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Sliver of Hope

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  • SubGod22
    There's something about this story that makes me feel good. A strange act that has endeared a neighborhood and the mystery continues. It's good.

    Man Finds Tiny Dolls Cozied-up in Back of His Mailbox - the Scene Changes but Mystery Remains

    When a Michigan man went for a routine walk to his mailbox to collect unwanted supermarket papers and publicity, he discovered to his surprise he had some uninvited guests.

    Two wooden dolls sitting on a miniature couch in the back of the box with a note between them that read “We’ve decided to live here. Mary and Shelley.”

    Don Powell first thought, as he told news outlets, the dolls had been placed there by mistake, but a quick and befuddled interrogation of the neighbors in his cul-de-sac, including one named Shelly, turned up nothing.

    A psychologist by training and president of a company that organizes corporate wellness retreats, Powell is all about a pick-me-up, and when he moved into his current home five years ago he and his wife Nancy ordered a custom mailbox that would mirror their house—with ample windows and solar-powered lightbulbs that would illuminate the mailbox after dark.

    Evidently, some trickster believed it a perfect place for a doll to make their home. Powell at first disagreed, and ordered Mary and Shelly’s eviction—right into the garbage can. But a change of heart saw him put the dolls back to see what would happen next.

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  • SubGod22
    As Bob Ross would say, this was a happy little accident.

    She's Happily Married with Six All Because of a Text Sent to the Wrong Number

    When a woman texted an uplifting Bible verse to the wrong number, she couldn’t have imagined what this small mishap would lead to.

    It was 2009, and Brenda Rivera hoped merely to cheer up her friend with the Lord’s council of “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,” but instead cheered up a total stranger named Isiah Stearns.

    Isiah replied, “Amen to that, who is this?” and Brenda quickly realized she had the wrong number, and so apologized. But Isiah saw it differently.

    He told TODAY he saw someone trying to help with his walk with god, and resolved not to let the happening pass quietly.

    The next day he called her, which left Brenda “a little creeped out” but who nevertheless hoped the stranger would leave a voicemail—which he did—saying the Bible verse really brightened up his day.

    “I could just tell he was very genuine. So I decided OK — I’m gonna call him back,’” Brenda said, adding that she learned he lived just 50 minutes away from her parents and sister in Ohio. “I said maybe we could meet up when I visited my family. We had an immediate connection.”
    It's a cool little story of how the smallest things, even mistakes, can lead to wondrous things.

    Maybe I should start texting uplifting Bible verses to random phone numbers now lol.

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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

    Brian at When Pigs Fly is a top notch dude. And that is the best damn BBQ in the county. Probably state. When they have their burnt ends, call in sick and take a second mortgage if you have to, but get your butt over there and try not to salivate while placing your order.
    Sadly, I've never had it. I'm generally a person who goes to places that are more convenient for me don't generally go out of my way to eat, unless I'm eating with someone which rarely happens. But it's on the list and has been for a while. +

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    But this also goes to show how good and generous people are out there.
    Brian at When Pigs Fly is a top notch dude. And that is the best damn BBQ in the county. Probably state. When they have their burnt ends, call in sick and take a second mortgage if you have to, but get your butt over there and try not to salivate while placing your order.

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  • SubGod22
    What a story.

    'Sammy Is Our Miracle': Teen Dies Rock Climbing And Revives 2 Hours Later

    A family in Missouri City, Texas, believes in miracles, now.

    Their teenage son went into sudden cardiac arrest on January 7th and was later pronounced dead.

    Two hours later he was alive.

    Sammy Berko, 16, was at a rock climbing gym when his heart suddenly stopped.

    "He climbed to the top of the wall, rang the bell, as we were told, and then his body went limp, and it looked like he was either playing around or passed out. They weren't quite sure and when they realized he was unresponsive, they lowered him slowly," Sammy's mother, Jennifer, told Fox 26 Houston.

    Workers at the gym, then paramedics, then doctors all performed CPR for two hours.

    "They looked at us and said, 'I'm so sorry, but he's gone'," Jennifer said.

    Doctors left his parents to say their goodbyes.

    "I started talking to him, just telling him how much I love him and sorry that we didn't know how to save him. Suddenly, as I started praying, my husband said, 'oh my gosh, he's moving'," Jennifer recalled.

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  • SubGod22
    Another local story that starts off bad, but ends quite well.

    MSN - people across the globe donate to get Wichita teen a car after being scammed

    Carter Jensen, a Wichita teen, decided it was time for his first car. So, he started working at When Pigs Fly in November.

    “I started just saving every paycheck, about 85% of what I made,” Jensen said.

    He saved up enough money and bought a truck off Facebook marketplace.

    “I found this guy who had a truck,” Jensen said. “It seemed like a good deal for the price. So, I went out looked at it. As far as I knew, it looked fine.”

    But he couldn’t even make it home. So, his boss Brian Choy came to the rescue.

    “There was just evidence of somebody patched this vehicle up to get it to run down the street a couple of blocks,” Choy said.
    Angry and frustrated, Choy took to social media to see if he could do anything to help Jensen.

    “All the mechanics I know, all the car guys I know, can we find a maybe like a $1,500 car, and if I got to loan the kid the money or whatever let’s let’s see what we can find,” Choy said.

    But, the post reached a much bigger audience.

    “In the morning, we had just over a quarter million views, and I had messages galore and comments galore to go through,” Choy said.

    Thousands of people from across the globe were offering support, expertise and donations.

    “We had, you know, like people from obviously Wichita, all across the globe,” Choy said. “From California to New York, we had people from New Zealand. We had people from the UK. I mean, it was all over the world.”
    So, the guy that sold him the truck is a piece of ****. He took advantage of a young person and I hope someone kicks him in the balls soon.

    But this also goes to show how good and generous people are out there. People from around the world saw this story in one form or another and chose to donate a few bucks to help get this kid in a vehicle after being screwed over after working hard and saving up to do it on his own. These types of stories always warm my heart. There is a lot more good in the world than many realize because our news industry thrive on chaos and division.

    But most people really are good.

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  • SubGod22
    This one is a bit different, but the animal lover in me loves it so much and I think it works its way into this topic.

    Animal Shelter Finds Forever Home For Goat And Dog Duo

    The story of a once-homeless odd couple now has a happy ending.

    Meet Cinnamon the goat and Felix the dog.

    On March 13, Cinnamon and Felix were brought to the Wake County Animal Center (WCAC) in North Carolina after their owner became unable to care for them any longer. They were living together at a home in Raleigh.

    The shelter posted a photo of the duo on Facebook and asked the community for help finding them a loving home. The WCAC had one stipulation: they had to be adopted together.

    "We have a VERY unique situation and we need your help to find a RESCUE who can take this bonded pair and find them the perfect home," the shelter wrote in the social media post. "They are best buds and are truly bonded; they even sleep together and have been kept together 24/7 except when they eat."

    On March 29, Wake County's Animal Control team announced the good news: Cinnamon and Felix will now live out their years together on a local farm.
    There aren't a lot of people, I don't think, that would be willing to take in this dynamic duo. And props the the animal shelter for not even attempting to split them up. I know if something should ever happen to me, the last thing in the world I would want is for my girls to be split up because someone feels that they can't take on the burden of more than one. I'm pretty sure my family would make sure that wouldn't happen, but it's still a fear. The bond that animals share with one another is no less than that of humans. I've seen some interesting pairings over the years and they're all beautiful. I'm really glad that someone was able to and willing to take them both in and let them live the rest of their lives together as the family that they are.

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  • ShockerDropOut
    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
    Not really a Sliver of Hope I suppose. More a thanks for past service and a life well-lived.

    Here Come the Marines! WWII Marine Turns 100 and His Fellow Marines Came to Celebrate
    Definitely Sliver of Hope worthy!

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  • 1972Shocker
    Now this one definitely meets the Sliver of Hope standards:

    Phoenix Street Vendor Who Sold Mops to Support His Family Gets 'Dream Job' Thanks to the Kindness of Strangers

    Phoenix ‘s KNXV-TV/ABC15 reported that “[t]riple-digit heat, freezing weather, and high winds did not stop Ibanez from putting in hours on street corners, selling his products to residents” for most of the past 10 years. Oh, and by the way, he’s blind.

    In an interview with the station, Ibanez explained that life has been tough in other ways. His “mom’s been burned, he was hit by a car and his wife has cancer.”

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  • 1972Shocker
    Not really a Sliver of Hope I suppose. More a thanks for past service and a life well-lived.

    Here Come the Marines! WWII Marine Turns 100 and His Fellow Marines Came to Celebrate

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  • SubGod22
    A doctor goes above the call of duty to save a life.

    A Marathon was Blocking Delivery Route for Organ Donation So a Surgeon Ran Through the Race to Get it

    In a story that only those who live in the colonial cities of America’s east will understand, a surgeon ran about a mile to and from a hospital to pick up a liver for his patient after a courier’s route was blocked not only by Philadelphia’s strange grid system, but thousands of marathon runners.

    66-year-old Charles Rowe was waiting on an operating table with his surgeon Adam Bodzin. He was slated for a liver transplant that day to save his life from complications due to hepatitis C.

    Time ticked by until Rowe was surprised to hear that Bodzin was going out the door to get the liver himself.

    Meanwhile, an out-of-town van driver for Philly-based Gift of Life Donor Program was having trouble negotiating the one-way streets, half-blocks, and diagonals of Philadelphia’s city center, when it became clear that his route to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital would be blocked by the Dietz & Watson Philadelphia Half Marathon at two separate points.

    Event organizers and police have access points for emergencies going towards the hospital, but the courier couldn’t find them even after consulting police.

    Clad in sneakers and teal scrubs, Bodzin weaved his way at a full run from the hospital entrance near 11th and Chestnut Streets, through the stream of runners on Lombard Street, then another block to South Street.

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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Another case of social media (TikTok) being a positive.

    80-Year-Old Janitor May Get To Retire Again, Thanks To Kindness Of Students

    I just checked the GoFundMe and as of this moment it's at $199,975 with around 6400 people donating. It's been up for 7 days.
    Looks like the GoFundMe for the janitor ended with $270,905.

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  • SubGod22
    As an animal lover, this one hits me. I know if something were to happen to me, where my dogs would end up. But for a lot of elderly people, I could see this being a painful thought and having an avenue like this could help to some degree.

    Woman Helped 100 Seniors Re-Home Their Pets Before Passing Away, Bringing 'Peace of Mind'

    A 28-year-old who helps the elderly to re-home their pets before passing away has celebrated her 100th adoption.

    Angela Rafuse was inspired to create her charity after her 85-year-old grandfather died, leaving his cat, Mackenzie, without a home.

    None of Angela’s relatives had capacity to take on the responsibility, so she decided to take in the calico cat herself.

    After a bad break up, Angela moved home to live with her parents in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and began sharing the basement with the feline.

    “I was processing the grief and heartbreak of a breakup and losing my grandfather, but the only options left were taking her to a shelter or me adopting her. I had to take her.”

    Although Mackenzie became very grumpy and hissed a lot, Angela soon realized the cat was just scared. It eventually warmed to her new owner after lots of love and attention, inspiring the Canadian woman to start a new venture in 2021.

    Angela’s nonprofit, ‘My Grandfather’s Cat’, facilitates adoptions of dogs and cats belonging to seniors who are either terminally ill or wishing to enter a retirement home.

    While Angela and the tabby lived in her parent’s basement for 18 months, she started posting videos on TikTok. Soon the duo grew a following of 656,000 people—and many commented about how their grandparent’s pets had to go into shelters after they passed.

    “It was like a divine intervention. I knew this is what I should do.”
    The only part I wish were different, at least from how I read this, is that I wish the pets stayed until the end. Maybe it's just the people moving into homes that can't take them with are the ones getting updates and some of these are setup to only go to their new home upon passing.

    Either way, it has to be somewhat comforting to know that your furbaby will be well taken care of.

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  • ShockerDropOut
    In my EMT class the rule was they weren't dead until they are warm and dead. This was an extreme case but high fives all around to the dedicated people that saved this boys life. I have read of revivals of up to one hour with cold water drownings, but this goes far beyond that. Our bodies are incredible when you get down to it. They will do all they can to survive.

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  • SubGod22
    Determination and dedication. I'm really at a loss for words on this one.

    For 3 Hours Doctors Continued CPR on Toddler with No Pulse - Until Life Returned

    When 3-year-old Waylon Saunders arrived at the hospital, he was already legally dead and had been for a while.

    Found face-down in an icy backyard swimming pool, the Ontario toddler’s body temperature was so low that paramedics’ thermometers couldn’t get a reading, and he had no pulse.

    Nevertheless, a team at Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital in Petrolia, Ontario performed CPR for 3 hours without stopping, while simultaneously using other methods to warm his frozen body.

    There’s a classic scene you can watch in many different films and TV, from Gray’s Anatomy to Casino Royale, where CPR is attempted and after a minute, the person, whether Gray or James Bond, stops or is pulled away from pounding on a patient’s chest, unwilling to accept they are no longer revivable.

    Fortunately for Waylon they didn’t stop, and after 3 hours of compressing his chest to artificially pump blood to his brain and other organs, Waylon’s heart was restarted and kept on keeping on.

    “They had a cycle of people providing CPR in Petrolia. They had people warming him with many different techniques,” said Dr. Janice Tijssen, director of the pediatric critical care unit at Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario where Waylon was rushed after his heart restarted.
    There's also a 75 second media clip at the bottom of the article.

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