Rush Limbaugh was a titan in the radio industry. A great innovator indeed. He also was one of the original architects of the "hate your brother because he's a Democrat movement. Prior to his era, R's and D's would sit together in the Capitol cafeteria. Things would actually get done occasionally. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blame Rush for everything, but he left a lasting legacy of "Dittoheads" who are starved for his daily version of the news... which normally consisted of conspiracy and other forms of irrational thinking.
It's Rush's choice to not spend much time in reality, but it is sadly poetic how one of his most infamous delusions came back to haunt him.
He got a medal all right. It's called a tombstone.
I hope many of his former listeners relearn to think for themselves and not cling to the next propagandizer in hopes of satiating their addiction for irrational and hate-filled talk.
It's time we come together as a nation now that one of the great dividers has passed.
It's Rush's choice to not spend much time in reality, but it is sadly poetic how one of his most infamous delusions came back to haunt him.
it’s “a myth” that secondhand smoke causes illness or death and argued that smokers aren’t at any greater risk than people who “eat carrots.”
“Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs.
“I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled,” Limbaugh said. “I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.”
“Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs.
“I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled,” Limbaugh said. “I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying.”
I hope many of his former listeners relearn to think for themselves and not cling to the next propagandizer in hopes of satiating their addiction for irrational and hate-filled talk.
It's time we come together as a nation now that one of the great dividers has passed.