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Duck Dynasty

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  • #16
    Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
    If you are going to speak out against homosexuality because "the Bible clearly condemns it," you also should be speaking out against EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING the Bible condemns. I am still waiting for these people to speak out against such heathen spots like all-you-can-eat buffets (gluttony), divorce lawyer offices, and tattoo parlors. Anyone outraged enough to protest at Arrowhead Stadium or Koch Arena this coming Sunday since people are working on the Lord's Day?
    if you actually listened to what he said - he was not going to condemn anybody for their sins (that was God's perrogotive), but he was going to show people they do need a savior and then love on them. That night after A&E fired him - he was at church praying with a lady who just found out she had cancer.


    • #17
      Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
      Not totally sure on that. For the record, I don't condemn anyone for working on Sunday. I have certainly done it.

      My point is that we all seem to pick and choose what parts of the Bible are really important to follow and what is maybe not as important.

      You can sum up the Bible in four words...and this really works for the 10 Commandments...LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS. Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, we all have screwed those up in one way or another. I struggle with my own sin. I don't need to worry about others' sin....although I screw that up sometimes too. Thank God for His grace and forgiveness.

      I would also sum up the 10 commandments as:

      1. Glorify God
      2. Reveal our sins
      3. Reveal a standard for our relationship with God


      • #18
        Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
        If you are going to speak out against homosexuality because "the Bible clearly condemns it," you also should be speaking out against EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING the Bible condemns. I am still waiting for these people to speak out against such heathen spots like all-you-can-eat buffets (gluttony), divorce lawyer offices, and tattoo parlors. Anyone outraged enough to protest at Arrowhead Stadium or Koch Arena this coming Sunday since people are working on the Lord's Day?
        So because he was asked his views on sin he should have replied with an exhaustive study on all sinful behaviors mentioned in the Bible? Seriously?

        But let me comment on a couple of things:

        1. Divorce is allowed in certain circumstances.
        2. Cities and societies have crumbled, in large part because they became indifferent or embraced sexual immorality. I'm not sure I've heard that happening due to obesity or body art. I totally understand why he chose the sins he did to speak about. History shows that they endanger our society. Are there any thriving societies that embraced sexual immorality a century ago?

        I am not a fan of Duck Dynasty and have only heard comments from Phil a couple of times. But there is wisdom in his comments, including the ones I read when he was asked about blacks and he offered observations from his own personal experiences. But when people hear a few buzzwords they immediately take offense, remove the context and refuse to try and understand the other point of view. I get that, as it's human nature. That doesn't mean it's the best way to react.


        • #19
          Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
          Not totally sure on that. For the record, I don't condemn anyone for working on Sunday. I have certainly done it.

          My point is that we all seem to pick and choose what parts of the Bible are really important to follow and what is maybe not as important.

          You can sum up the Bible in four words...and this really works for the 10 Commandments...LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS. Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, we all have screwed those up in one way or another. I struggle with my own sin. I don't need to worry about others' sin....although I screw that up sometimes too. Thank God for His grace and forgiveness.
          I agree with most of that post. But I would like to add that being sinful does not mean we suppress the truth. That's a sure way for Christ's church to become irrelevant. We all struggle with sin, but sinful behavior also needs to be called out, albeit carefully. Keep sin in the darkness and it will run rampant.


          • #20
            I did appreciate his further comments regarding God being the ultimate judge. No, he didn't need to give an exhaustive diatribe on all sin. That was more of an in-general comment about people speaking against homosexuality. As far as sexual impurity, hetrosexuals are just as guilty with that as which Phil also addressed, talking about the guys who sleep around with different women.


            • #21
              Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
              Not totally sure on that. For the record, I don't condemn anyone for working on Sunday. I have certainly done it.

              My point is that we all seem to pick and choose what parts of the Bible are really important to follow and what is maybe not as important.

              You can sum up the Bible in four words...and this really works for the 10 Commandments...LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS. Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, we all have screwed those up in one way or another. I struggle with my own sin. I don't need to worry about others' sin....although I screw that up sometimes too. Thank God for His grace and forgiveness.
              Curious @WuShock16:, have you seen enough of Phil Robertson to form an opinion on whether or not he does "LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS"?


              • #22
                Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                Curious @WuShock16, have you seen enough of Phil Robertson to form an opinion on whether or not he does "LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS"?
                I am not a Duck Dynasty watcher, but from what I have read about him, it seems he is a good guy at heart. I think most people at their core probably are...but I am probably more hopeful and idealistic than some. Like I said, my comments and questions were of an in-general tone on the topic of homosexuality and the other tangents I brought in.


                • #23
                  "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."

                  William F. Buckley, Jr.

                  My take on the situation would be that conservatives/libertarians would do well to stop leaning on the freedom of speech crutch in this situation, as it is clearly not applicable. What it IS though is yet another starkly obvious example that the most intolerant and close-minded in our culture actually occupy the left, not the right.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
                    Surprisingly, many mainstream media outlets are not hopping on the outrage train:
                    Back to that proverbial fork in the road. One sign says "liberty." The other sign says "political correctness." Every individual American and every American institution will have to choose one or the other. We can no longer have both, and the truth is we really never could. It was always going to end this way, we just didn't want to believe it.
                    Nailed it. The whole column. Did that make the actual paper or was it relegated to a remote corner of their website?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
                      I am not a Duck Dynasty watcher, but from what I have read about him, it seems he is a good guy at heart. I think most people at their core probably
                      This is the only thing you said that I don't agree with. The Bible says we all have sin and darkness in our hearts and are in need of a Savior.


                      • #26
                        He's being persecuted for his religious beliefs, someone call the ACLU!! Oh, um...yeah.... I agree its not infringement of his freedom of speech, but is it freedom from discrimination based on religion? Should he be allowed to lose his job based on expression of his faith?

                        What bothers me most is the LBGT community being allowed to say this is hate, bigoted, homophobic, etc. He simply expressed his Bible-based belief, using no slurs non-PC language. Its getting kind of scary if you're not allowed to profess your beliefs, at least Christian beliefs, without fear of being labeled or fired. The pattern is celebrity says something not in line with LGBT thought, celebrity forced to issue "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" news release, celebrity agrees to attend "sensitivity training" or the like. Anyone else alarmed by that? How long until it comes down from celebrities to anyone with that belief? I think Phil Robertson will not back down and I'm glad for that. Its time to take a stand on this and for someone to say to them just because we have a different thought than you does not mean we have to change it.

                        Its a far cry from disagreeing with someone's lifestyle and hating or condemning them, and its time someone stood up to them on that. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I hate Creighton fans, there's a difference!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                          This is the only thing you said that I don't agree with. The Bible says we all have sin and darkness in our hearts and are in need of a Savior.
                          I don't disagree with that at all. I was just saying that one thing I have noticed about myself is finding the good in most people. You could sit me down with people on various spots on political, theological, etc spectrums, and in many cases, I can find common ground and things to enjoy about that person. Part of that involves being raised by great parents who instilled that in me. Part of it might be naive, idealistic hopes of people. Are there sick, sick people who are evil? Absolutely.

                          So yeah....


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jazztrane View Post
                            He's being persecuted for his religious beliefs, someone call the ACLU!! Oh, um...yeah.... I agree its not infringement of his freedom of speech, but is it freedom from discrimination based on religion? Should he be allowed to lose his job based on expression of his faith?

                            What bothers me most is the LBGT community being allowed to say this is hate, bigoted, homophobic, etc. He simply expressed his Bible-based belief, using no slurs non-PC language. Its getting kind of scary if you're not allowed to profess your beliefs, at least Christian beliefs, without fear of being labeled or fired. The pattern is celebrity says something not in line with LGBT thought, celebrity forced to issue "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" news release, celebrity agrees to attend "sensitivity training" or the like. Anyone else alarmed by that? How long until it comes down from celebrities to anyone with that belief? I think Phil Robertson will not back down and I'm glad for that. Its time to take a stand on this and for someone to say to them just because we have a different thought than you does not mean we have to change it.

                            Its a far cry from disagreeing with someone's lifestyle and hating or condemning them, and its time someone stood up to them on that. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I hate Creighton fans, there's a difference!
                            Didn't Canada recently classify preaching against homosexuality from the pulpit as hate speech?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jazztrane View Post
                              The pattern is celebrity says something not in line with LGBT thought, celebrity forced to issue "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" news release, celebrity agrees to attend "sensitivity training" or the like.
                              Disconcerting, isn't it? To say the situation you just described - that happens all the time in predicaments like this - is akin to the early stages of Nazi Germany, is not hyperbole in the slightest.

                              I'm not predicting that we are headed that direction, but the common ground is really kind of spooky.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jazztrane View Post
                                He's being persecuted for his religious beliefs, someone call the ACLU!! Oh, um...yeah.... I agree its not infringement of his freedom of speech, but is it freedom from discrimination based on religion? Should he be allowed to lose his job based on expression of his faith?

                                What bothers me most is the LBGT community being allowed to say this is hate, bigoted, homophobic, etc. He simply expressed his Bible-based belief, using no slurs non-PC language. Its getting kind of scary if you're not allowed to profess your beliefs, at least Christian beliefs, without fear of being labeled or fired. The pattern is celebrity says something not in line with LGBT thought, celebrity forced to issue "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" news release, celebrity agrees to attend "sensitivity training" or the like. Anyone else alarmed by that? How long until it comes down from celebrities to anyone with that belief? I think Phil Robertson will not back down and I'm glad for that. Its time to take a stand on this and for someone to say to them just because we have a different thought than you does not mean we have to change it.

                                Its a far cry from disagreeing with someone's lifestyle and hating or condemning them, and its time someone stood up to them on that. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I hate Creighton fans, there's a difference!


