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Ferguson, MO Shooting

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  • #16
    The Ferguson police pretty much did everything they possibly could to create the appearance of a coverup. Whether there's an actual coverup or whether the police in Ferguson are just really bad at handling things has yet to be determined.

    Shot 6 times isn't going to sit well with the community. 4 shots to his right arm and 2 to the head might be considered a little excessive by those thinking the police overreacted. All the entrance wounds were to the front of the body, so the witness accounts that made the police look really bad aren't holding up to the evidence.

    This happened in Missouri. In a community that has (reportedly) recently changed demographics from predominantly white to predominantly African-American. The police department has remained white, which wasn't well-received in the community, so there was some lingering distrust primed to erupt if a white-on-black incident involving the police occurred. A predominantly white police force in a predominantly black community is never a good idea. It creates the appearance of racism at the upper levels of the department, even if that does not exist.

    Racism is not dead in America. Those in positions of authority need to take steps to demonstrate that racism does not exist in their organization. The Ferguson police have not done that, so they laid a perfect groundwork to cultivate an environment of mistrust. In that situation, when a white police officer kills a black teenager, you're going to have problems.

    There's something I learned in a Communications class. You never have to deal with the facts. You always have to deal with people's perceptions of the facts. The Ferguson police chief would not have gotten a passing grade in my Communications class.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • #17
      You know ASM I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you have come from what most of us would consider a rough background. Today that may no longer be true of your circumstances, but from an outsider's perspective you sound like you are trying to validate and justify some experiences in your past as normal and acceptable, when they aren't actually such.

      That is exactly why situations like the Brown shooting turn into a sheetstorm. People from more difficult circumstances act like TFM's (not saying you are ASM) - on full and proud display for the world to see, as if it is just the natural and appropriate reaction - while the rest of us sit back and shake our heads.

      The entire cluster fark we are currently watching develop is a CULTURAL issue, not a RACIAL one. I wish more in our country could decipher the difference.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
        Gross misconduct by the Ferguson Police.

        The "riots" IMO are completley at the hand and incited by the police department. While I fully believe there are people there who are up to no good I also firmly believe that 99% of the people there do not want anyone to get hurt or any sort of trouble. The news of looting is mis-reported to an extent. Twitter has been the best source of Media for any of this.

        I know I am in the minority here on this board. But what is happening right now in St Louis is scary as ****.

        I see @pinstripers: has already fell for the bait of Mike Brown being a bad guy. Im not saying he's a saint by any means. I dont know the guy. I only know what I seen on the video. And thats still not enough to call him a thug/punk or a gang member. The Ferguson police department waited an entire week to formulate a story and now the cop that murdered that kid is god knows where while the citizens of Ferguson Missouri are being held on nightly house arrest.
        What I saw on the video certainly makes him a punk/thug/criminal. I didn't fall for anything. Maybe the video was faked? That what you are saying?


        • #19
          Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
          You know ASM I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you have come from what most of us would consider a rough background. Today that may no longer be true of your circumstances, but from an outsider's perspective you sound like you are trying to validate and justify some experiences in your past as normal and acceptable, when they aren't actually such.

          That is exactly why situations like the Brown shooting turn into a sheetstorm. People from more difficult circumstances act like TFM's (not saying you are ASM) - on full and proud display for the world to see, as if it is just the natural and appropriate reaction - while the rest of us sit back and shake our heads.

          The entire cluster fark we are currently watching develop is a CULTURAL issue, not a RACIAL one. I wish more in our country could decipher the difference.
          Actually you could not be further from the truth about me. And I am not validating anything that I have done or of the deceased. It is wrong to steal.
          With that said what maybe normal to you and I is not normal for everyone else. you can shake your head all you want but that doesnt change the reality of someone elses situation. Its easy for people to say "oh your pulling the race card" when you dont have to ever deal with racism. Im not saying people dont exploit that they most certainly do. But come the **** on. Anytime something about race is brought up on this board its immediately passed off as bullshit.

          The people on this website love to ***** moan complain rant about how the government is ****ing them over. How Obama should impeached about how those crazy lefties are ruining the world.

          There is stone cold proof of our government screwing our fellow americans right now and theres not even a peep.

          Whatever guys. I love you all because we're shocker fans. :) But thats the beauty of America. We can disagree on things.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
            Im speaking primarily about last night. After being told repeatedly no tear gas was to be used people broke into Mcdonalds to grab milk which was used to help fight the effects of tear gas.
            The police used tear gas after they were shot at per their own reports. I would say that is justified.
            Livin the dream


            • #21
              Originally posted by wufan View Post
              The police used tear gas after they were shot at per their own reports. I would say that is justified.
              Was that the same officer from the same department who threatned to shoot a cameraman for filming?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Awesome Sauce Malone View Post
                Was that the same officer from the same department who threatned to shoot a cameraman for filming?
                I just read the report. I thought it was odd that you reported a very bias account of the happenings. If you don't want to believe it that's up to you, but when you automatically dismiss what someone says because they don't agree with your side, then you are counter-productive to the issue.
                Livin the dream


                • #23


                  • #24
                    It seems like everyone is JUMPING to conclusions.

                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                    I've heard rumors, and reports, but the reports don't say how credible the witness is. The investigation for the truth is still going on. Why don't we wait until the investigation is complete before we all jump in with our opinions? Just my opinion.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                      It seems like everyone is JUMPING to conclusions.

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      I've heard rumors, and reports, but the reports don't say how credible the witness is. The investigation for the truth is still going on. Why don't we wait until the investigation is complete before we all jump in with our opinions? Just my opinion.
                      Livin the dream


                      • #26
                        It sounds like to me that a lot of people in Ferguson have been looking for a reason to take it to the streets, no matter how grossly exaggerated the reasons may be. This case seems to point in that direction and is really making a lot of people look like complete idiots.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • #27
                          I would like to point out that this is Missouri we are dealing with ... so it is probable that both sides are idiots. :)
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                            It sounds like to me that a lot of people in Ferguson have been looking for a reason to take it to the streets
                            There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                            • #29
                              At this point it's starting to look like a riot for the purpose of having a riot. There are out-of-town agitators there trying to stir things up. There are both agitators and "journalists" trying to make a name for themselves.

                              I believe the guy kicked out of McDonald's is the MSNBC reporter I watched for a while tonight. He's a brutal reporter - could barely form sentences or put together any presentation without a lot of "uh"'s and "uhm"'s, and disconnected dialogue. He was interviewing activists, and putting the "lets all go to Ferguson and protest" dialog on the air. As long as the protest continues, he's going to be front and center in the coverage. It actually looks like he's doing anything he can to prolong and escalate the protests (riots) so he can stay on camera.

                              By now, I think there are probably as many (or more) rioters from outside of Ferguson as from Ferguson. The ones from out of town don't care if they vandalize the local merchants.

                              When I was playing in blues bands, I played with people who had toured nationally. The 100% consensus was "never play St. Louis. It's too dangerous". The "blues clubs" in St. Louis were considered more dangerous than their Chicago counterparts.

                              I get the feeling Ferguson is attracting some people who have nothing. By nothing - no money, no job, no established (paid for) residence - nothing. People who have nothing have nothing to lose, so there's little to restrain them from doing something that could cause them to lose something. They don't have "something".
                              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                              • #30
                                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.

