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Lady Shocks v UNI

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  • #16
    I do not know the criteria at all for the Shocker HOF, but I would think that Stacey Hart, a pitcher from the mid-90s, the other "good team" era, would be a candidate. She may be the best yellow-ball pitcher we have had. Jennifer Bachman, a three-time All-Valley selection, is another candidate from that era.

    Patty Bautista, a white-ball pitcher from the late 80s, is another candidate. She is the player on the "banner" on the concourse of Koch Arena.

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    • #17
      I'm not sure what the criteria are either. You would think that if some of those players like Bautista, Hart and Bachman were going to make it that would have happened already. I think eligibility begins 5 years after completion of eligibility.


      • #18
        Originally posted by 1972Shocker
        I'm not sure what the criteria are either. You would think that if some of those players like Bautista, Hart and Bachman were going to make it that would have happened already. I think eligibility begins 5 years after completion of eligibility.
        Or does it take someone to nominate them and provide the supporting documentation or facts? Hmm, maybe a phone call is in order to satisfy our curiosity.


        • #19
          In my opinion Tina Lewis was better than Barnett. Wasn't Lewis the confrence player of the year her senior year?
          Both good players though. Bo Bo Brown doesn't even come close to either of those players.

          Question: Will these games against UNI be made up?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Quick Pitch
            Question: Will these games against UNI be made up?
            Very unlikely. I suppose the Shocks could go up two days early sometime and finish the series in Cedar Falls while they are in the area, but that probably will not happen. And there may be conference guidelines/stipulations for this situation.

            Originally posted by Quick Pitch
            In my opinion ...
            I could demonstrate why I believe otherwise, but I don't have time to gather all the data right now. If I ever do, perhaps it will be presented in a "Softball Candidates for the Shocker HOF" thread. Although Tina was a fine player and indeed was Conference Player of the Year as a senior, it is not really close at all.


            • #21
              My main reason for liking Tina Lewis better than Barnett is that it seemed to me (and what I heard from my inside sources) that Barnett pretty much coasted her senior year. Both on and off of the field ie, strength and conditioning.
              I would have to look up her numbers and see if there was a decline or not though. FM do you have her year by year stats handy?


              • #22
                A simplified summary of their careers is that Tina had a great senior season, and Britnee had a great year every year except her senior season.

                There can be a variety of reasons for either of those results.

                Since Britnee's eligibility was later, her stats are easier to find. It is Tina's stats that are less accessible. But when I get time, I will pursue it.

                But again, Tina was no dud. I just think Britnee had a better career.


                • #23
                  One thing to think about is that both players stats were best when they were being coached by Tim Walton. I don't mean that as a knock on Favor or Pooch, but it is a fact that Walton can flat out coach.

