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Election Results...

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  • Originally posted by RoyalShock
    Originally posted by double dribble
    kc, joco, anyone? Can someone please tell me the policies that Bush enacted that were bad for you? anyone? huh? c'mon you have had plenty of time to go read the daily koz
    First, DD. It's not about me. It's about our country. Please don't tell me that you've fallen into the "me, me, me" trap?

    Second, the Patriot Act and a corporate bailout for starters.

    The Iraq war. Lives lost and increedible financial debt.

    Stimulus checks and out-of-control spending during a time of war.

    If government doesn't get smaller under a Republican president, then in my judgement he failed miserably. Then when he takes our civil liberties by pushing a groundbreaking bill through Congress with only minute to review it, I consider him a traitor.

    No, DD. I'm doing just fine personally. But I don't see the same for our country. And nothing would have changed with a McCain presidency either. If real conservatives finally open their eyes and revolt I think we'll end up better off in the long run.
    So very true. It is amazing to me how the Republicans get elected largely because of promises for smaller government, but then refuse to cut programs because they think it will damage their chances of re-election. Unfortunately, they are probably right. If a president and congress ever actually do what is needed to fix social security, AARP will make sure that every single one of them is voted out of office.


    • Term limits, McShocker. Never before have they been needed so badly.


      • Originally posted by RoyalShock
        Term limits, McShocker. Never before have they been needed so badly.


        • Atleast us Republican conservatives can say we kept Kansas red for McCain plus we re-elected Roberts, Moran, & Tiahrt. I think that says alot for our local area.

          You have to feel sorry for black people that voted for Obama. They expect Obama to send them blank checks and built them new homes. The things they`re expecting won`t happen.


          • Originally posted by BenWSU
            You have to feel sorry for black people that voted for Obama. They expect Obama to send them blank checks and built them new homes. The things they`re expecting won`t happen.
            What a ridiculus statement! 8)
            I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


            • I saw an interview yesterday of a woman with young kids at an Obama rally. She basically said that if Obama is elected she won't have to worry about filling her gas tank or paying her mortgage.

              How do you fight such ignorance and sense of entitlement? Can we somehow trick them into moving to Canada?

              "Seriously, Quebec is now a state. Canada didn't want it. I hear they're giving away free homes and gas cards!"


              • Originally posted by kcshocker11
                Originally posted by BenWSU
                You have to feel sorry for black people that voted for Obama. They expect Obama to send them blank checks and built them new homes. The things they`re expecting won`t happen.
                What a ridiculus statement! 8)
                Put yourself in a black persons shoes and live through years of being felt like a second class citizen. Plus factor in slavery.

                Those people finally got Obama elected. Now they`re expecting things they`ve never had.


                • This election result, my mind, is a bit like being diagnosed with testicular cancer. You hope to live through the treatment but don’t look forward to what you are about to lose.

                  Despite Obama’s campaign promises, which during the general election shifted right of center, the fact is Liberals (which I hope they don’t mind being called now – Progressive is annoying) now have control of both the Legislative and Executive Branch of the Federal Government. There is no one to blame any longer – to be sure we will hear platitudes about what a mess they have inherited etc. – but the fact is they now own and are responsible for the future of this nation. I for one sort of look forward to what they might propose – it should be interesting to say the least.

                  I wrote that I wish our future President well – and I do. But that doesn’t mean I will remain silent.


                  • Originally posted by kcshocker11
                    Originally posted by BenWSU
                    You have to feel sorry for black people that voted for Obama. They expect Obama to send them blank checks and built them new homes. The things they`re expecting won`t happen.
                    What a ridiculus statement! 8)
                    Not really… many of them will be anticipating the arrival of the bus with Ty and the Extreme Makeover Home Edition gang… “Hip, hip, hooray… our new president’s going to get us a new house!”
                    SFL is back!


                    • You guys are a sad bunch.

                      I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?

                      Do you really think that Obama being President will somehow lead to the US turning into a socialist state? Or that the "gays" will be running naked thru the streets felating each other while performing abortions? Maybe Obama will build a new wing in the White House for his terrorist buddies to crash while they hatch new bomb plots??

                      Gimme a break. You lost, get over it. Why not pay attention to your boy McCain and lose with some dignity. It's going to take the entire country working TOGETHER to bring us out of the hole we are in. Or you can feel free to continue to whine and complain and be a part of the problem and not the solution.
                      I ain't fallin fo no banana in tha tailpipe


                      • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                        You guys are a sad bunch.

                        I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?

                        Do you really think that Obama being President will somehow lead to the US turning into a socialist state? Or that the "gays" will be running naked thru the streets felating each other while performing abortions? Maybe Obama will build a new wing in the White House for his terrorist buddies to crash while they hatch new bomb plots??

                        Gimme a break. You lost, get over it. Why not pay attention to your boy McCain and lose with some dignity. It's going to take the entire country working TOGETHER to bring us out of the hole we are in. Or you can feel free to continue to whine and complain and be a part of the problem and not the solution.
                        I don’t know to whom this post was directed but perhaps you can expand, without the usual talking points, on what you actually envision.


                        • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                          You guys are a sad bunch.

                          I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?

                          Do you really think that Obama being President will somehow lead to the US turning into a socialist state? Or that the "gays" will be running naked thru the streets felating each other while performing abortions? Maybe Obama will build a new wing in the White House for his terrorist buddies to crash while they hatch new bomb plots??

                          Gimme a break. You lost, get over it. Why not pay attention to your boy McCain and lose with some dignity. It's going to take the entire country working TOGETHER to bring us out of the hole we are in. Or you can feel free to continue to whine and complain and be a part of the problem and not the solution.
                          Follow me on twitter:


                          • Originally posted by emcfizzle
                            You guys are a sad bunch.

                            I seem to remember similar doom and gloom statments when Clinton was elected. Was 8 years of prosperity such a bad thing?

                            Do you really think that Obama being President will somehow lead to the US turning into a socialist state? Or that the "gays" will be running naked thru the streets felating each other while performing abortions? Maybe Obama will build a new wing in the White House for his terrorist buddies to crash while they hatch new bomb plots??

                            Gimme a break. You lost, get over it. Why not pay attention to your boy McCain and lose with some dignity. It's going to take the entire country working TOGETHER to bring us out of the hole we are in. Or you can feel free to continue to whine and complain and be a part of the problem and not the solution.


                            • Originally posted by RoyalShock
                              Term limits, McShocker. Never before have they been needed so badly.
                              That's one of the things Newt Gingrich wanted with his "Contract with America". But of course, after the Republicans took control of Congress, they never wanted term limits after that.


                              • Originally posted by BenWSU
                                Atleast us Republican conservatives can say we kept Kansas red for McCain plus we re-elected Roberts, Moran, & Tiahrt. I think that says alot for our local area.

                                You have to feel sorry for black people that voted for Obama. They expect Obama to send them blank checks and built them new homes. The things they`re expecting won`t happen.
                                And booted Boyda back to Lawrence.
                                Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. John Wooden

