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Election Results...

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  • This video of the election coverage proves my point....

    Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

    Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
    I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


    • Here is a good article regarding the challenges that Obama will face.


      • Again, I find it funny how the liberal democRATS did everything to block even an up or down vote for Bush court appointees, they called him a war criminal, a liar, etc... , they blamed him for the loan crash, yet now they want us conservatives to hold hands and sing kumbaya with them. Now they just want us all to get along.
        Guess what libs, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!! We will fight tooth and nail to keep liberal activist judges off the bench, we will fight to keep the Obama socialst health care from passing, fight higher taxes on business, you name it! Get ready for the same treatment you have been dishing out for the last 8 years.
        Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


        • Originally posted by emcfizzle
          This video of the election coverage proves my point....

          Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

          Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
          I don’t think it really does but then again I am not sure what your point was to begin with. Can YOU actually tell me what your point is and then I can better judge the merits.


          • Originally posted by Maggie
            Originally posted by emcfizzle
            This video of the election coverage proves my point....

            Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

            Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
            I don’t think it really does but then again I am not sure what your point was to begin with. Can YOU actually tell me what your point is and then I can better judge the merits.
            This thread is getting better by the minute.
            I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


            • Originally posted by emcfizzle
              Originally posted by Maggie
              Originally posted by emcfizzle
              This video of the election coverage proves my point....

              Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

              Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
              I don’t think it really does but then again I am not sure what your point was to begin with. Can YOU actually tell me what your point is and then I can better judge the merits.
              This thread is getting better by the minute.
              No it is not. You can’t answer a simple question. Is it that hard?


              • Originally posted by Maggie
                Originally posted by emcfizzle
                Originally posted by Maggie
                Originally posted by emcfizzle
                This video of the election coverage proves my point....

                Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

                Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
                I don’t think it really does but then again I am not sure what your point was to begin with. Can YOU actually tell me what your point is and then I can better judge the merits.
                This thread is getting better by the minute.
                No it is not. You can’t answer a simple question. Is it that hard?
                I made a statement that the lynch mob (the right wing nutjobs of shockernet) needed to chill out with the crazy chicken little "the sky is falling" routine. My comments were hardly "talking points", in fact I was making fun of the recent anti-Obama talking points- socialist, terrorist etc..

                The link was a reference to getting "Rick Rolled", only in this case "Barack Rolled". You might want to try googling it, or at least moving into the 21st century.
                I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


                • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                  Originally posted by Maggie
                  Originally posted by emcfizzle
                  Originally posted by Maggie
                  Originally posted by emcfizzle
                  This video of the election coverage proves my point....

                  Check out my other videos here. someone had to do it...Senator Obama just BarackRoll'd you (like a rickroll... only Presiden...

                  Barack Roll'ed, b*tches.
                  I don’t think it really does but then again I am not sure what your point was to begin with. Can YOU actually tell me what your point is and then I can better judge the merits.
                  This thread is getting better by the minute.
                  No it is not. You can’t answer a simple question. Is it that hard?
                  I made a statement that the lynch mob (the right wing nutjobs of shockernet) needed to chill out with the crazy chicken little "the sky is falling" routine. My comments were hardly "talking points", in fact I was making fun of the recent anti-Obama talking points- socialist, terrorist etc..

                  The link was a reference to getting "Rick Rolled", only in this case "Barack Rolled". You might want to try googling it, or at least moving into the 21st century.
                  You might try articulating why you think this election result was a good idea instead of attempting to insult me personally.

                  You might disagree with the “right wing nutjobs” – but you could at least tell the world why.


                  • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                    I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?.
                    1)Economic cycles are simply not understood by you or many of the people that claim the economy was the key issue. Clinton was much more a fiscal moderate than Obama has shown to this point AND Congress and the Senate is FAR more liberal now then they were in 92. Also, Newt Gingrich's contract with America quickly ended the stranglehold the Dems had on all three branches. The fact that the Executive branch and the legislative branch butted heads is EXACTLY what allowed the economy to go through an extended period of growth for most of the 8 years. Clinton NOT controlling the economy was a big part of that. His ability to reign in spending, on some level, WITH the help (and demand) of a CONSERVATIVE Congress also played a part. If you expect government to "handle" the economy, you are lost forever.

                    Bottom line, if you are trying to give Clinton all the credit for growth in the 90s.... 1)He left it alone with the help of the GOP Congress 2)He is far more moderate than Obama 3)Economic cycle.

                    Originally posted by Maggie
                    I don’t know to whom this post was directed but perhaps you can expand, without the usual talking points, on what you actually envision.
                    :clap: I am still waiting to hear exactly what Obama supporters expect to see happen.


                    • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                      You guys are a sad bunch.

                      I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?

                      Do you really think that Obama being President will somehow lead to the US turning into a socialist state? Or that the "gays" will be running naked thru the streets felating each other while performing abortions? Maybe Obama will build a new wing in the White House for his terrorist buddies to crash while they hatch new bomb plots??

                      Gimme a break. You lost, get over it. Why not pay attention to your boy McCain and lose with some dignity. It's going to take the entire country working TOGETHER to bring us out of the hole we are in. Or you can feel free to continue to whine and complain and be a part of the problem and not the solution.
                      You are attributing the attributing the words of a few to the many. Not that I blame you, it happens all the time from both sides of the aisle.

                      There are some positives, even from a conservative viewpoint, from last night. The election of our first black president is a wonderful thing. As I said last night, I wish it been a candidate whose policies I could support so I could join the celebration.

                      Hopefully, the Republican leadership got a wakeup call. I am tremendously disappointed in the Republican party and have been for a few years now. They had control of the of the White House and congress and didn't accomplish anything of substance. Tax cuts are great, but they don't balance the budget or shrink the government. I completely understand America wanting to go a different direction. I do, too. I would love to see a REAL fiscal conservative who would work to shrink the government.

                      While I understand why the country voted as it did, and am disappointed in my own party, I am also very concerned about having Democrats in total control. Depending on what measuring stick you use, Clinton's presidency could be called a success. Don't forget, however, that the Republicans controlled at least one, and sometimes both, bodies of the legislative branch while he was in office.

                      There is always hope in America, and one of the reasons is that people don't just go away after losing an election. The nutjobs who call Obama a terrorist and such probably should go away, but those of us who disagree with him on the issues have a duty to continue to voice our opinions. That does not make us "sore losers".


                      • Originally posted by WuDrWu
                        Originally posted by emcfizzle
                        I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?.
                        1)Economic cycles are simply not understood by you or many of the people that claim the economy was the key issue. Clinton was much more a fiscal moderate than Obama has shown to this point AND Congress and the Senate is FAR more liberal now then they were in 92. Also, Newt Gingrich's contract with America quickly ended the stranglehold the Dems had on all three branches. The fact that the Executive branch and the legislative branch butted heads is EXACTLY what allowed the economy to go through an extended period of growth for most of the 8 years. Clinton NOT controlling the economy was a big part of that. His ability to reign in spending, on some level, WITH the help (and demand) of a CONSERVATIVE Congress also played a part. If you expect government to "handle" the economy, you are lost forever.

                        Bottom line, if you are trying to give Clinton all the credit for growth in the 90s.... 1)He left it alone with the help of the GOP Congress 2)He is far more moderate than Obama 3)Economic cycle.

                        Originally posted by Maggie
                        I don’t know to whom this post was directed but perhaps you can expand, without the usual talking points, on what you actually envision.
                        :clap: I am still waiting to hear exactly what Obama supporters expect to see happen.
                        It amazes me how many people really don't understand that.


                        • Here is the difference between conservative and liberals. The liberals were threatening riots and "blood in the streets" if Obama wasn't elected.

                          Conservatives will accept that democracy has spoken and President-elect Obama will be "our" president. We will support him fully. Now if he present positions or laws that go against our morals or positions we will argue our case.

                          I was impressed with Obama acceptance speech last night. I believe if he governs from the center he will do just fine. If he swings left of Pelosi and Reid, it will be an interesting 2-4 years.


                          • Originally posted by McShocker
                            Originally posted by WuDrWu
                            Originally posted by emcfizzle
                            I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?.
                            1)Economic cycles are simply not understood by you or many of the people that claim the economy was the key issue. Clinton was much more a fiscal moderate than Obama has shown to this point AND Congress and the Senate is FAR more liberal now then they were in 92. Also, Newt Gingrich's contract with America quickly ended the stranglehold the Dems had on all three branches. The fact that the Executive branch and the legislative branch butted heads is EXACTLY what allowed the economy to go through an extended period of growth for most of the 8 years. Clinton NOT controlling the economy was a big part of that. His ability to reign in spending, on some level, WITH the help (and demand) of a CONSERVATIVE Congress also played a part. If you expect government to "handle" the economy, you are lost forever.

                            Bottom line, if you are trying to give Clinton all the credit for growth in the 90s.... 1)He left it alone with the help of the GOP Congress 2)He is far more moderate than Obama 3)Economic cycle.

                            Originally posted by Maggie
                            I don’t know to whom this post was directed but perhaps you can expand, without the usual talking points, on what you actually envision.
                            :clap: I am still waiting to hear exactly what Obama supporters expect to see happen.
                            It amazes me how many people really don't understand that.
                            Don't forget the dot com boom Slick Willie inherited.
                            Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden


                            • Originally posted by SB Shock
                              Here is the difference between conservative and liberals. The liberals were threatening riots and "blood in the streets" if Obama wasn't elected.
                              I never heard or read that. Is there a link.

                              I'm sure each party has their own bad apples.


                              • Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                                Originally posted by SB Shock
                                Here is the difference between conservative and liberals. The liberals were threatening riots and "blood in the streets" if Obama wasn't elected.
                                I never heard or read that. Is there a link.

                                I'm sure each party has their own bad apples.
                                Not taking a side….but for what it is worth, and I don’t have a link, but I did read and hear a lot about riots if Obama in fact lost the election.

