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Sliver of Hope

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  • WuShock16
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Not a new story, but one that makes me smile every year.

    Year 7.

    Grandma And Man She Accidentally Texted Spend 7th Thanksgiving Together
    Isn't the act of breaking bread together such a powerful thing? These lives have been changed forever for the better because she invited him to join her family for a meal. I just love this story.

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  • SubGod22
    Not a new story, but one that makes me smile every year.

    Year 7.

    Grandma And Man She Accidentally Texted Spend 7th Thanksgiving Together

    An accidental text message has led to a Thanksgiving tradition that is now continuing into its seventh year.

    On Tuesday, Jamal Hinton confirmed on social media that he spent Thanksgiving with Wanda Dench, who in 2016 thought she was texting her grandson to invite him to Thanksgiving when she actually texted Hinton.

    "From year 1 as strangers, to year 7 as family but now BUSINESS PARTNERS!" Hinton captioned this year's post, which included an ad for BlackMP water.

    In 2016, Hinton was 17 years old when he received the accidental text from Dench.

    Hinton has documented the holiday each year since on his social media.

    It's a story many people look forward to seeing on Thanksgiving.

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  • SubGod22
    Man Finds Diamond Ring Worth $40,000 On The Beach And Happily Returns It

    Joseph Cook, 37, found the ring while combing Hammock Beach in St Augustine, St Johns County using his metal detector.

    The video shows Cook digging the ring out of the sand.

    "No way, man, woah, look at that bad boy, holy crap, yo that's real, I swear to god this is the biggest diamond I ever found on the beach!" he says in the video.

    Cook went to the jewelers and they told him it was worth $40,000.

    "I just said, 'oh God that's been sitting in my scooter for almost a week', I couldn't believe it," he said.

    He immediately posted the video footage to his social media channels and called local jewellery stores looking for people who may have lost rings.
    How many people would have been tempted to capitalize off of something so expensive? It would be hard not to think about something like that. Sounds like it's not in this guys nature and that's a beautiful thing.

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  • SubGod22
    This is beautiful. I love the effort.

    Adorable Grandmother Took Notes During 30 Marvel Superhero Films so She Can Relate to her Grandkids

    A grandmother was filmed taking notes during a Marvel superhero movie marathon, which at this point includes 30 films, all so she can be closer to her grandkids and talk to them about their interests.

    Cheryl Skiados, who is in her 70s, was filmed by her grandson Jackson King, partway through her Marvel movie-fest.

    Whether you live in Kuala Lumpur, Kingston, or Vancouver, grandparents can probably all relate over “the kids today.”

    Skiados has 13 grandkids in total, from age 6 to 22, and they’re all big Marvel fans. Rather than writing off their interests as frivolous, as grandparents are wont to do, she decided to try to get on the same level as the whippersnappers.

    “I just moved in with my grandparents, and my grandma is making her way through all the Marvel movies,” said 18-year-old Jackson. “She is watching them in the order they came out and she asked if I wanted to watch one with her, so of course, I said ‘yes’.

    “I think it really shows how much she cares about her grandchildren, because she is willing to sit there for hours on end and watch superhero movies, and take notes on them, just so she can have something extra to talk to her grandkids about.”

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  • SubGod22
    Another youngster saving the life of a classmate!

    4th Grader Uses Heimlich To Save Student From Choking

    Lunchtime at Racine’s Fratt Elementary School in Madison took a sudden and serious turn on Tuesday. Essie Collier, a fourth grader, noticed one of her classmates was in distress.

    "I just saw that she was holding her neck, and I rushed up there as fast as I can," Essie said.

    Teacher Samantha Bradshaw said Essie wrapped her arms around the student and began performing the Heimlich. Her classmate's airway was cleared, and within seconds the girl was breathing fine.

    "I have never seen a student react in that way before," Bradshaw said.

    Essie said that she learned the technique two years earlier from a YouTube instructional video, when she was 7, and that the lesson stayed with her.
    Video at the bottom of the article. Looks like she was interviewed by local news. I'm always impressed when someone so young is able to react and help in such a way. Mad props to Essie!

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  • SubGod22
    Props to our Amazon overlord

    Jeff Bezos Just Gave $100 Million to Dolly Parton for Her Charity as the 3rd Winner of His 'Courage & Civility Award' Prize

    At a recent event, Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos named Dolly Parton as the latest winner of his Courage and Civility Award.

    The award recognizes leaders who “aim high, find solutions, and always do it with civility”. Each awardee receives 100 million dollars to invest in the charities of their choice.

    In Dolly’s case, the mega-donation could be invested in her Imagination Library, which two months ago hit the milestone of 190 million free books gifted to children.

    “(She) embodies these ideals so thoroughly,” said Bezos, who stepped down from CEO of his company last year to focus on philanthropy.

    “She gives with her heart. What she’s done for kids and literacy, and so many other things, is just incredible.”

    In her acceptance remarks, Dolly said, “When people are in the position to help, you should help.” She thanked Bezos and said she believes he gives from the heart too.
    Dolly is an angel and her mission in literacy has been truly fantastic. This money is going to go a long, long way.

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  • SubGod22
    Here's a story I guarantee you're not going to see every day, or year.

    Three Mermaids Save a Scuba Diver From Drowning: 'Not Just Pretty Tails And Smiles'

    A fairytale rescue saved an experienced diver from drowning when a trio of mermaids suddenly showed up off Catalina Island in California.

    Pablo Avila lost consciousness while scuba diving with his son and a friend on Oct. 23, which coincided with the second day of a mermaid training course nearby.

    A 33-year-old mermaid performer and diver from Miami who was leading the certified diving course in open water jumped into action when they all heard calls for help.

    Elle Jimenez and two of her students, all donning their mermaid fins, used their training—and their tails—to speedily take control of the situation.

    Mermaid student Elaina Marie Garcia, a certified diver who also works as a firefighter, said Mr. Avila was foaming at the mouth and unconscious by the time they reached him.
    It's amazing how often that right place, right time is almost destined.

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  • SubGod22
    Simply amazing. F*ck the odds!

    A Baby Born Weighing 1.18-lb Has Finally Come Home After Spending 4 Months in Hospital Fighting for Life (LOOK)

    A baby born weighing less than a loaf of bread at just 535 grams has finally returned home to sleep in her own room.

    Lauren Ormston’s pregnancy was initially smooth sailing. All her scans came back healthy—even the one at 20-weeks—and she expected to welcome her baby on July 1st.

    But on March 4, she began to get severe pains in her abdomen and when she went to the hospital in Surrey, England, she learned she was going into premature labor.

    She was immediately induced and two hours later gave birth to baby Isla, weighing just 1.18-lb. Doctors told the 27-year-old and her fiancé that the baby had only a 10% chance of survival due to her size. Laura could only cuddle Isla for a few minutes before she was taken to a ventilator.

    “I lived each day, never knowing if she would make it,’ said the first-time-mom.

    Baby Isla was later diagnosed with a level two bleed on the brain and a hole in the heart.

    ”She looked so small and fragile, like she would snap at the slightest bit of movement,” Lauren, from Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, told SWNS news. “I was so worried, but I knew my baby girl was a fighter.”

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  • SubGod22
    TikToker Raises $170,000 For Older Walmart Worker So She Can Pay Off Her Mortgage And Retire

    Devan Bonagura recently posted a TikTok of a Walmart employee named Nola as she sat alone in the Walmart break room.

    "Life shouldn't be this hard," he wrote in text over the video, which has been viewed more than 26 million times on the social media platform.
    In response to encouragement from commenters, Bonagura set up a GoFundMe page the same day for Nola.

    In a second video, Bonagura talks with Nola and learns that she needs to keep working to pay off her mortgage. She would need $170,000 to retire.

    "That's what's holding me at work — the house," she says in the video.

    In less than a week, the GoFundMe page raised $171,000 from nearly 13,000 donors.
    He's allegedly been threatened by either his employer or Walmart with some sort of legal action if he didn't remove the video and take down the GoFundMe. I'm not sure under what grounds they could do anything, but I'm not a legal expert. Sounds more like trying to use their positions over him to threaten him in hopes it would scare him away. If that's all true, props to him for standing his ground and helping this lady out.

    And for the record, it's not Walmart's fault that she needed so much money to pay off her mortgage and such, but it sounds like they've been attacked and vilified because of the video, but that's from people who can't separate the two things.

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  • SubGod22
    Another Trucker is Named a Highway Angel for Rescuing Crash Victims After Witnessing High Speed Collision

    A truck driver from Greenville, Texas, was named a ‘Highway Angel’ for stopping his travels to administer aid to two injured drivers after witnessing an incredible crash.

    One morning two weeks ago, Tony Doughty was driving eastbound on Interstate 40 near Albuquerque, when he witnessed a red car ram into a Jeep while going around 70 miles per hour. He watched the Jeep flip over before the car crashed into a concrete barrier.

    The accident unfolded while Tony was driving on the opposite side of the highway. While most people would call 911, how many people would pull over, instead of continuing down the road?

    Doughty, a 15-year trucker who drives for Minnesota’s Bay & Bay Transportation, stopped in his tracks.

    “I jumped out of the truck and grabbed my EMT bag,” said Doughty, who’s been a volunteer firefighter for 12 years.

    Just as he was about to cross the highway to get to the crash site, a police officer who also happened to be driving by, stopped.

    When discovering Doughty’s first responder background, he said, “You’re coming with me, buddy!” and the men ran to the crash scene.
    Good people doing good. It never gets old.

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  • SubGod22
    It's no secret I'm a big fan of dogs. So here's a group going above and beyond to save them.

    Nation's Largest No-Kill Rescue Shelter Opens in Alabama to Save 5,000 Dogs a Year

    These are Macon County Kennels, the largest no-kill rescue shelter in the U.S., and newly opened in Alabama to help combat a pet overpopulation crisis in the southeastern United States.

    It was renovated from an old greyhound training center into a facility that has the capacity to save, rehabilitate, and adopt out up to 5,000 dogs per year.

    Located in Macon County, the intention of the founders were to service a region encompassing eight states including Florida, and to help dogs find new homes across America.

    “The opening of a second Big Dog Ranch Rescue location is something I’ve prayed for over the years,” Big Dog Ranch Rescue Founder and CEO Lauree Simmons said. “It’s a great day for us and, more importantly, it’s a great day for the dogs.”

    Ironically, Big Dog Ranch Rescue hasn’t always had this big dog ranch. Since starting their work in 2008, they estimated they’ve saved 53,000 dogs from being euthanized.

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  • WuShock16
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    If you haven't seen or heard this story over the weekend, I challenge you to spend a few minutes watching the story, then the race.

    Dry eyes not allowed.

    The story:

    The race:
    I should cuss you out for cutting onions in my office, but I can't say that you didn't warn us.

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  • WuDrWu
    If you haven't seen or heard this story over the weekend, I challenge you to spend a few minutes watching the story, then the race.

    Dry eyes not allowed.

    The story:

    The race:

    Bill Mott trainee Cody's Wish catches Cyberknife at the wire to win the Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, giving his namesake and connections an emotional victory.

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  • SubGod22
    Here's one that doesn't completely surprise me.

    A Homeless Man in Chicago Changed My Flat Tire: "He Really Saved Me"

    One of the most popular posts this week on the massive Reddit community website evoked all the feels that come with a simple act of kindness—especially when the compassion is shown by a homeless man.

    The spontaneous helping hand was captured in a photo by a Reddit user who described the incident for folks on the MakeMeSmile sub-reddit, who gave her 86,000 thumbs up.

    She was stranded in Chicago with a flat tire, wearing a skirt and heels, when a homeless man came to her rescue and changed her tire.

    “I only had $60 on me, but I very gratefully gave it to him for saving me,” she said.

    She was going to be late for an important dinner, and surely would have missed it if she had to wait for a service to arrive at the corner of Federal St & Ida B. Wells Dr.

    “He really saved me,”
    I've often said that I believe most of us are good people and want to do good.

    There was a quote pulled from Reddit that I think hits the mark here, "a solid chance the dude didn’t even expect anything. Humans love feeling useful and it’s really really hard to feel anything but worthless when you’re homeless.”

    I do think many are held back from doing things they'd like to do. Maybe we don't know where to start or how to start. Maybe it's our anxieties that hold us back. I know that's the case for me.

    But most of humanity, on the individual level, are good and strive to be so.

    Do good.

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  • SubGod22
    Here's something a little different.

    She Just Loves Cleaning and Now Helps Women in Need By Scrubbing Homes for Free While Traveling the World

    A woman loves cleaning so much that she gave up her job and is now traveling the world scrubbing homes for free, helping women who need a huge hand.

    Auri Katariina was a service manager at a cleaning company in Finland in the summer of 2021, when she decided to quit and follow her unique passion.

    “My dream is to clean for free all over the world, and help people whilst doing something I absolutely love,” said the 29-year-old, who has become a bit of a social media sensation, by sharing her cleaning tips.

    “I’ve always loved cleaning, and I began posting videos online of me just cleaning my family and friends home’s two years ago.

    “Then one day, a woman asked me for help because she was struggling so much and her home was so messy. She had three kids and her husband had just taken his own life, so she was finding it really difficult.”

    Auri, who says she’s “in heaven” whenever she cleans, was more than happy to help—in fact, she was “excited” to help.

    “I went on a weekend and cleaned her home for two days. By the end she was crying and her kids were hugging me and thanking me. I could see the transformation in the house and how happy they were and it was the best feeling ever.”

    The young woman from Tampere has gone as far as the USA and UK to help people who are in desperate need of decluttering and cleaning.

    Now, thanks to her huge TikTok following of 7.8 million fans, and the 2.1Mil on Instagram who watch her viral videos that share cleaning tips—and, before-and-after photos—a corporate sponsor has reached out to cover her expenses.

    She decides where to clean from reading requests she gets online, but chooses only the dirtiest, grimiest homes belonging to people most in need.
    This is one of the longer articles on this site I've come across. It's also a topic I never would have thought about, but it is amazing what kind of impact a clean home can have on people. I know for myself, I usually do pretty good for a while at keeping things pretty tidy, but at some point, be it anxiety or depression, something pops up and things start to be a little less tidy. And due to those mental issues, it can be tough to get back on it and it can spiral a bit. Now, my home never gets anywhere near as bad as the ones this lady seems to go to, but once I do get in a better mental state and can do what needs to be done, it's amazing how much different my mental state is. I'm happier. I'm more at peace. I'm a bit more optimistic about things in general. I sleep better. I eat better. It can go a long way. Sometimes I wish I had a bit of that cleanliness OCD in my life.

    But props to this young lady for her passion to help others through cleaning. I have no doubt she's making a huge impact on the lives of those she helps.

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