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League 42 Vandalism

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  • I thought this part from the USA Today article ( from pinstripers post was interesting:

    "But League 42, which had less than $14,000 in revenue each of its first two years, has had more than $1.4 million in revenue each of the past two years, according to publicly available 990 tax forms. (Lutz receives compensation of $48,000 this past year, according to the tax forms.)"

    I did a search for a site with the 990 tax forms and you can find them at (there's a Summary part on the page and a Form 990 part - if you click on the Form 990 part you can see the forms going back to 2013). Here are some interesting parts from the 2023 filing:
    • Page 7 - lists compensation and is where the $48,000 in the article is found. The compensation is based on an average of 20 hours per week. It's double what he made in previous years based on the other 990's - the 2022 990 shows compensation of $22,500 for Lutz.
    • Page 10 - lists expenses for various things. There is a line for Insurance but there's no dollar amount listed for any kind of insurance.
    • Page 11 - the 2023 form shows they started the year with close to $1.4 million in cash and ended with $550K. Hard to tell exactly what year they're talking about though as the years on the form changes. It also lists $3 million in assets (land, building, etc.) and only $5K in liabilities, and thus the year ended with net assets of $3.5 million.

    Just some interesting numbers. Someone with more financial knowledge can probably summarize things better. To me it seems though they're doing pretty good financially. The gofundme and news reports seemed to present the organization as struggling and I wonder how many people would have contributed to the gofundme knowing the organization has had revenue over a million dollars the last couple years and assets over 3 million.
    Last edited by Ted Lasso's Neighbor; February 18, 2024, 12:12 AM.
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    • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
      As if this story couldn’t go harder towards full retard, this community organizer lady is basically taking a steamer down the throat of ol’ Lutz and League 42.

      One can only stand back and laugh a the ridiculousness of it all. If I’m a white dude giving my time and money to Lutz and his League 42 I think this is the point where my BS detector pings it’s limiter and I tap out.
      So what I gather from her comments is that she is upset because League 42 was founded by a non black person to benefit kids in a historically black neighborhood. The League furnishes an opportunity for ALL kids and families. Because this idea was not born from the aforementioned neighborhood aka a black initiative seems to diminish the program in the authors eyes. She also seems to think that her group was treated "as if we had tails" by the city in a subsequent meeting. Wow, talk about a thinly veiled reference to racism. So did the League usurp an initiative by the black community? I would think not. People with agendas using race, politics, religion etc just wears on my old bones. Sorry but I had to get that off my chest
      Last edited by pogo; February 18, 2024, 01:58 PM.


      • She's upset because Lutz thinks he knows what's best for her.


        • $48,000 a year? For 20 hours a week 3 months a year? I thought he was donating his time?
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor View Post
            I thought this part from the USA Today article ( from pinstripers post was interesting:

            "But League 42, which had less than $14,000 in revenue each of its first two years, has had more than $1.4 million in revenue each of the past two years, according to publicly available 990 tax forms. (Lutz receives compensation of $48,000 this past year, according to the tax forms.)"

            I did a search for a site with the 990 tax forms and you can find them at (there's a Summary part on the page and a Form 990 part - if you click on the Form 990 part you can see the forms going back to 2013). Here are some interesting parts from the 2023 filing:
            • Page 7 - lists compensation and is where the $48,000 in the article is found. The compensation is based on an average of 20 hours per week. It's double what he made in previous years based on the other 990's - the 2022 990 shows compensation of $22,500 for Lutz.
            • Page 10 - lists expenses for various things. There is a line for Insurance but there's no dollar amount listed for any kind of insurance.
            • Page 11 - the 2023 form shows they started the year with close to $1.4 million in cash and ended with $550K. Hard to tell exactly what year they're talking about though as the years on the form changes. It also lists $3 million in assets (land, building, etc.) and only $5K in liabilities, and thus the year ended with net assets of $3.5 million.

            Just some interesting numbers. Someone with more financial knowledge can probably summarize things better. To me it seems though they're doing pretty good financially. The gofundme and news reports seemed to present the organization as struggling and I wonder how many people would have contributed to the gofundme knowing the organization has had revenue over a million dollars the last couple years and assets over 3 million.
            Wait… what? What sort of $3M in assets does League 42 own and why? I can see leasing a small office space and maybe some gear, but otherwise I’m perplexed.

            And $14K in revenue to $1.4M? What in the world…


            • Sounds like a huge grant or endowment of some sort.


              • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
                Sounds like a huge grant or endowment of some sort.
                Or funding funneled to Ukraine?

                Bob and little Bobby are huge Biden supporters, maybe JB found a conduit around congress?
                An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

                "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


                • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post

                  Wait… what? What sort of $3M in assets does League 42 own and why? I can see leasing a small office space and maybe some gear, but otherwise I’m perplexed.

                  And $14K in revenue to $1.4M? What in the world…
                  On page 11, the line with the $3 million in assets reads as 'Land, buildings, and equipment: cost or other basis. Complete Part VI of Schedule D'. The Schedule D is toward the end of the PDF and on page 24, and the $3 million is listed on the Buildings line. Looks like on the 2022 990 form they have $1 million listed for buildings, so whatever it is went up $2 million dollars. I'm not sure which building they're talking about or why it increased so much in value.

                  As far as revenue, on page 14 there's a line that reads 'Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received. (Do not include any "unusual grant.")'. They list out the last 5 years worth of revenue and it has:

                  2018 - $489,683
                  2019 - $205,142
                  2020 - $748,874
                  2021 - $1,449,219
                  2022 - $1,576,293

                  There are two other lines of possible revenue that read as 'Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on its behalf.' and 'The value of services or facilities furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge.' and both those lines are blank for 2018 - 2022. Then there's a section with some amounts in for 'Net income from unrelated business activities, whether or not the business is regularly carried on.' which had a little over $5K for 2022, and 'Other income. Do not include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part VI.).' had a little over $9K for 2022.
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                  • Do they own a ballpark/practice facility and are renting it out to teams for practices and what not?
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Found some articles online that may explain the increase in revenue from 2020 on. Back in September 2021, they announced they received a $1 million donation from the Rudd Foundation. From an article at the time - - it mentions League 42 was in the midst of a $6 million fundraising campaign called Kids First Campaign and had reached $3.6 million with the Rudd Foundation donation and a $400K challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation in Tulsa. The last part of the article mentions 'Several companies including Cargill, Fidelity Bank, Intrust Bank, Spirit Aerosystems, The Lattner Family Foundation, the Meyer Charitable Trust and David Murfin helped the league reach the $3.6 million mark.' So I imagine the revenue from 2020 on is coming mainly from the campaign.

                      The Learning Center opened in April 2023 - - and looking at the address at the county tax site - - the learning center is appraised at $360K. Not sure though how that plays into the $3 million building value they put on their 990 form.
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                      • TLNNN (Ted Lassos Neighbor News Network) comes up big again.


                        • County value hasn’t caught up with the new building on that parcel. That’s the discrepancy. They’ll update it in due time with a figure that might possibly appear to be pulled from one’s backside, just like their residential values.


                          • Maybe I'm crazy, but it just seems to me that there is nothing more racist, nothing more progressive than thinking, "I did this for them, because they couldn't do this for themselves."


                            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                              Maybe I'm crazy, but it just seems to me that there is nothing more racist, nothing more progressive than thinking, "I did this for them, because they couldn't do this for themselves."
                              So you're the guy nodding off the entire time in the back pew.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                                $48,000 a year? For 20 hours a week 3 months a year? I thought he was donating his time?
                                You mean Bob doesn't DONATE his time, for the good of the kids? With the increase of donated Capital from all of this publicity, it will be interesting to see if Bob increases (maybe doubles) his salary. He may know how to hide it though, so we may never know.

