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    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      I KNEW you would do this.


      • Here is the text of the Foreign Tour Eligibility rules: Eligibility of Student-Athletes. The eligibility of student-athletes on the tour shall be governedby the following (see Bylaw (Revised: 8/11/98, 7/30/10)
        (a) If the tour takes place during the summer, the student-athletes shall have been eligible for intercollegiatecompetition during the previous academic year or shall have been enrolled at the institution as a full-timestudent during the previous academic year and have established by the beginning of the tour that he orshe is eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour; or
        (b) If the tour takes place after the academic year has started, the student-athletes shall be regularly enrolledin the institution and eligible for intercollegiate competition. Incoming-Student Participation. It is permissible for an eligible incoming student-athleteto represent the institution on a foreign tour that begins after the permissible starting practice date in thesport involved or after the first day of classes of his or her first regular term at the institution. An incomingstudent-athlete (freshman or transfer) may participate in practice sessions conducted in preparation for aforeign tour only if such practice sessions occur either: (Revised: 5/4/05, 7/30/10)
        (a) On or after the first permissible practice date in the involved sport; or
        (b) On or after the first day of classes of the student-athlete’s first regular academic term at the institution. Exception—Basketball. In basketball, it is permissible for an incoming studentathlete(freshman or transfer) to represent the institution on a foreign tour that occurs during thesummer prior to his or her initial full-time enrollment at the certifying institution and participate inpractice prior to departure for the foreign tour pursuant to Bylaw, provided the followingconditions are met: (Adopted: 4/29/10 effective 8/1/10)(a) He or she has earned at least three hours of acceptable degree credit (toward any of the institution’sdegree programs) during the summer term at the certifying institution; and(b) He or she is eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition during the academicyear immediately following the tour. Exception for Practice Prior to Departure—Basketball. In basketball,if an incoming student-athlete’s eligibility pursuant to Bylaw is pending (e.g.,course in progress, grades not posted), he or she may participate in practice, provided he or she isenrolled in a summer course that will fulfill the requirement or has completed such a course andthe posting of a grade for the course is pending. If an incoming freshman student-athlete’s initialacademic eligibility qualification status has not been certified, he or she may participate in practicepursuant to Bylaw If an incoming transfer student-athlete’s academic record has not beencertified, he or she may participate in practice pursuant to Bylaw (Adopted: 4/29/10effective 8/1/10)
        Page 299 in the NCAA Division I Manual
        "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


        • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
          Here is the text of the Foreign Tour Eligibility rules:

          Page 299 in the NCAA Division I Manual

          Very interesting. Thank you for posting. I had assumed that Frankamp would not be eligible to participate, but this rule seems to indicate otherwise, correct? Since he both took classes at WSU last year, and will be eligible to play at WSU this year?


          • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
            Very interesting. Thank you for posting. I had assumed that Frankamp would not be eligible to participate, but this rule seems to indicate otherwise, correct? Since he both took classes at WSU last year, and will be eligible to play at WSU this year?
            It depends on the interpretation of "eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour." If it means eligible for any point in the upcoming year, then Frankamp would be in. If it means eligible for the whole/start of the upcoming year he would be out. Given the relative rarity for midseason transfers, I don't think these rules are written with them in mind and I think it would take an interpretation opinion from the NCAA to know for sure one way or the other.
            "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


            • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
              I KNEW you would do this.

              Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
              Very interesting. Thank you for posting. I had assumed that Frankamp would not be eligible to participate, but this rule seems to indicate otherwise, correct? Since he both took classes at WSU last year, and will be eligible to play at WSU this year?
              It sure sounds that way.

              With Grady, he just needs to take a 3-hr summer course to be eligible for the tour.


              • My admittedly novice interpretation would be that CF would not be eligible for the tour while AG would be eligible. It comes down to the interpretation of "academic year" to me. My opinion is "academic year" = semester. I could be wrong, so feel free to disagree. CF is not eligible until after the end of the fall semester. So he would therefore have to sit this one out. AG looks to meet all the requirements of the rule and would be eligible for the tour. I hope I am wrong and CF can participate, but who knows. I am sure there is someone that has a better handle on this than I do.
                Go Shocks!


                • Originally posted by ShockerDropOut View Post
                  My admittedly novice interpretation would be that CF would not be eligible for the tour while AG would be eligible. It comes down to the interpretation of "academic year" to me. My opinion is "academic year" = semester. I could be wrong, so feel free to disagree. CF is not eligible until after the end of the fall semester. So he would therefore have to sit this one out. AG looks to meet all the requirements of the rule and would be eligible for the tour. I hope I am wrong and CF can participate, but who knows. I am sure there is someone that has a better handle on this than I do.
                  That was my initial read as well, but it did seem somewhat ambiguous to me.
                  "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                  • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                    That was my initial read as well, but it did seem somewhat ambiguous to me.
                    "Academic year" comprises two semesters -- fall and spring. It's called academic year to distinguish it from the calendar year. By that definition, CF would be eligible as he has been "enrolled at the institution as a full-time student during the previous academic year" and "established by the beginning of the tour that he is eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour."
                    “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

                    ― Chris Stirewalt


                    • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                      I think it would take an interpretation opinion from the NCAA to know for sure one way or the other.
                      So, either way, we are screwed.


                      • Originally posted by Wuzee View Post
                        "Academic year" comprises two semesters -- fall and spring. It's called academic year to distinguish it from the calendar year. By that definition, CF would be eligible as he has been "enrolled at the institution as a full-time student during the previous academic year" and "established by the beginning of the tour that he is eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour."
                        That's how I read it.
               - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                        • Originally posted by Wuzee View Post
                          "Academic year" comprises two semesters -- fall and spring. It's called academic year to distinguish it from the calendar year. By that definition, CF would be eligible as he has been "enrolled at the institution as a full-time student during the previous academic year" and "established by the beginning of the tour that he is eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour."
                          I find that to be a reasonable interpretation, but I'm not convinced that is actually the intent of the rule since most transfers are either eligible or ineligible for the entire academic year, not just part of it.

                          The thing that really makes we wonder is this statement:

                          "If the tour takes place after the academic year has started, the student-athletes shall be regularly enrolled in the institution and eligible for intercollegiate competition."

                          The language here makes it sound much more strongly that the student athlete must actually be eligible at the time, not just going to be eligible later in the year. Why would the eligibility requirements be more lax for a summer foreign trip than one that happened once the school year started?
                          "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


                          • Originally posted by The Mad Hatter View Post
                            It depends on the interpretation of "eligible for competition during the academic year immediately following the tour." If it means eligible for any point in the upcoming year, then Frankamp would be in. If it means eligible for the whole/start of the upcoming year he would be out. Given the relative rarity for midseason transfers, I don't think these rules are written with them in mind and I think it would take an interpretation opinion from the NCAA to know for sure one way or the other.
                            Yep, it comes down the NCAA definition of the word "during" and could go either way. Armstead was the only transfer in play for the Brazil trip. He wasn't eligible to travel on that trip, but he was at the start of his transfer period at WSU, so it doesn't align with CF's situation. I can't remember if we had transfers for the Vancouver trip, but it was before the latest version of the NCAA rule anyway.
                            “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

                            ― Chris Stirewalt


                            • Originally posted by Wuzee View Post
                              Yep, it comes down the NCAA definition of the word "during" and could go either way. Armstead was the only transfer in play for the Brazil trip. He wasn't eligible to travel on that trip, but he was at the start of his transfer period at WSU, so it doesn't align with CF's situation. I can't remember if we had transfers for the Vancouver trip, but it was before the latest version of the NCAA rule anyway.
                              Does the academic year begin during the summer or in Sept. ?


                              • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                                Does the academic year begin during the summer or in Sept. ?
                                “The rebellion on the populist right against the results of the 2020 election was partly a cynical, knowing effort by political operators and their hype men in the media to steal an election or at least get rich trying. But it was also the tragic consequence of the informational malnourishment so badly afflicting the nation. ... Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies.'

                                ― Chris Stirewalt

