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No matter which side of the aisle you are on

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  • #61

    Well said. As an Independent, I agree 100% and I applaud you for your efforts to cut through the crap. :clap: Not that I think it will work, but you gave it the old college try. :good:
    "She is only HALF a mother who does not see HER child in EVERY child." - Anonymous


    • #62
      I don't watch MSNBC, CNN, or Fox News. I don't listen to Rush or Hannity either... It's CNBC for me..

      I do occasionally listen to Savage. He makes me laugh out loud.

      Do you really think that Palin knows more about the Federal system than Obama?

      His education alone puts him light years ahead of her in understanding the major concepts of our government and its history.

      Obama is a very smooth customer. I just wish he wasn't so liberal. His charisma and wit invokes excitement. It's a fresh change from the current mentally deficient administration.

      One thing is for sure though, the current choice of candidates really makes me long for a guy like Ron Paul.




      • #63
        ... I take that back. I don't think I could vote for Ron Paul in good conscience. He's a bit too extreme for my blood. His positions on Sudan, the Federal Reserve, and the Middle-East seem a bit irresponsible.

        He's a good guy to get people thinking but we just need a more mellow Ron Paul or.. Hey! I know! How about a real Republican?




        • #64
          Many of you people underestimate Palin.

          Even the skeptic would have to concede that what Palin has accomplished in public life, to date, is nothing short of remarkable. She had none of the advantages or background of contemporary female “role model” politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein or even the talking heads that see fit to look down upon her and her accomplishments like Eleanor Clift, Campbell Brown, Andrea Mitchell, et als. These people, in part, through marriage or birthright had the necessary funds, contacts and/or insider influence to aid in their rise to prominence. What advantages did Palin have?

          It’s true; Palin does not have an Ivy League education. It is also true that she is from a small rural town (certainly more isolated than most) and has simple working class roots. Furthermore, she married a blue collar working class husband, who does not possess power, contacts or influence. These facts alone would seem to disqualify her, for high office, in the eyes of many…..

          Who is Palin? Simply put, she is member of the NRA, proud of her religion, she is pro-life and she favors, among other things, drilling. She is a strong, independent, articulate, confident CONSERVATIVE woman. God forbid.

          I think in time many of you people, whether this ticket is successful or not, will come to find that your criticism of her was in the best possible light - petty.


          • #65
            Originally posted by double dribble
            Palin is smart, articulate, HOT, conservative, and has more executive experience than Barak.
            Barak is like a hologram, he is all image with no substance. He is the same old liberal agenda repackaged in a nice (empty) suit. Cut defense funding, raise taxes, create class envy, devide the country into haves and have nots, punish achievement, socialized health care, kill unwanted babies, blah blah blah
            Its nothing new, the liberal agenda is still socialism.
            That was no double dribble... simply a slam dunk!

            :good: :good:
            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • #66
              Originally posted by Maggie

              Who is Palin? Simply put, she is member of the NRA, proud of her religion, she is pro-life and she favors, among other things, drilling. She is a strong, independent, articulate, confident CONSERVATIVE woman. God forbid.
              Except she has the type of background that our founding fathers probly expected our politicians would have.

              I don't think they had in mind the "professional politician" that we have know who once gets elected gets a huge golden parachute, who spends more time in Washington DC than in their own state, looking for ways to get rich, re-elected on the backs of their constituents.


              • #67
                Coldblooded and others,

                You are comparing the Dems top of the ticket to the GOP's #2. That is probabaly the debate the McCain campaign wants to have.

                It appears to me that the McCain campaign has bated Obama's folks into this discussion and they've fallen for it, and you did too.


                • #68
                  If ANYONE here can tell me how Barry O represents "CHANGE" from the same old liberal agenda, then YOU can kick ME square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)
                  Kick 'em square in the grapes! (that can be very painful)


                  • #69
                    Because Denny Crane says so Dammit!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by WstateU

                      Now we're posting random bogs from the biggest Republican news organization?

                      Here's a real news report with FACTS...please read so you hardcore Republicans who are being blinded by what you see and hear from others and not drawing your own opinions can see the truth behind many of the Republican claims.

                      Some of the quotes by Republicans are just halarious, such as Palin being Governor of the largest state in the United States...Guarrenteed if she was on the Democratic ticket, she'd be the governor of the 4th smallest state smaller than the likes of Deleware, Rhode Island or South Dakota. She controls 20% of the nation's energy? Yeah right... Oh and she's commander of the the Alaskan National Guard, too bad she doesn't do anything that matters with them. When they are actually called to duty, they are no longer under her command...wonder why...

                      The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.


                      • #71
                        One of (if not the) biggest problems with this whole process is that everyone spins the hell out of things and we Americans have to pick and choose what we can to get to the truth, which of course we rarely do.

                        No one is innocent, they all have their prepared talking points that they carry from show to show (my BIGGEST annoyance) and spew forth like it came down from the mountain.

                        That's one reason you are seeing this love affair with Gov Palin. She speaks like and to the Average American.

                        I saw a lot of T shirts on tv this morning. McPalin for President was good....


                        was laugh out loud funny.

                        "I may be broke but I'm not flat busted" from her college days was classic.

                        Go back and read ABC's post again. Sage commentary from someone that know's more about politics that most of us combined.


                        • #72
                          John McCain 9,490 days in congress and 8,030 days in military.
                          Barrack Obama 143 days in congress and 0 days in military.

                          McCain has no cross-over dribble.
                          Barry has a good cross-over dribble.

                          McCain has crossed the aisle to work with democrats.
                          Barry has never crossed the aisle to work with republicans.
                          I invented the cross-over dribble in the early 70's


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by martymoose
                            Originally posted by WstateU

                            Now we're posting random bogs from the biggest Republican news organization?

                            Here's a real news report with FACTS...please read so you hardcore Republicans who are being blinded by what you see and hear from others and not drawing your own opinions can see the truth behind many of the Republican claims.

                            Some of the quotes by Republicans are just halarious, such as Palin being Governor of the largest state in the United States...Guarrenteed if she was on the Democratic ticket, she'd be the governor of the 4th smallest state smaller than the likes of Deleware, Rhode Island or South Dakota. She controls 20% of the nation's energy? Yeah right... Oh and she's commander of the the Alaskan National Guard, too bad she doesn't do anything that matters with them. When they are actually called to duty, they are no longer under her command...wonder why...


                            Sorry, your comment about not doing anything that matters about them as State Commander is so factually incorrect, it is funny. When you understand the nuances between State Active Duty vs. Title 32 vs. Title 10 and the complexities of command, check back with me. Stick to computers.
                            Because Denny Crane says so Dammit!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Denny Crane
                              Sorry, your comment about not doing anything that matters about them as State Commander is so factually incorrect, it is funny. When you understand the nuances between State Active Duty vs. Title 32 vs. Title 10 and the complexities of command, check back with me. Stick to computers.
                              Of course I'll stick to computers! But I can still argue!

                              So as governor, how may times did Palin command the Alaskan National Guard in doing something that mattered... There's a difference between sending the Guard out to clean up an oil spill when compared to assisting in commanding the nation's army at war. It's safe to say she has no experience in that matter. Unless I missed something, during her time as Governor, she didn't have anything major happen in Alaska where her position of head of the Alaskan national guard was put to the test. (I could be wrong, maybe the Russians tried to invade via the Bearing Straight and she stopped them with the Alaskan National Guard and I missed it. Or maybe there was a major natural disaster I missed. I don't mind if someone proves me wrong.) I'll stick by my comment that she has does not have the experience Republicans are claiming she has.

                              Let's keep in mind; she was mayor of the second largest city in Alaska! Forget that Dodge City Kansas is 3 times bigger...Yes, 3 times bigger. She was governor of a state whose entire population is smaller than Memphis, Tenn. All I ask is that Republicans stop exaggerating everything she's done and saying how great she is...I'll say it again, she was the wrong choice for VP running mate. Sure, Democrats are inflating Obama's record...and Republicans are trashing that, but the problem is republicans are being hypocrites by saying how great Palin is...


                              • #75
                                Sure, Democrats are inflating Obama's record, but the problem is they're being hypocrites by saying how great Palin is...
                                What do you want them to say?

                                It is what political parties are about.

                                She was the logical choice to help bring the far right wing back to the ticket.

                                She is as qualified as the hack that Hussein picked for his V.P.
                                Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

                                "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"

