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The OFFICIAL Shocks vs. Aztecs Game Thread

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  • Originally posted by pinstripers
    Decided at the last minute not to drive to ICT and watch the game. Listened to Kennedy instead, so I didn't see anything. Not sure why the TM @ PG thing is viewed as a failure. This is one game and one game that we lost inside, yes?

    The TM at PG test hasn't worked in many games the past 2 years. I believe he isn't comfortable doing it and, honestly, isn't very good at it. He's a 2/3 guy.

    We lost due to a 2-3 minute period where everything went wrong and we couldn't recover until we were down 17 and the game was already in SDS's hands. We made a nice run, but it wasn't close to being enough. It doesn't help that none of our post players like to rebound, but that wasn't the only thing that went wrong tonight.


    • Originally posted by RussDaBus
      First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
      Finally, a voice of reason.


      • I was really hoping that they would have learned from the UCONNgame the level at which we need to play to be a top 20 team and a real threat on the national scene. We saw maybe 30 minutes of that tonight. We have to have 40 minutes of that given the deficiencies we have.


        • Originally posted by 1979Shocker
          Originally posted by RussDaBus
          First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
          Finally, a voice of reason.
          I agree. It's a bitter, bitter pill, but the better team won tonight. Pure and simple. We are a very good team at this point in the season, but we are not a GREAT team--at least not yet.

          I have to wonder if San Diego State is perhaps peaking a bit early? I hope not--I really like their team and will be rooting for them the rest of the way for sure.

          We will live to fight another day, but it's disappointing that looking ahead just about the only foreseeable way we can get into the tourney is winning our conference tournament, but that's the reality. Hopefully by that time we will be hitting our full stride.



          • Originally posted by 1979Shocker
            Originally posted by RussDaBus
            First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
            Finally, a voice of reason.
            I will bookmark this and give it a bump in about 3 months. You can do the same with me. :good:
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • The so called doom and gloom stems from the fact that we can't seem to capitalize on these must win type of games. Beating either UCONN or SDSU significantly improves our chances of getting an at large. How many remaining games carry this kind of weight? My guess is very few in the current Valley situation. That's what hurts.


              • I'm not quite willing to throw in the towell on an at-large based on last year.

                Last year, we killed ourselves with terrible, terrible losses to Drake and, gulp, Evansville. That was our poison pill that we swallowed and couldn't reach the antidote in St Louis. This year, instead of having 2 or 3 opportunities to accumulate bad losses, we have about 10.....
                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                • Just got home from BWW in Derby, and did not get sound until the last 3 minutes of the game, because of the stupid big XII championship that nobody cared about there. So I can't comment on the announcing. I do have a few comments about the game.

                  Overall I thought the officiating was good. Much, much better than the UConn officals by far. I never felt like we were getting a raw deal with these guys, and we got a lot more calls tonight than we did in the UConn game.

                  The foul by Blair was definitely an intentional foul. I have no idea what the officials were looking at after the foul shots and when they brought the coaches together. Since I didn't have sound to listen to, I had no idea what was up. However, after watching the replay of the foul, I'm surprised Blair was not ejected. He definitely came down and popped the SDSU guy in the jaw. I at first thought that was the discussion, but I have no idea. Maybe somebody can enlighten me on that, somebody that did get to hear the commentary. I do think Blair was lucky. In a high school game, a shot to the jaw like that would have most likely earned Blair an early shower.

                  Our defense is absolutely atrocious! When are we going to learn to stop penetration to the basket, without fouling? I also thought our shot selection at times was beyond ridiculous. Post play was weak tonight. Is it so hard to use the backboard while shooting a short jumper? Fundamentals guys, fundamentals!

                  Despite all that, SDSU is a damn good team, maybe even better than UConn. There is nothing to be ashamed about with that loss, although I think we should have won. We hung with them for 30 minutes, and had a 10 minutes stretch where we looked like a junior college team. I still like this team a lot, and I think they still have a great shot to go to the NCAA tournament. I think they have to win the Valley though.


                  • Originally posted by ShockerFever
                    Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                    Originally posted by RussDaBus
                    First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
                    Finally, a voice of reason.
                    I will bookmark this and give it a bump in about 3 months. You can do the same with me. :good:
                    Ok. Also I would like to point out that we did beat a ranked Texas Tech last year and did beat UNI as well. We do win some of these big games. I wish we would win them all though. Also, I completely agree that a UCONN win or this SDS game would give us a feather in our cap come tournament selection time. We currently don't have one of these feathers, but you never know how a win or a loss will be viewed until the end of the season. I am just saying the sky hasn't fallen yet.
                    Shocker fan since December 28th, 2005!


                    • Originally posted by shockerfanmas
                      The foul by Blair was definitely an intentional foul. I have no idea what the officials were looking at after the foul shots and when they brought the coaches together. Since I didn't have sound to listen to, I had no idea what was up. However, after watching the replay of the foul, I'm surprised Blair was not ejected. He definitely came down and popped the SDSU guy in the jaw. I at first thought that was the discussion, but I have no idea. Maybe somebody can enlighten me on that, somebody that did get to hear the commentary. I do think Blair was lucky. In a high school game, a shot to the jaw like that would have most likely earned Blair an early shower.
                      Uh, the foul was intentional but wasn't flagrant. Ejection? I think you're overreacting. That wasn't a thought on anyone's mind, not the announcers, not anybody.

                      The officials got together because the wrong guy shot the free throws at the line. They got the coaches together, wiped off the one free throw, got the right SDSU guy to the line, who conveniently knocked both down.

                      Please don't make the Blair issue a bigger deal than it was.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • Originally posted by RussDaBus
                        Originally posted by ShockerFever
                        Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                        Originally posted by RussDaBus
                        First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
                        Finally, a voice of reason.
                        I will bookmark this and give it a bump in about 3 months. You can do the same with me. :good:
                        Ok. Also I would like to point out that we did beat a ranked Texas Tech last year and did beat UNI as well. We do win some of these big games. I wish we would win them all though. Also, I completely agree that a UCONN win or this SDS game would give us a feather in our cap come tournament selection time. We currently don't have one of these feathers, but you never know how a win or a loss will be viewed until the end of the season. I am just saying the sky hasn't fallen yet.
                        Maybe it would be nice to win a big game away from Koch. Unfortunately, that's where our opportunities for resume builders have come this year.

                        I appreciate the optimism and push for hope. However, it's painfully obvious the Valley will do us no favors. I'm not counting on Virginia rolling through the ACC. Tulsa and LSU don't look like dealbreakers either. You're right. We never know, but it doesn't look bright IMO right now.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • All I'm saying is that from the replay I saw, I definitely saw Blair come down on the SDSU players jaw, and the SDSU player looked visibly upset. Regardless of whether or not it was intentional or accidental, Blair has to be smarter than that. Even some of the Shocker fans I watched the game with at BWW thought that Blair could have been thrown out for it. He just needs to be smarter and not make those kind of plays.


                          • Originally posted by ShockerFever
                            Originally posted by RussDaBus
                            Originally posted by ShockerFever
                            Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                            Originally posted by RussDaBus
                            First of all, let me say I really, really wanted this win tonight. I didn't think we would get it but hoped for it. I think too many people on this board take one loss on the road to a really good team (they will be in the top 10 within the next two weeks, bank on that)a little bit too hard. Don't get me wrong, losing like we did tonight hurts but some of the comments on here are so doom and gloom. Too many of you take one game at the beginning of December and use it to forecast our season out to March! There is so much basketball yet to be played prior to St. Louis. There are way too many variables that can play out over a season. No one thought that UCONN would be a top 10 team this year. I do agree that getting one of these big game wins every now and then would be nice. Just take a deep breath and lets see how the season plays out.
                            Finally, a voice of reason.
                            I will bookmark this and give it a bump in about 3 months. You can do the same with me. :good:
                            Ok. Also I would like to point out that we did beat a ranked Texas Tech last year and did beat UNI as well. We do win some of these big games. I wish we would win them all though. Also, I completely agree that a UCONN win or this SDS game would give us a feather in our cap come tournament selection time. We currently don't have one of these feathers, but you never know how a win or a loss will be viewed until the end of the season. I am just saying the sky hasn't fallen yet.
                            Maybe it would be nice to win a big game away from Koch. Unfortunately, that's where our opportunities for resume builders have come this year.

                            I appreciate the optimism and push for hope. However, it's painfully obvious the Valley will do us no favors. I'm not counting on Virginia rolling through the ACC. Tulsa and LSU don't look like dealbreakers either. You're right. We never know, but it doesn't look bright IMO right now.
                            I agree, right now doesn't look great but maybe some of those teams you mentioned could surprise us and turn into better teams than we assume they will be.
                            Shocker fan since December 28th, 2005!


                            • Originally posted by shockerfanmas
                              All I'm saying is that from the replay I saw, I definitely saw Blair come down on the SDSU players jaw, and the SDSU player looked visibly upset. Regardless of whether or not it was intentional or accidental, Blair has to be smarter than that. Even some of the Shocker fans I watched the game with at BWW thought that Blair could have been thrown out for it. He just needs to be smarter and not make those kind of plays.
                              There's no disagreement in that it was a stupid decision on his part. A decision that he should be ejected for? 100% DISAGREE.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • We will agree to disagree then shockerfever. I saw what I thought COULD have been a flagrant foul depending on the officials. Regardless, what's done is done

