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Sliver of Hope

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  • SubGod22
    Man is Reunited With Sentimental Ring From Mom-After Losing it Picking Berries 50 Years Ago

    54 years after the signet ring ran off, Dave got a call from his friend’s brother Peter who still owns the land. A metal detectorist working for Peter asked if he could detect in the very same field where the item had been lost, to which Peter agreed and informed him about the missing ring.

    It was found seven inches deep in the ground with only one slight scratch ready to be polished out, and Dave went to collect it from Leicestershire later that week.

    “The ring might not have changed but its owner has—so it’s a fairly tight fit,” Radley said. “I’ve had to have it changed slightly as I can just about get it on. But none of that matters because I’m so grateful to have it back”.

    “My family wasn’t too well off in those days and I spent hours searching for it on the rows we had been. My mother wasn’t upset with me, just more upset because of how distraught I was.”

    “When I got the call from Peter I couldn’t quite believe it—the joy I felt in that moment is indescribable.”

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Probably should have let the first guy in on the event. The guy handing him his diploma (from the angle and quality of the video) stepped back, apparently scared as ****, and probably justifiably so in todays world where a kid goes to suddenly unzip his gown and reach for something like that.

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  • WuDrWu
    Probably should have let the first guy in on the event. The guy handing him his diploma (from the angle and quality of the video) stepped back, apparently scared as ****, and probably justifiably so in todays world where a kid goes to suddenly unzip his gown and reach for something like that.

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  • SubGod22
    When you hear so many stories of schools shutting down anything 'different' during graduation, but then we get this.

    Video at bottom of article.

    Jedi Student Sneaks Lightsabers Into Graduation and Challenges Principal to Battle-WATCH

    Star Wars fanatic Hunter Wark-Pantoja had an elaborate plan to combine his favorite film with one of the most important moments of his life.

    The 18-year-old walked to the stage and after receiving his high school diploma he pulled two lightsabers from under his gown and challenged Todd Clerkson to a battle.

    Star Wars fanatic Hunter Wark-Pantoja had an elaborate plan to combine his favorite film with one of the most important moments of his life.

    The 18-year-old walked to the stage and after receiving his high school diploma he pulled two lightsabers from under his gown and challenged Todd Clerkson to a battle.
    Despite media and a number of people online, I continue to believe most people are good and mean well.

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  • SubGod22
    From near death to inspiring the world. This Paralympic Snowboarder Sees Her Adversity as the Greatest Opportunity to Inspire

    At the age of nineteen, Amy Purdy, who was an avid snowboarder, experienced flu-like symptoms that were later diagnosed as Bacterial Meningitis, a deadly blood infection.

    Amy was given less than a 2% chance of living.

    Losing both of her legs, hearing in her left ear, her kidney and her spleen, Amy was forced to reassess how she would embark on new adventures and achieve her dreams.

    In essence, Amy had to decide how she wanted her life to go and how she would write the next chapter of her life.

    While leaning into change is never easy, Amy embraced it as an opportunity. She promised herself two things: one, she would get back on her snowboard. “I was so passionate about snowboarding, which really is what got me through my darkest days. That and being grateful that I was alive.”

    And two: something positive would be born out of this experience. That’s been her steadfast determination ever since.

    Amy’s transition back into daily life was hard-fought, and she learned first-hand the myriad challenges that people with disabilities face every day. What struck a real chord was the complete lack of resources for engaging in active sports—which brought her the most happiness.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post
    This girl is 13. Frickin awesome!

    Impressive! That competition looks FUN too. I'd try it if they do it around here?

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  • wichshock65
    This girl is 13. Frickin awesome!

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Thank God for the Estradas. I hope they are recognized for their courage and bravery.

    What in the world do you/we do with the 4 perps? Part of me wishes Dad would have shot them. Part of me wants to see them hang in the streets for all to see or to be thrown into a dungeon until God calls them home for His own judgement. Another part wants to do everything possible to give these children a chance at life. What do we do?

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  • Kung Wu
    Here's a great story right out of Wichita ...

    Couple credits fate for being there to help children dumped on side of NW Wichita road

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  • SubGod22
    How to Save An Elephant With CPR? Jump Up and Down on its Chest to Revive Her (Watch)

    After pulling her out with a hydraulic digger arm, dramatic footage shows the vets jumping up and down on her chest to revive her, during which time the one-year-old calf was helped to scramble out of the hole.

    Mercifully, the mom woke up suddenly, after a three-hour rescue ordeal in mud, high grass and pouring rain. After the two cross the road and enter the forest, the lead vet can be seen nearly collapsing with relief.
    There's video in the link if you're interested.

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  • SubGod22
    A son doing something special for his mom isn't a big surprise, but I wanted to share it anyway.

    She Lost Her Hair Battling a Brain Tumor. Her Son Grew His Hair out to Make Her a Wig

    Melanie Shaha doesn’t mind being sick, but she does mind looking sick. For 15 years you’d never have known that Melanie had a benign cancer tumor on her pituitary gland.

    Two successful surgeries in 2003 and 2006 couldn’t get rid of the tumor permanently, and in 2017 she was prescribed radiation therapy. Three months after starting the new treatment, she lost all her hair.

    “Not having hair, you stick out like a sore thumb and well-meaning people can say things that break your heart,” Melanie told TODAY.

    However, what started as a joke by Melanie’s 27-year-old son Matt around the dinner table in 2018 soon became a plan. Matt had recently graduated from a university with a dress code that limited hair length, and was looking forward for a bit of time au natural. He agreed he would grow his hair out to make a wig for his mom, who admittedly attempted to dissuade him as the inches accumulated.

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  • ShockerDropOut
    Normal people doing extraordinary things.

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  • SubGod22
    25-Year-Old Runs into Burning Home and Saves 5 Kids - Gets Rewarded With $500K and 'New Lease on Life'

    Running inside, his cries allegedly woke 4 children and a family friend from their sleep. The oldest of five, 18-year-old Seionna Barret, had gathered together her siblings and prepared to go down the stairs from the second floor where they encountered Nick.

    Once outside however, Seionna told Bostic that her 6-year-old sister wasn’t with them. Running inside through the back door, Bostic described the fire in the Lafayette, Indiana home as having created a “black lagoon” of smoke on the ground floor.

    But after checking all the bedrooms on the second floor, he still had not found the youngster.

    “He moved to a window to exit the house when he heard a child’s cry coming from downstairs,” write city reporters who spoke with the rescuer. “Nicholas [had] an inner dialog with himself. He knew he was there to get that child out, and even though the fire and smoke downstairs frightened him, he would not quit.”

    Wrapping a t-shirt around his mouth, he crawled through the blackness, following the sounds of the girl’s cries.

    He then found her, proceeded back through the smoke, ran upstairs, smashed a window with his bare hand, and jumped down onto the lawn where a fire and rescue team had arrived and were beginning work to put out the fire.

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  • SubGod22
    Here's another one with some local connections. Also, I'm surprised that I've never heard of this charity.

    Fantasy Wonderland of 500,000 Balloons Gives Sick Kids Most Uplifting Fundraising Event Ever - LOOK

    On Friday and Saturday, a hotel in Orlando came alive with vibrant colors and breathtaking flair after more than 400 balloon artists from around the world constructed a wonderland to benefit sick children.

    The ballroom in the Hyatt hotel became a life-sized replica of Give Kids The World Village—a 90-acre, whimsical nonprofit resort in Kissimmee, Florida which provides critically ill children and their families with magical week-long vacations at no cost.

    Balloon artisans from 22 countries built life-sized replicas of the Village’s seven iconic ‘neighborhoods’ using a half-million biodegradable balloons to recreate Under the Sea, Candy Land, Dinosaur Land, and more.

    Sponsored by Pioneer Balloon Company, all the proceeds from the $20 tickets go towards fulfilling the wishes of critically-ill children and their families.

    “We are very excited about bringing the wonder and excitement of balloon artistry to Orlando while raising funds for such an impactful nonprofit,” said a spokesperson of Pioneer Balloon Company founded in 1917.
    There are some pretty impressive pictures of the setup as well as a news video in the link, where they do give a shout out to Pioneer Balloon Company and Wichita.

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  • Shockm
    I lost my wallet many (30+) years ago. I found the wallet at a store, but a credit card was gone. Someone used one of my cards that was missing before I found the wallet, and he was found and arrested. I had to go to court and testify, about when and where I lost it. Ultimately, I didn't lose anything (except time), because the credit card company took care of it, and of prosecuting the criminal too.

    The sad thing today, is that I suspect, in many places, this crime wouldn't be prosecuted today. That just emboldens criminal activity, and loses law abiding citizens money, imo.

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