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$5 million to bring back football at WSU!

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  • #91
    Just a thought, is football worth the "hassle" of clearing all the possible issues only to be treated the way KU was treated by OSU today?

    Do star basketball athletes feel they are missing something by not being able to watch KU get trounced in football?


    • #92
      Originally posted by mattdalt
      Just a thought, is football worth the "hassle" of clearing all the possible issues only to be treated the way KU was treated by OSU today?
      In my eyes; yes. On a personal level and also on the level of what's best for the university.

      I would absolutely love to get football back and would do it under any circumstances. If they want to hike up student fees, I'm for it. Even if I wouldn't be able to experience Shocker football as a student, that is an investment I'd be willing to make to be able to enjoy it 10, 20, 50 years from now. I would give anything to have a team to support on Saturdays, even if they lose by 50 every game. But, I absolutely love college football and I'm sure there are a very large group of people that don't feel the same way.

      On the university level, the potential benefits have been discussed ad nauseam and I'm not sure if being treated like KU would necessarily affect the "big picture" benefits.


      • #93
        Originally posted by mattdalt
        Just a thought, is football worth the "hassle" of clearing all the possible issues only to be treated the way KU was treated by OSU today?

        Do star basketball athletes feel they are missing something by not being able to watch KU get trounced in football?
        As bad as Ku has been this year, I haven't heard anyone at Ku suggesting they drop football. Apparently they still see some value in losing 70 to something.

        This day and age football is king. Not participating in the top sport can only hurt WSU in the long run.

        I for do not think that it is any coincidence that WSU started a long range drop in enrollment just a couple years after dropping football.


        • #94
          My speculation is that they don't drop football because they are lucky enough to be in a conference with Texas and OU. NOT because of some special experience they and their alums are having on Saturdays.


          • #95
            The fact that it is not a financial drain because of conference affilitation is one reason it will always be at ku. Special feelings by alumni are a big reason why football is so special at those institutions lucky to have it. My own go back to undergraduate years and later, walking across campus watching my own young kids play in the leaves. To this day I don't remember the scores of any games that were played and my kids don't remember anything but the fun they had while going to and from and attending the games held on my University Campus. This is why they have Homecoming during football games. Homecoming...coming home. Its a time that friendships are renewed and memories rekindled. So I do think it has a lot to do with special feelings by the alumni as to why football has so strong a pull at colleges and universities.


            • #96
              You guys can whine, moan, groan and do all the planning you want but football at Wichita State it is as dead as Ron Paul's chance to be president.

              It is not going to happen the big 12, or any other conference, is not going to invite this University to join in any sport.
              An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

              "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


              • #97
                Originally posted by JJClamdip View Post
                You guys can whine, moan, groan and do all the planning you want but football at Wichita State it is as dead as Ron Paul's chance to be president.

                It is not going to happen the big 12, or any other conference, is not going to invite this University to join in any sport.
                great comment Mr. Debbie're a troll


                • #98
                  Originally posted by vtshocker View Post
                  great comment Mr. Debbie're a troll
                  That may have been a down comment, but he is not a troll. What he said is pretty much the truth unless the Billionaire Koch brothers pony up some more cash to revive football.


                  • #99
                    The Kansas football troll..

                    I think WSU, KU and KSU fans are all misled as to what is really going on. Here's how the current football landscape in Kansas plays out:

                    1. Wichita State University: President Beggs claims the money isn't there for football, but skeptics have a hard time believing that WSU, the city of Wichita, Sedgwick County and the rest of the surrounding area can't put their minds together to bring football back and support it. And I'll even admit, the whole situation does seem very fishy.

                    2. The University of Kansas: Football has never been a real interest for them. Talking to most KU alums, they are often sad and embarrassed about football. Going to watch a football game in Lawrence is weird, no tailgating, the crowd just isn't a good football crowd. You would think with KU's pocket book, they could of built off that fluke Orange Bowl season, but instead they imploded. The biggest mystery, how did Lew Perkins land a gig at the University of Kansas after he left a lot of people in Wichita upset over that football situation? The same guy who pulled the plug on WSU football, sends KU football back to the stone age.

                    3. Kansas State University: They used to be to worst team in the nation, then Bill Snyder made them average in the 90's. I say average because they won bowls, but they never won a National Championship. They were never an elite program. Then when Snyder retired, they didn't even try to take a step forward to becoming elite and get that first national title and they brought in Ron Prince who almost put them back in the stone age. So with the sky falling in Manhattan and Snyder gone, KSU started putting life back into their Basketball and Baseball programs to ease the tension. They succeeded in doing that, but how do they solve the football problem now? Instead of bringing in a descent new coach like they did for basketball and baseball, they went with the blast from the past. So why didn't KSU just keep moving forward? Are they really serious about football? Or are the willing to be serious about football for as long Bill Snyder wants to be serious about football? What happens when he retires again? KSU has already failed twice at moving forward in football, when Snyder retired and then when they fired Ron Prince. So why is it so difficult for them to move forward when Snyder isn't the coach. It's almost like KSU is saying "We are willing to be good in football as long as Bill Snyder is here."


                    • So much talent in the city,and it gets away every year like its nuthing. Would love to see some football here an i think the pipeline to the jucos and the local talent i believe we would fair well. So if they decide to go there im all for it


                      • Originally posted by bleed yellow View Post
                        I think WSU, KU and KSU fans are all misled as to what is really going on. Here's how the current football landscape in Kansas plays out:

                        1. Wichita State University: President Beggs claims the money isn't there for football, but skeptics have a hard time believing that WSU, the city of Wichita, Sedgwick County and the rest of the surrounding area can't put their minds together to bring football back and support it. And I'll even admit, the whole situation does seem very fishy.
                        Very fishy indeed, it's the KU and KSU lobby that control the board of regents that is keeping football from WSU.

                        Very, very fishy.
                        An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

                        "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


                        • Originally posted by JJClamdip View Post
                          Very fishy indeed, it's the KU and KSU lobby that control the board of regents that is keeping football from WSU.

                          Very, very fishy.
                          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

