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Snipers shoot 10 Dallas Cops at Black Lives Matter Protest

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  • #16
    Just to update this morning - 12 officers and 2 civilians were shot based on current information. 5 officers have died.

    3 suspects (2 men and 1 woman) are in custody. A 4th suspect is dead - there are conflicting accounts of whether he was killed by police in a shootout or died by his own hand during the standoff.


    • #17
      [QUOTE=wsushox1;662798]This is what happens when 10s of millions of Americans become disenfranchised economically, socially, culturally, educationally, racially, religiously, etc. etc.

      There is no hope for 70+ million people to ever leave the lower class. Not to mention the 45 million in poverty. NONE.

      Lack of opportunity, income inequality, and elitism is going to ruin this country. It already has. [\QUOTE]

      And what has our esteemed President of 8 years done to improve these things -- besides talking about them and inciting unrest? He has had plenty of time to help race relations and improve poverty, but it seems to be a lot worse now than it was before 2008. And don't tell me it is Bush's fault!!


      • #18
        Already discussed here:
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #19
          Originally posted by wsushox1 View Post
          This is what happens when 10s of millions of Americans become disenfranchised economically, socially, culturally, educationally, racially, religiously, etc. etc.

          There is no hope for 70+ million people to ever leave the lower class. Not to mention the 45 million in poverty. NONE.

          Lack of opportunity, income inequality, and elitism is going to ruin this country. It already has. [\QUOTE]

          And what has our esteemed President of 8 years done to improve these things -- besides talking about them and inciting unrest? He has had plenty of time to help race relations and improve poverty, but it seems to be a lot worse now than it was before 2008. And don't tell me it is Bush's fault!!
          What, you want him to lie? jk
          "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
          Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
          "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

          A physician called into a radio show and said:
          "That's the definition of a stool sample."


          • #20
            Originally posted by wsushox1 View Post
            This is what happens when 10s of millions of Americans become disenfranchised economically, socially, culturally, educationally, racially, religiously, etc. etc.

            There is no hope for 70+ million people to ever leave the lower class. Not to mention the 45 million in poverty. NONE.

            Lack of opportunity, income inequality, and elitism is going to ruin this country. It already has.

            I really, really look forward to a 40-70 year old white male responding to this post telling me about how there is still socioeconomic mobility in this country.
            Quite possibly the stupidest comment I've ever read, on this forum or any other.
            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


            • #21
              Originally posted by wsushox1 View Post
              This is what happens when 10s of millions of Americans become disenfranchised economically, socially, culturally, educationally, racially, religiously, etc. etc.

              There is no hope for 70+ million people to ever leave the lower class. Not to mention the 45 million in poverty. NONE.

              Lack of opportunity, income inequality, and elitism is going to ruin this country. It already has.

              I really, really look forward to a 40-70 year old white male responding to this post telling me about how there is still socioeconomic mobility in this country.
              Yes, there is opportunity, but it takes years for almost everybody, regardless. The first thing is that you must focus on the goal instead of polishing your street cred.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                Quite possibly the stupidest comment I've ever read, on this forum or any other.
                Tell us why you think that it is a stupid comment. Please provide examples as to why you feel that way. I'm curious as to why you would feel so strongly, but yet be so broadly dismissive of the point the writer was mentioning.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                  Tell us why you think that it is a stupid comment. Please provide examples as to why you feel that way. I'm curious as to why you would feel so strongly, but yet be so broadly dismissive of the point the writer was mentioning.
                  I know many people (of all races) that have fought their way out of poverty by working their asses off rather than sitting back and waiting for handouts. Anyone who is physically and mentally sound has the same opportunity to do it. Too many would rather sit back and ***** about their lack of opportunity rather than going out and taking advantage of the opportunities that are there. I could go into specific examples, but it appears that several have already done that, and you chose to just pick my comment as your point (or lack thereof) of contention for whatever reason.
                  "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
                    My hispanic wife grew up mostly with a single mom who worked 2 minimum wage jobs, because on the rare occasion her father showed up he was drunk, high and physically abusive.

                    She and her 4 other siblings received all the local, state and federal assistance you can imagine, and you know not one of them lives in the poverty their parents did and still struggle with.

                    Given the hand she was dealt, my wife decided not to repeat the patterns of those all around her and to educate herself with a professional doctorate. While none of her other siblings were able to finish degrees, they did not let that stop them from learning trades and being financially able to support not only themselves but families as well.

                    My wife's family is not unique. If you choose not to remain ignorant, choose to work hard and educate yourself, there is no reason for you to remain in poverty in this country.

                    So you'll have to forgive me for calling your diatribe a steaming pile of horse$h1t.
                    It's pretty interesting how children learn from their parent's f^ckups. It's the same with people who become addicted to drugs. Very few of their children want their kids to experience the emotional scars they got while growing up.

                    Also, another interesting point you make here is the concept of how the lower (or lower-middle class) to some degree, can lift themselves up like your wife did. I knew someone who lived in College Station. Her dad was a truck driver. She was so broke she had to sleep in her car while she attended A&M.

                    She ended up starting a home care nursing business (after she graduated) which she sold for several million dollars in her mid-40's and was happily retired (as a multi-millionaire) by age 50.

                    I bet if I met your wife I would think she was a very special person. You must be lucky to have her.

                    My girlfriend is a latina as well, her father died in an 18-wheeler accident in Venezuela at a very young age, forcing her mother to raise the children. Her mother started a clothing boutique and appears to have catered to some very connected people, as her children all received advanced degrees (one is a doctor, one was an economist and is now retired, and the other two were civil engineers, her sister has her MBA). One of the engineers ended up having a cabinet-level position in Venezuelan government and the other was an undersecretary in charge of government construction projects.

                    It must have been very difficult for her mother to raise the family, especially in South America, but she did a great job of it, and her children took advantage of every opportunity they had.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                      I know many people (of all races) that have fought their way out of poverty by working their asses off rather than sitting back and waiting for handouts. Anyone who is physically and mentally sound has the same opportunity to do it. Too many would rather sit back and ***** about their lack of opportunity rather than going out and taking advantage of the opportunities that are there. I could go into specific examples, but it appears that several have already done that, and you chose to just pick my comment as your point (or lack thereof) of contention for whatever reason.
                      I have absolutely no problem with the concept of working hard and not sponging off the government, but there is a lot of statistical data that would validate the idea that our country is in a decline, thanks to huge reductions in the middle class, stagnant middle class incomes and a large wealth gap.

                      So I don't think the comment was stupid at all. My point is that wsushox1 came up with some pretty good reasons for thinking the way he/she did. You just made an overly broad statement, devoid of facts, and insulted the poster.

                      While you may have a hundred reasons to believe the way you do, if you're going to insult somebody, at least you can explain why you think their comments are off-base instead of going straight to the $h!t bucket and insulting them.

                      Thanks for the explanation.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                        I have absolutely no problem with the concept of working hard and not sponging off the government, but there is a lot of statistical data that would validate the idea that our country is in a decline, thanks to huge reductions in the middle class, stagnant middle class incomes and a large wealth gap.

                        So I don't think the comment was stupid at all. My point is that wsushox1 came up with some pretty good reasons for thinking the way he/she did. You just made an overly broad statement, devoid of facts, and insulted the poster.

                        While you may have a hundred reasons to believe the way you do, if you're going to insult somebody, at least you can explain why you think their comments are off-base instead of going straight to the $h!t bucket and insulting them.

                        Thanks for the explanation.
                        Thanks for your advice as to how to become a more politically correct poster. I'll take it under consideration. Again I ask, given that I wasn't the only person that said something with very similar content, why would you chose mine as your opportunity to make a "point"? I will also say that if I insulted wsushox1, that was not my intention, and I apologize. I don't know the guy, and have no reason to insult him. I said the comment was stupid, not the poster. I've made some pretty stupid comments myself from time to time.
                        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                          Thanks for your advice as to how to become a more politically correct poster. I'll take it under consideration. Again I ask, given that I wasn't the only person that said something with very similar content, why would you chose mine as your opportunity to make a "point"? I will also say that if I insulted wsushox1, that was not my intention, and I apologize. I don't know the guy, and have no reason to insult him. I said the comment was stupid, not the poster. I've made some pretty stupid comments myself from time to time.
                          The only other overly broad comment I saw here was from ShockRef. We all know how he rolls. I appreciate your honesty and forthrightness. I hope you have a nice weekend.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by wsushox1 View Post
                            This is what happens when 10s of millions of Americans become disenfranchised economically, socially, culturally, educationally, racially, religiously, etc. etc.

                            There is no hope for 70+ million people to ever leave the lower class. Not to mention the 45 million in poverty. NONE.

                            Lack of opportunity, income inequality, and elitism is going to ruin this country. It already has.

                            I really, really look forward to a 40-70 year old white male responding to this post telling me about how there is still socioeconomic mobility in this country.
                            I NEVER post in the political forums but I just wanted to ask you if you were intoxicated while making this post? Please tell me you had 1 too many Natty Lights last night.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                              Quite possibly the stupidest comment I've ever read, on this forum or any other.
                              Certainly in the running.


                              • #30
                                I guess they're now reporting that police killed the suspect with an explosive device typically used by the bomb squad.

                                On the one hand, it's a positive that no other police officers were harmed in the take down, but this makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I'm not sure where the line is for police militarization, due process, self-protection, etc.

