Originally posted by 1979Shocker
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"From his website", like that means its the law. I am so sick of spin, on BOTH sides, I could vomit.
A large percentage of working Americans already do not pay any federal income tax so don't try to even call it a tax cut. It is welfare pure and simple.
You know what else? It isn't going to make 1 iota's bit of difference. So what if you give a guy making $25 k an extra $100 welfare check at the end of the year. All you did was by him some more beer.
However, in taking the money from the "wealthy" you probably managed to take one of his friend's job.
Well done shortsighted.