lawsuit against climate skeptic, ordered to pay defendant’s costs


      • Mann has sued many, many individuals, and this is just one suit. He still refuses to provide the statistical validation of his graph, and reportedly, this statistical validation would result in Mann admitting that the graph has no predictive value.
        Livin the dream


        • 1972Shocker
          1972Shocker commented
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          Doesn't sound like we may ever get the answer to that since he apparently has no interest in sharing his data. Although that may prove to be a costly decision on his part. Although it's hard to say who may be underwriting his legal costs.

        • shockfan89_
          shockfan89_ commented
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          So this entire "climate emergency" is based on the UN accepting this data as science even though the data hasn't been released so it is impossible to independently review or verify it? Interesting that climate deniers are viewed as the ones that can't accept science...

      • Michael Mann's Tree-Ring Circus

        This has been a tough week for climate hustler Michael Mann, who lost his defamation and libel lawsuit against respected climatologist and warming skeptic Dr. Tim Ball at the same time it was announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that there has been no U.S. warming since 2005.


        • That’s a bold claim against the temp data. I’m guessing it came from this.

          I’d like to see the counter-narrative.
          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by wufan View Post
            That’s a bold claim against the temp data. I’m guessing it came from this.

            I’d like to see the counter-narrative.
            Here is a link directly to the data. There is actually 3 different data sets available.

            Several different methodologies to estimate the temperature history of the contiguous United States, including NCEI's current operational version. Users can graph, compare and save the output from these different methods.

            You won't find any hockey sticks in either 3 of the data sets.


            • I’m a skeptic. Here’s what I believe from what I’ve been able to gather from reading scientific papers and looking at raw data with a skeptical eye:

              Carbon Dioxide correlates with change in temperature via a lagging effect of several centuries.

              CO2 is a small positive feedback that increases temperature.

              We’ve been emitting CO2 into the environment for the past ~ 100 years.

              A doubling of CO2 (from 300 to 600 ppb) should increase the temp by less than 1 degree C

              We’ve been coming out of an ice age for the past ~ 12000 years and the temperature has been slowly rising.

              Temperature proxies provide a poor understanding of previous actual temperatures.

              NOAA and NASA build inadequate algorithms to make up for missing data in the recorded record

              Solar cycles are probably under represented in temperature models

              The media pushes climate change as the existential threat that will end humanity
              Livin the dream


              • Kung Wu
                Kung Wu commented
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            • Must admit, when I started this thread over 14 yrs ago and over 27k views later , I didn't expect it to hang around this long. I saw the replies and didn't know whether to laugh or go wow.
              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


            • 18 spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year



              • This is a good one:

                18. Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

                Interestingly NOAA says that the temp increased slightly between 1950 and 1970 (but in fairness the temp data from 1970 stated that it had dropped 0.6C).

                Since 1970, the temp has risen 0.6C.
                Livin the dream


                • Livin the dream


                  • wufan
                    wufan commented
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                    The video is cringe. Nothing like an emotional appeal of a child to get the good faith debate going.

                  • SB Shock
                    SB Shock commented
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                    She is pawn for the green industrial complex who see trillions of dollars sitting out waiting to be snatched. Even her trip is a fraud - any carbon they save was blown away when the flew her boat crew back.

                • Just get tired of kids talking about their dreams being destroyed, future taken, etc, etc. The adults who slant these kids into this mindset are human garbage.

                  What ever happened to letting kids be kids? These are the same adults who don't let youth sports keep score so that their kids don't get discouraged, yet turn around and teach them the world will end in 10 years.

                  GTFO. Anyone who uses kids, to promote their agenda, then use them as a shield from criticism are the lowest form of life and cowards.
                  "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                  • WuDrWu
                    WuDrWu commented
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                    I tried to find something substantive on the subject. Some guest on Fox apparently said Greta was mentally ill and it ignited a firestorm of well, everything.

                    It appears Greta's mother says she (Greta) and her sister suffer from a variety of ills that all would fall under the definition of mental illness. She wrote a book about it.

                    A workplace strike shows company owners and management that workers are able to harm them economically. A school strike, on the other hand, constitutes a form of self-harm, undertaken to attract adult attention.

                    If that is a true description or translation of the book, and Greta's operaetic mother is truthful in writting it, that's one seriously ****ed up family.

                • Whether humans are causing damaging climate or not until someone can identify a workable solution that doesn't bankrupt us I am
                  a skeptic. Be very skeptic when people want your hard earned money for something they don't even have a meaningful solution for.
                  Government will never find one. If there IS one, which I doubt, only private entities will find it/them.


                  • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • Nothing like exploiting children.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

