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Ferguson, MO Shooting

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  • Rick Warren on Ferguson

    WHAT GOD HAS TO SAY TO FERGUSON... and to ALL of us: Leviticus 19:15-18 (ncv)

    1."Be fair in your judging.

    2. "You must not show special favor to either poor people or to rich people, but be fair when you judge your neighbor.

    3. "You must not spread false stories and slander against other people.

    4. "You must not do anything that would put your neighbor's life in danger. I am the Lord,

    5."You must not hate your fellow citizen in your heart.

    6. "If your neighbor does something wrong, you must confront him about it directly, or you will share his guilt.

    7. "Never seek revenge. Forget about the wrong things people do to you, and do not try to get even.

    I AM THE LORD!" Leviticus 19:15-18

    Everybody needs Jesus. Only the Prince of Peace gives us peace WITH GOD, which creates the peace OF GOD in our hearts so that we may live in peace WITH OTHERS.

    THIS THANKSGIVING we must practice Colossians 3:15 -
    "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one Body you are called to peace! And be thankful!"

    I hope to see you at Saddleback this weekend. Bring a friend or relative. If you can't come, join us online:


    • Here’s why a “national conversation on race” after Ferguson may not work. Whites and people of color speak a different language about racism. We translate.
      Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


      • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
        New Orleans Saints Tight End Benjamin Watson thought's on Ferguson: "the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem"
        Good take.
        Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


        • Originally posted by Shocker Rocker View Post
          Unfortunately, reality is always more complex than we would like it to be. Like usual, this situation a matter of both/and, not either/or. Yes, the human heart can be wicked, and yes, there are embedded societal realities that minorities face based on a history of slavery and race discrimination. Racism is both an individual and structural problem, and anyone who loses sight of either of those things has a truncated picture of reality.
          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


          • That study was racially biased. I'm just kidding. I have no idea, but I am intrigued if anyone has a link to the knife fight study stats.
            Livin the dream


            • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
              I saw a video of a semi-professional instigator (someone that does nothing productive with his life except try and cause trouble but gets paid by the government through welfare essentially) who was live streaming the events when a brother from another mother decided to relieve him of his phone. It was hilarious.
              Lobbyist? Congressman?
              Last edited by jocoshock; November 28, 2014, 11:36 AM.
              Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


              • Darren Wilson resigns from Ferguson Police Department

                Just days after a grand jury decided not to indict him for the shooting death of Michael Brown, the officer has left the force


                • I think that was pretty much anticipated and expected at some point. Not sure if he will be able to restart a normal life anywhere in the U.S. or not, especially in law enforcement although not sure why anyone would want to go into that line of work at this point anyway.


                  • Maybe this is too simplistic, but how bout, "just don't steal the friggin cigars in the first place."


                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      Maybe this is too simplistic, but how bout, "just don't steal the friggin cigars in the first place."
                      Unfortunately, for entirely too many, that is in fact far too simplistic.


                      • There are some professors at ESU that are protesting police brutality in ferguson by standing with their hands ups in front of Plumb Hall, the main building on campus. Debating whether or not to put some cigars at their feet.
                        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                        • The truth according to Kung Wu?

                          Police use excessive force too often. Not nearly as often as one is led to believe, but still too often.

                          It happens though, because society's tolerance for violence has increased, and has the police walking on pins and needles.

                          So who is to blame? The citizens that allow their kids to spend countless hours of viewing ever increasing violent television shows and internet clips, virtually acting out more and more realistic and gruesome scenarios in video games, encouraging raising kids without discplinarians (fathers) in the home, and/or tolerating second rate education for their publicly schooled children?

                          Or the police that have to deal with the consequences of all that increased numbness to violence and lack of education on a daily basis?

                          I get upset when I hear about a trigger happy cop shooting a kid full of life. I get upset at the cop AND society.
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                            The truth according to Kung Wu?

                            Police use excessive force too often. Not nearly as often as one is led to believe, but still too often.

                            It happens though, because society's tolerance for violence has increased, and has the police walking on pins and needles.

                            So who is to blame? The citizens that allow their kids to spend countless hours of viewing ever increasing violent television shows and internet clips, virtually acting out more and more realistic and gruesome scenarios in video games, encouraging raising kids without discplinarians (fathers) in the home, and/or tolerating second rate education for their publicly schooled children?

                            Or the police that have to deal with the consequences of all that increased numbness to violence and lack of education on a daily basis?

                            I get upset when I hear about a trigger happy cop shooting a kid full of life. I get upset at the cop AND society.
                            I wonder how this will affect the Wichita police when they all get the video cameras?


                            • Sheriff Clarke ~ Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass

                              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                              • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                                Sheriff Clarke ~ Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass

                                wow, what a straight shooter [no pun intended]

